in that time period, I wonder why they couldn't have just grabbed a couple nukes instead of using spirit bomb..
honestly.. they waste too much time doing the screaming and yelling and doubling of muscles >.> they just don't need to take that much time doing that. although the show is pretty much all fighting.. which is one of the things that just doesn't seem interesting to me. also, every male character looks like they're on steroids when they do that. ..and no one's actually of high intelligence in that anime if I recall correctly. moving on to the number of episodes they've aired.. all fighting animes usually don't go that far. due to the huge amount of episodes they've made, it went bland pretty quickly for me. naruto and one piece met the same fate, although are making a comeback this year, it seems. pokemon is backed up by team rocket and team plasma in the anime and also their games, so they're still hanging by a thread. I guess movies help too.. but yeah, bland anime IMO. find enemy->start screaming and go blonde-> defeat enemy x9001. I'm not sure how some people would enjoy that, but.. there are people who feel the same way about pokemon, and I kind of feel the same way too about the anime and slightly about their games..
gold was an important mineral in both the past and present.
DBZ Logic: screaming gives you power. Yugioh ZeXal Logic: blonde hair makes you an important character.
easy, make goku unkillable by battle and every time you take damage involving him, you add a counter. for every counter, he gains one of the following effects. the whole deck would probably be revolving around summoning from the graveyard. not going to say anything about the anime.. I may get people upset.
I'm the pure hatred and vengeance left behind from my past.. I.. feel like I should or shouldn't apologize to these worms for my rudeness, although they were the ones who annoyed me to the point where I actually had to say things. >.> Edit: okay.. I'll go sleep, and you worms just forget about what just happened on the twelfth day of the twe- even worms know what day it is, hopefuly.
understandable. I don't know you.
I feel sorry for this one now.. you must have had a terrible experience.
an ant genius can only build robots as big as a laptop at best. I can get my torch and torch you if I wanted to. you are but as small as a period on the end of a sentence.
ah and ant is rebelling.. how foolish.
I.. seemed to have wanted to respond to that with "..this arena is swarming with worms... including you. now leave my sight at once.", or somewhere along those lines. Edit: I feel kind of sick..
excuse me?
Go on and find yourself feces to feed on, you dung beetle.
I cannot even fathom your stupidity..[DOUBLEPOST=1355367596][/DOUBLEPOST] Silence, fool!
silence, ant![DOUBLEPOST=1355367201][/DOUBLEPOST] you have five seconds to do so.
it is still the twelfth day of the twelfth month of the twelfth year.. now duel me! with all your decks.
you'll be the next to be eliminated, you insignificant little insect..
..what, you think that's possible?
I have declared war on most of you.[DOUBLEPOST=1355355176][/DOUBLEPOST] well, I didn't mean completely ban sugar since almost everything has it.. I meant stuff that's made with high concentrations of it.