Defend the guild hall View attachment 41102 Jack's pov: Yana was strange one, at lest she didn't attack him. He used thunder on her. Guild hall View attachment 41101 Amanda's Pov: Part of her wanted to give Levi a peace of her mind an other wanted to pass out, she found darkness coming so tired and hurt she fell asleep/knocked out. She hoped Levi got what was coming to him. She fell asleep/knocked out in med bay (area)
Defend the guild hall Jack's pov: "you killed defenseless people, and your promising to kill again there is no reason for this". He used aero.
Storm the guild hall View attachment 41091 Amanda's pov: she found her self in pain, yes must cure someone, she cast cure on Ander. (levi needed to suffer for attacking a guild member) Defend The Guild Hall View attachment 41092 Jack's pov: he used cure on himself.
Storm The Guild Hall: View attachment 41088 Amanda's Pov: why now she thought very weekend as she was she started to see black, was this the end? She cast aero, then saw nothing more... she hoped Thea was done...
Storm The Guild Hall: View attachment 41085 Amanda pov: "... (gasp)" Has everyone gone nuts lost there minds to the unknown and she thought she was losing it because of the blood from that monster from before. (Use biltz) she began to cry why all this unessarry fighting between there team, levi did wrong by attacking ander, and she hopes everyone knew it. Ander didn't attack anyone, he just tryed to convince thea to join them, there was nothing wrong with that, unless she attacked them. And then she attacked them how dare she. Defend the Guild hall View attachment 41086 Jack's pov: he used thunder on the last enemy.
Storm The Guild Hall: View attachment 41078 Amanda's Pov: Was Ander mental or did he have a point should she hit him in the head or cure him to fix him, she wasn't the violent type so she wouldn't hurt him. She was almost tempted to say her first words, but to shy, decided against it. She used aero in the room for nothing else but to get rid of the extra light. She might hit Thea but didn't know for sure.
Storm The Guild Hall: View attachment 41073 Amanda's Pov: Ander might have had a point or he could have hit his head it didn't matter right now there were other things to fight, Amanda used blitz on Undead. Added to fact that she was still bothered by the thing sthat happened on the last mission, she didn't want to deal with this, 'at lest there was on blood' she thought. Defend The Guild Hall: View attachment 41074 Jack's Pov: He used aero on Dark Mage.
Storm The Guild Hall: View attachment 41056 Amanda's Pov: She used cure on her self.
Storm The Guild Hall: View attachment 41053 Amanda's pov: she used blitz on the last enemy. Defend The Guild Hall: View attachment 41054 Jack's pov: he used aero on (who ever is left)
Storm The Guild Hall: View attachment 41019 Amanda Pov: She used areo on dark mage.
View attachment 41000 Amanda Pov: Was it over, or were they going back to that place? View attachment 41001 Jacks pov: How dare Evanora do this send them all back, "Caliborn we need to go back, that firey thing what ever it was is a danger", he was annoyed at Evanora, she must not care about the well being of people who asked them for help, maybe she only cares about the guild. "Caliborn I will gladly go back with you". He could tell he wanted to go back.
Still interested, i really don't think its worth starting over tho, i think we should continue from were we are now.
Evtheven Cathedral View attachment 40878 Amanda Pov: She wasn't quite sure how to react to all that was happening maybe it would all end soon, and Leon would go in peace. Child's Play View attachment 40879 Jacks Pov: Fire, and thunder would be a bad idea to use on this fire thing so he used Aero.
Evtheven Cathedral View attachment 40835 Amanda pov: She didn't understand all that was happening, the child was a ghost it seemed and looking for his dad, she saw Ander leave for some reason. Childs play View attachment 40836 Jacks Pov: Shortly after talking to the people in the house about possibility ghost they left and when outside, hopefully this would all become clear later.
Evtheven Cathedral View attachment 40789 Amanda Pov: She wasn't sure what to do. She would have to wait for Ren to ask then child a question. Child's Play View attachment 40790 Jacks pov: "Caliborn if you don't mind me asking what exactly are we suppose to be doing here?" He noticed Zarine did not answer his question from earlier. He wondered why that was.
Evtheven Cathedral View attachment 40752 Amanda Pov: Blood, it was everywhere she would never get that image out of her head, and probably wouldn't feel clean for a while. She screamed again after she killed that last wisp. She found her way to were the others were shaking as you found them. The image of blood fresh in her mind. Childs play View attachment 40753 Jacks pov: "Have you noticed anything strange or weird lately miss, or anything different at all?" He asked as he entered the house. He wanted answers but didn't want to frighten the girl. He looked around as he entered waiting for his answer, hopeing he did not worry her.
View attachment 40746 Amanda pov: She screamed as she saw herself covered in dark blood. She would have used aero if the thing did not freeze her.
Evtheven Cathedral View attachment 40742 Amanda pov: She looked at garbage bin 1. Child's play: View attachment 40743 Jacks pov: He waited for something to happen while he fallowed Caliborn.
Evtheven Cathedral View attachment 40736 Amanda pov: Amanda used quick blitz. childs play View attachment 40737 Jacks pov: He was glad to see Caliborn, "good to see you."
View attachment 40735 Amanda's pov: Amanda Saw Ander go down she used cure on him and then went back to were she was.