Drosselmayer's Mansion View attachment 41581 Jack's pov: "Nobody cares about Ezekiel. You are a child that he was using, and you merely followed his orders. Not so different from the rest of us. We're all just following orders” Mizuki had said. He listened carefully to what she said. It seemed she was referring more then just the mission at hand. They were on these missions to help people, not just because they were told to. He woundered what exactly she was talking about. What orders could she have that that the rest of the guild didn't. He already did like her for the threats to kill the nutcracker. Could she posably make the threat on someone else or actually do it. Or was he just over thinking things. In any rate he desided he would keep a watchfull eye on her. Thea seemed to like the snow. At lest this mission didn't seem horrible nonsense for everyone. He also wasn't sure what to do at the moment. Being the only guy on this mission was strange, and no one seemed to bring up this fact at lest to him. Sara, Thea and Mizuki were all talking. Skadi was also doing things with Silvia. Maybe he should talk to Alessia, with her being free to talk to. "How is it going". Strangely he was getting bored.
Drosselmayer's Mansion View attachment 41574 Jack's pov: A fairy appeared. Nothing surprised him anymore. Alessia had said that they would have still ended up here. He guessed that was true. There was not much else he could react to. Hopefully they would find this princess soon. Astedia: Forest View attachment 41575 Amanda's pov: She could hear the others and there talking. They probably need her help. After she found the potion she found the slide the others had used. She then found her own way to the guy they had to battle. This mission was becoming nonsence. She wondered if the others disliked this mission and how strange it was. She used blitz.
Drosselmayer's Mansion View attachment 41564 Jack's pov: "There is always a way to get information even if asking nicely doesn't work. What other point of view is there? Killing anyone is wrong even if they are evil, better to jail them. Better Mikuzi maybe, everyone else probably not but if you know what is right in your heart you can fix anything even a friendship." He then turned to Alessia. "I'm sorry about earlier you broke the nutcracker, and i said something, I feel like if I said nothing everything would have ended up better."
Drosselmayer's Mansion View attachment 41562 Jack's pov: This Mikuzi was asking for it. "I can do what I want. You can't tell me what to do. Maybe if you were nicer I would do what you say. We follow what Evanora would want us to do, and what is right within the guild and what they would want us to do, not your kill threats to get what you want. You feel you would get you answers better that way when you could have just asked nicely. Even as threat you never tell someone who is helping you that your going to kill them. I will question your actions and your judgment if i want expellcaly if it is someones life. You also shouldn't call people names". He could beat her if he wanted. He wighted a while for her to disappear and desided he would walk with someone he could trust that was not Mizuki.
Drosselmayer's Mansion View attachment 41561 Jack's pov: "How we can find this Princess. And don't tell me you don't have some idea, because if you don't have anything, then we don't need you, and that means you die.” Mizuki had said. He steeped forward. "Your not going to kill anyone, he didn't even attack us. I won't let you hurt anyone here" he rose his staff in defense. He hoped some of the others were on his side such as Alessia.
Astedia View attachment 41558 Amanda's pov: For some reason the directions up and down were not options. So it couldn't be floating in the air or underground for some reason. Seeing Ren picked backwords and Lucia picked left she desided to pick right. What really bothered her tho was that they never really got any answers to there questions. Drosselmayer's Mansion View attachment 41559 Jack's pov: "Were should we start looking first, also how are we going to get around when we are all small". This princess could be anywhere and if it was far it could take them a while without being normal size or transportation.
Astedia View attachment 41539 Amanda's pov: Well the princess and this queen ignored Ren, Lucia, and her (Amanda). Then they finally mention there was another wand that might be useful. Why couldn't they have brought that up when they were asking questions, they could have went straight there. Also the pegasus and the queen still seemed not to have a plan. "We could have already got this wand on our way here, and I say our plan should be we get this wand if possible. That is if it is real. If not we go to witch get her help, if she doesn't help I'm sure she has something we could use. If none of these can happen we go beat Wenlock anyways" She said shyly. Ooc: ready to move on. also i guss no one else wants jack's help so he will just watch until the battles are over i guess.
