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  1. Swordsman_John
    Drosselmayer's Mansion
    View attachment 41711
    Jack's pov: "I uh.. I just need recipe books..." Silvia explained before continuing "I know how to put stuff together, and were to get it. I am just not food at remembering all the recipes. But it is okay! You don't have to give me these. Really!" Silvia said. "But I want to. A cook book I probably have one back at the guild hall. Why normal cook books?" He replied. "um. No where special. I am from Hargeon. I doubt you have heard of it. Well you might have, we have a reputation for getting ourselves in a lot of trouble. Quite often guilds have to step in and help our town. For that reason and that only it might be pretty well known, oh and most people there are quite wealthy, so perhaps that. My mom and I weren't though." "No I never heard of such a place but that doesn't surprise me. You don't have to apologize for talking, its fine, in fact I think I know a way for you to not be so shy or nervous." He said. "I know more than enough already... I just want to help people is all..." Silvia had said. "We all want to help people, thats why I traveled around healing people. So to help with your shyness and nervousness you have to force your self to talk to people. Lets say someone is hurt or ill and you don't know what is wrong you would have to ask them questions so you can heal them. People are not straight forward in there talking when there hurt or ill so maybe that will help you. Just some advice Silvia. So were you referring to herbs? Well I know if you cook pine neadles in water it can help prevent getting sick. When we get back to the guild hall I will try to find another book for you."
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Apr 1, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Swordsman_John
    Drosselmayer's Mansion
    View attachment 41709
    Jack's pov: "I always have extra copys of books. What book do you want?" "My mom owned the medical clinic in town. She taught me all about herbal medicines. I decided to learn healing magic on my own. I find using both is more effective. I don't know how well I can teach anyone else. I am still trying to learn more myself. Caliborn said he would get me some books to help." Silvia had said. "Like I said I traveled a round a lot. I can give you one of my extra books. I was self taught. I was told a natural act for healing. I found I always could heal anyone. I never found anyone immune to my healing, although I know its possible. I never found any other towns with healers. Where was this town you were from?" He pulled out a random healing book from his bag and handed it to Silvia. "I have exta copies of books let me know if you want another one. What kind of healing would you like to know? Maybe I know it and could teach you or maybe one of the normal or s-classes will know and can show you."
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Mar 31, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Swordsman_John
    Drosselmayer's Mansion
    View attachment 41708
    Jack's pov: "Are you sure he is gone? Are you the prince?" He whispered to the nutcracker. He turned to Silvia "I noticed you like healing people. Who tought you, or are you self tought? Maybe we can teach each other things. I went around healing people before I joined the guild. Do you use plants with your healing or do you use tea? How about just using the cure spell? I know there are some useful stuff in books I have read.

    View attachment 41707
    Amanda's pov: "your not actually going to reword him are you? He should help us regardless of a reword." She wispered to Annika.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Mar 30, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Swordsman_John
    Drosselmayer's Mansion
    View attachment 41699
    Jack's pov: "You say this prince is goofing off. How do you know what he is doing? Maybe the mouse stole the crown from him and capture him. Or the prince got away. Either way I haven't heard anything to make me believe he went to goof off other that what you believe he did through storys. How do you know these stories are real? Did you see him goof off. Who told you these stories? If your trying to protect the people what are you doing here? You don't seem better then he is, you ran off. I agree with Sara prove your better then him. You ran away so maybe your the ones goofing off and your blameing the prince for what your doing. Also how is Thea's fire going to help wouldn't any fire work?" Something didn't add up they said they were trying to to protect the people then why were they in the middle of nowhere trying to trap strangers.

    View attachment 41698
    Amanda's pov: How was kissing someone a show of courage? These parts must not know what courage is. "Ok so were is the next part?" She asked shyly.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Mar 29, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Swordsman_John
    View attachment 41688
    Amanda's pov: Britta was a slow flying hourse. Annika was at the door so the others were probably not far behind. "What if the troll knows were the wand is" she asked Britta shyly, it was gone and Brittia didn't stop him and then others probably didn't bother to ask the troll.

