View attachment 40676 Jacks Rincewind pov: "I'm Jack Rincewind" shaking Caliborn hand, "What kind of animals of the wild?" The fellow seamed nice to him. "Anything I should know about the guild?" he finished. View attachment 40682 Amanda Quintion pov: She merely nodded at the girl, afraid if she said anything she might get sick all over the room, she needed air soon. She got up to leave the room, almost afraid she would get stopped. She then got to the door.
View attachment 40668 Jack Rincewind pov: He grabbed his things and headed to the room he was in, and saw Caliborn, "you must like books" and with that said nothing more. View attachment 40681 Amanda Quinton pov: She grabbed her stuff, she felt light headed the fight was overwelming, was she going to be sick she did not know, everything was coming and going so fast. She headed to the room she was in and sat on a chair, she continued to be her shy self and didn't say anything.
View attachment 40667 Jack Rincewind pov: He wander the guild hall with nothing to do, what should he do, there was an apparent fight near by. View attachment 40680 Amanda Quinton pov: She keep to her self, she was to shy at the moment to do anything.
2nd character. Name: Amanda Quinton Gender:female Age (Min of 14):24 Description: long black hair, green eyes, black shoes, black cloak that covers her body that has a hood, she weres blue pants and a grey shirt underneath. Personality: kind, shy sometimes Weapons: bow and arrows Armor: (Should start with no Armor) AS: cure, quick blitz, areo. Strengths: extremely stealthy Weaknesses/Fears: her shyness can be a factor. History: she likes to keep her history to her self. Other: hides a locket around her neck, that she only can open. Character Build Chosen: speed Character Build Weakness: defense
Name: Jack Rincewind Age (Minimum age of 16): 24 Gender: Male Description: Human, has a dark blue robe/cloak that covers his body, with a hood so he can cover his head. He also has a blue hat and black shoes. He is also wearing blue pants, and a gray shirt underneath the robe. Personality: kind hearted, cares deeply of his friends and tries to help people, he also has black hair and brown eyes. Weapon(s): an iron sword, a magic staff, and a pistol. Armor: none, although his robes magically protects him. AS: Cure, Fire, Aero, Thunder. Strengths: extremely useful healing, and very good with spells and magic altogether. Extremely actuate at shooting/casting spells to fire at a distance. Weaknesses: not very good with a sword, but will fight at close range if needed. History: He was born with the gift of healing people. In this town he started as a no body and soon became well known. He trained under the best wizards and mages threw out the land. He traveled the land training under wizards and mages, until he became better the any of the mages/wizards he meant. He then went out to find a group of people he heard about to help them, and put his magic to good use. Other: Character Build Chosen: Magic Character Build Weakness: Strength