Drosselmayer's Mansion Jack's pov: He used cure on Sara.
Drosselmayer's Mansion Jack's pov: He used normal attack on mouse 4 (because Garrett asked me to)
Astedia View attachment 41459 Amanda's pov: Ren had a point why didn't they go to this witch, she was not liking the way the pegasus were handling this. "I agree with ren maybe the witch has something we can use. Also why can't we go back, kick his butt and brake the wand in half, you said it wasn't easy. It seems like it would be fairly easy to do. We can just distract him or something." she said shyly. "Also what's your name" she asked her own Pegasus shyly as she rode it. If it had none she would think of one later. There was also the fact that the pegasus seemed not to have a plan at all. Drosselmayer's Mansion View attachment 41460 Jack's pov: He stood there after beating his two enemy's. "If anyone needs help let me know" he didn't want to interfere with the others battles. He would help who ever wanted it.
Drosselmayer's Mansion Jack's pov: He used aero.
Drosselmayer's Mansion Jack's pov: He used Thunder.
Astedia View attachment 41453 Amanda's pov: "Simple we go back, brake the wand in half and kick his but" she said shyly. She stayed on her Pegasus in the air for some reason she really liked it even if it could talk.
Drosselmayer's Mansion View attachment 41450 Jack's pov: He used aero. Stupid mice, but it seemed the nutcrackers are on there side maybe they could help them. He wondered were Clara's nutcracker was.
Astedia View attachment 41448 Amanda's pov: She got on her pegasus, she couldn't believe right after she said Pegasus they showed up. "Lets go Ren" she said shyly. She then flew into the air after everyone else.
Astedia View attachment 41429 Amanda's pov: There seemed to be some guy clamming to be a husband to the princess. They were probably going to fight him. She the herd what Ren said. "What about pegasus?" She asked shyly. Drosselmayer's Mansion View attachment 41430 Jack's pov: He really didn't feel like eating much. He ate a few things, it also turned out he had a room for himself. So he would end up alone. He then herd the sounds and headed towards them. He will have to talk to Alessia sooner or later. He felt bad for her.
Astedia View attachment 41423 Amanda's pov: Well that was kind of good Lucia didn't think she was a bother. "Interesting I'm actually not to sure what to think of all this" She really didn't know what else to say. Drosselmayer's Mansion View attachment 41424 Jack's pov: People seemed to still be talking and he still needed to explain why he was sorry to Alessia when she became free to talk to. He felt as if this hole thing was his fault why did he have to say anything at all. Everything had stated with that nutcracker. He sat there waiting for Evanora to say something or anyone else for that matter to say something to him.
Astedia View attachment 41419 Amanda's Pov: Someone actually was talking to her was she dreaming. Maybe or maybe she got lucky. "nothing" maybe she should leave she didn't want to be a bother. "I just thought I should talk to someone sorry if I'm bothering you" she said shyly.
Drosselmayer's Mansion View attachment 41401 Jack's pov: "Evanora I don't know what to do no one seems to be in the mood for anything. It's my fault too, if i didn't say anything about the nutcracker everything would be so much better. Alessia could have fixed it and everything would have been better. I made this a huge mess." Astedia View attachment 41402 Amanda's pov: Well there wasn't much to do other then try and talk to someone. Ren, no she was a little bit mad at him for ignoring her. Thomas, no he just flirt with her. Dawn, no she doesn't talk but write things, maybe later, she felt alone, and there was Scarlett who was so mean and rude. Caleb, no. That left Lucia, "um hi" she felt silly, she was so shy she felt she might scare Lucia away, maybe that's why Ren ignored her.
Astedia View attachment 41386 Amanda's Pov: Ren just ignored her how mean. She fallowed the rest of the people. She had to agree with Ren though when he said being a wizard was dangerous. Why did they seem to think you need to know magic to be in a guild worried her. There is always melee fighting. Everyone in the village seemed be ice skating, she didn't like it cold places were well cold. She watched them all for a while and slipped a few times just standing there. "Hope they get to know you." She said shyly to the princess.