    Drosselmayer's Mansion
    View attachment 41689
    Jack's pov: Sara had a point in not fully trusting them. "We are the Sapphire Eclipse guild. As for who we work for thats hard to say." Officially he felt he did work for anyone, he joined the guild to help people. "Our guild leader is Evanora. I don't know what we are doing here, I guess we came for a holiday party but then a whole ton of stuff happened and I don't know what we are doing here or whats going on." They we trying to get back to normal size but these things didn't need to know that. They had to find the princess but he dout these things knew were she was.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Mar 27, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Swordsman_John
    Drosselmayer's Mansion
    View attachment 41662
    Jack's pov: He signed. Everyone was going to get up that that ladder even if he had to force them all up there. "Everyone move your butts up that latter now" He saw the nutcracker and Sara weren't going to at lest the nutcracker would eventually go up or seemed that he would. The mice were comming. He shoved Sara towords the ladder. "Get up there".
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Mar 20, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Swordsman_John
    View attachment 41659
    Amanda's pov: Did Scarlett really think Aidan would like someone like Thomas. She must be crazy. Then Aidan believed he would get reworded. If getting locked up was included in that then he would get what he deserved. "Lets go save the others," she urged Brietta.

    Drosselmayer's Mansion
    View attachment 41660
    Jack's pov: This was getting annoying. "We fought mice and fallowed them down a hole. We find fairies and because everyone had thought that they would beat us or something we ran. Witch sounds silly. How could fairies hurt us even if it was possible? Then we fight more mice and now just because more are showing up we run away. Witch i understand why. Whats wrong, we here to help people. Finding the rat king is sopost to get us to normal and we deside to run. I guess we have to. Also what happened to the owl that was sopost to help us?" He finished saying to Clara, this mission was very strange.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Mar 20, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Swordsman_John
    View attachment 41657
    Amanda's pov: This guy was really making her mad. "Let it go, let it go" she repeated to her self. "We don't need him", then idea popped into her head. "Think of this, you would be helping the king and queen's family, they reword you for your help." she finished shyly. This was a lie probably she couldn't see them rewording this guy, after all when they learn what this guy did they probably lock him up. He also had said he wasn't upstanding member of the Kingdom.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Mar 19, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Swordsman_John
    View attachment 41655
    Amanda's pov: She grabbed Aidan by the shirt. Her shyness strangely gone. She was frustrated and mad everything was going wrong and not one person was taking good suggestion seriously. "Whats wrong with you? You should be helping the towns people and us. You don't even care. You say they are goners. You don't know us. We just kicked your butt and you think we can't handle things." She let go of him after that. Then Aidan had watched in shock as she jumped down the slide. He looked at the other Guild Members. “Is she crazy?” "At lest she cares and is doing something but you want what? Money, fame or something else? Your no better then Wenlock. You attacked us for no reason but for self gain" She then climbed on to Brietta her shyness coming back shortly after that talk with Aidan. Her anger and how mad she was leaving her, why did she feel that she needed to do that? "Lets go save them, also what's that smell?" she said shyly.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Mar 19, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Swordsman_John
    Amanda's pov: She used blitz. She stated to smell something. Something was cooking somewere. Come to think of random things where were Ren, Lucia, and Zwei.

    Drosselmayer's Mansion
    Jack's pov: He had beat all the mice in his area. If anyone needed he would help them.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Mar 19, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Swordsman_John
    Drosselmayer's Mansion
    Jack's pov: He used Thunder. (On 40 hp, maybe)
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Mar 16, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Swordsman_John
    Amanda's pov: she used quick blitz.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Mar 15, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Swordsman_John

    Amanda pov: She used blitz.

    Drosselmayer's Mansion

    Jack's pov: He couldn't find Mizuki anywere. Then at the last second he saw her go through the mouse hole. He went through the hole. It looked like at battle was going on. He used aero on mouse with 40 health (idk who)
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Mar 15, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Swordsman_John
    Amanda pov: She used quick blitz.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Mar 11, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Swordsman_John
    View attachment 41631
    Amanda's pov: She used blitz

    Drosselmayer's Mansion
    View attachment 41632
    Jack's pov: Everyone left, he didn't see anyone. Fire it was everywhere. It was to bad he didn't know water magic. But maybe blizzard would work. But then again maybe not. He couldn't leave the fairies to die. He thought about the group. It hopped they were ok. Even though they left him behind. He thought about calling out to them, but no he didn't want them to come back for him. He hopped the fairies would be ok. Did the guild have a fire department? They didn't deserve this. Thea had caused this. He couldn't really blame her either, she was so young. He looked around. Were did the hole go. He had to make sure everyone made it there. He saw Clara, the nutcracker, Skadi, Sara, Silvia, Alessia, and Thea head that way before he lost sight of them. That left Mikuzi, as much as he didn't like her, she didn't to die in the fire. He had to make sure she made it. He knew everyone else would they were all probably in the hole. He started looking around for Mikuzi...
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Mar 11, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Swordsman_John
    Drosselmayer's Mansion
    View attachment 41603
    Jack's pov: Silvia had sad "I just asked because everyone was having so much fun dancing and I didn't want you to feel left out because you weren't invited and you were the only guy on the mission and I don't know." He actually didn't know how to react at first. "Don't sound so disappointed. You should really stop apologizing you have nothing to be sorry for. I been thinking about being the only guy here for a while. I felt it made me a target. Also why were you blushing when you asked me. I am not that scary am I? The main thing I wanted to do was have fun. But I felt dancing wasn't the way to do it. Maybe if you tell me about yourself, you can come over your shyness. Your past anything I can go off of, anything that could end up helping you" He then saw fire comming. "Watch out" but to little to late. He was closest to Silvia. "Are you ok" He looked around worried about the others.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Mar 9, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Swordsman_John
    Drosselmayer's Mansion
    View attachment 41601
    Jack's pov: He saw Alessia face while he Wighted for Silvia answer. How did he end up making an other hate him in a matter of seconds. "I was trying to have fun with you" he called out. He picked up another snowball and threw it at her. Maybe she forgive him and have fun with him. He woundered if that was to much to ask.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Mar 9, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Swordsman_John
    Drosselmayer's Mansion
    View attachment 41600
    Jack's pov: "Do you want to dance with me, please?" Silvia asked not finding the courage to look up at Jack. Instead Silvia held her hands behind her back and looked at the ground. She made small circles on the ground with her foot. A slight blush crossed her face. "Personality I don't see why we need to, I wanted to try and get that to dance for me" he said sadly pointing to the snow pile that used to be a snowman. Sara then walked up to him throwing snow at him and saying "What is your problem? I knew the moment there was a sleep over that there would be a problem with a guy." It figured people hated him for being the only guy there. It was probably because the snowman she made got destroyed by him, but that didn't matter. He still would feel the way he did. He turned back to Silvia he woundered why she was blushing, was it her shyness or something else. "Try not being so shy" he slightly smiled. "How about a snowball fight instead" he asked her picking up some snow and throwing it at her. A slight smile appeared on his face. He really didn't want to dance but also didn't want to hurt Silvia feelings. "You and Alessia are the only two who been reativly nice to me on this mission, I feel some people don't like me here" He didn't really feel like bring up the obvious reasons why he thought this was so, this being that he was the only guy there.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Mar 9, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Swordsman_John
    Drosselmayer's Mansion:
    View attachment 41591
    Jack's pov: Alessia had ingnored him probably for missions reasons. Alessia and Mizuki were the only two that had paided him any attention on this mission. Sara pretty much disagreed with what he had said. He woundered if they hated him because he was the only guy there. What was with this mission and how strange it was becoming. But this dancing took everything a threw it out the window. If nutcracker refused to dance he didn't see why he had to to. He picked up a snowball a threw it at Alessia hand missing her completely. If anything he would make a blizzard, snow guy dance for him if they were all forced to. It wouldn't surprise him. He then found his creation of a snowman he made along with the one that Sara had made. He tryed to move it lightly with areo. He ended up laughing out loud as he watched it. He saw it a few minutes later moving around strangly in place. He saw them basically falling to pieces. He saw both snowmen ploping back into a snow pile on the side of were they were. He became sad as he saw it do well nothing he wanted it to do. He wanted it to dance about and it ended up falling apart. (He couldn't make Oalf appear)
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Mar 8, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Swordsman_John
    Amanda pov: Amanda used quick blitz
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Mar 7, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home