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  1. FancyStache
    ~ Gaston's House ~


    Eris smiled and shook Grayson's hand. 'Oh, he's a cute one!' Eris thought. "Well, 'Lady's Man', I don't mind atheists. Being a goddess is rather dull." Just then, WWE Smackdown started, much to Eris' excitement! As she eagerly watched the program, Eris noticed Grayson edging closer to her. 'My my, he is a flirty one!' Eris chuckled silent and rested her head on his shoulder as tonight's match was announced. 'The Dudleys?! Yes!!'

    ~ Celadon City Gym ~


    "It looks so pleasant outside." Erika was standing outside of her Gym admiring the scenery. She called out her Pokemon and decided to take them for a walk.

    ~ Eppes Residence ~


    Charlie was home alone, waiting for his brother or his dad to come home. "Don said he was working a new case."
    Charlie smiled. "Maybe they solved it." Just then, a car was heard pulling up. Charlie looked out the window and saw Don rushing into the house.


    Don immediately grabbed Charlie and pulled him outside. He had his brother get into the car and got in, driving off at high speed. "Don, what's wrong?!" Charlie asked, a little nervous due to his brother's silence. "We found a body near the Randsborg Armory." Don turned around and sighed. "I dunno if even your math can solve this one."

    ~ Nintendo High: Janitor's Closet ~


    Having finished exploring the school, Duck Hunt Dog found a nice cozy place in the Janitor's closet and went to sleep, eager to see what would happen tomorrow.
    Post by: FancyStache, Sep 27, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. FancyStache

    Name: Yuri Cosmos
    Description: A former space station captain who now teaches at Nintendo High. Cosmos tends to
    stop in the middle of his lessons to tell a (somewhat exaggerated) story from his
    space days. However, he cares for his students and fellow staff with the dedication
    of a good captain.
    Occupation: Space Engineering Teacher
    Series Character is from: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney/Gyakuten Saiban
    Other: Cosmos almost always rides a segway that tends to malfunction occasionally.


    Name: Don Eppes
    Description: Charlie's older brother. Don dislikes the concept of using math to solve police cases,
    and does not like bringing his brother to crime scenes. However, this is solely out of
    brotherly protection and not out of spite. Usually, Don will swallow his pride and
    let Charlie work on the case, which often produces good results.
    Occupation: Police Detective
    Series Character is from: Numb3rs
    Other: Don is a bit sarcastic in contrast to Charlie's serious nature.


    Name: Jr. Troopa
    Description: A hot-tempered baby koopa who is easily irritated. The slightest provocation will
    result in a persistent Jr. Troopa hot on your heels! Don't let his small size fool you!
    Jr. is a tough opponent!
    Occupation: Elementary School Student
    Series Character is from: Paper Mario
    Other: Jr. Troopa can change forms at will (normal, egg, flying, spike, etc.)


    Name: Gill de Randsborg
    Description: He claims to be the descendant of a clan of knights, but no proof of his lineage can
    be found. Regardless, Randsborg's forging skills are good enough, and he also moonlights
    as a Duel Monsters competitor. He makes a living selling his crafted weapons and armor
    at a small armory near the robotics shop.
    Occupation: Owner Of Randsborg Armory/Duelist
    Series Character is from: Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds
    Other: Randsborg is not familiar with the concept of magic, and assumes any strange powers are
    the work of a witch or wizard!
    Post by: FancyStache, Sep 25, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. FancyStache
    Alright, thank you for alerting me! I just wanted to make sure.

    By the way, I'll probably end up adding more people besides Erika in the future.
    Post by: FancyStache, Sep 25, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. FancyStache
    If it is alright, I would like to add a fourth character (and her Pokemon) to my list of RPCs.


    Name: Erika
    Description: Leader of the Celadon City Gym, Erika is graceful and soft-spoken. She specializes in
    Grass-Type Pokemon, and loves flower arranging and wearing ornate kimonos. Erika
    often drops by other Gyms to check up on her fellow Gym Leaders, or just to chat.
    She also loves good romance novels and is a bit of a romantic, hoping to meet a nice
    guy one day.
    Occupation: Celadon Gym Leader
    Series: Pokemon
    Other: Erika has the following Pokemon on-hand: Gloom, Tangela, Tropius, Leafeon, Pansage and Chespin.

    Leave luck to Heaven: Nintendo High...
    Post by: FancyStache, Sep 24, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. FancyStache
    ~ Gaston's House ~


    Eris took a seat on the couch where Dick Grayson was sitting. "Oh, I do love some wrestling!" Her eyes glinted in excitement. "Grown men beating the sense out of each other! Rowdy fans ready to lash out at a moment's notice! It's so chaotic, don't you agree?" She smiled a gap-toothed smile and extended her hand. "My name is Eris, Goddess of Chaos and Discord. Charmed to meet you."
    Post by: FancyStache, Sep 23, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. FancyStache
    ~ Outside Gaston's House ~


    The war started by Eris had ended, leaving the leprechauns victorious, and Eris was now making her way to Gaston's party. She was the new girl and, invited or not, she was going to make an impression. Seeing the students grouped outside the house, she took a large breath and yelled "YOO-HOO! THE PARTY HAS ARRIVED!" hoping to turn a few heads.

    ~ Nintendo High: Hallways ~


    Having finished his equations, Charlie gathered his things and began heading home. He assumed that some of the teachers had gone home as well or were going to that student's party he had heard about. Parties weren't really Charlie's thing, so he decided to head back to his place. Maybe his brother Don needed his help with something?


    Duck Hunt Dog stuck his head out of a nearby garbage can as soon as Charlie passed by. Plush duck in mouth, he began thinking whether to go to that party he mentioned or not. He decided against it, choosing to explore his home a bit more. The Headmaster's office seemed a great place to start exploring!
    Post by: FancyStache, Sep 22, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. FancyStache
    ~Nintendo High: School Entrance~


    Finally, Eris had found the school! She was certain she was a few days late, but she didn't really care. All she knew was that the school day had ended, everyone was getting ready for some party, and Eris was bored out of her pretty little blonde head. "How utterly dull", she sighed, casually tossing one of her Apples Of Discord at a group of passing students, creating a small explosion that left them covered in soot. "Everyone is getting ready for that party, no doubt", Eris mused. "But what shall I do to entertain myself?" Suddenly, she had an idea! Using another Apple, Eris created two groups, one of blindfold-wearing gophers wielding swords and the other made of leprechauns using bearded, beaver-tailed babies as steeds. With a snap of her fingers, Eris made the two armies fight, all while she laughed maniacally and shouted "CHAOS!!!"

    ~Nintendo High: Mathematical Sciences Classroom~


    It was a slow day for Charlie. This was normally the time of day when his older brother Don would ask him for some kind of mathematical input into a case. But no, the police didn't seem to need him this time. On top of that, he had recently been hired as an assistant to Nintendo High's Mathematical Sciences teacher. Normally, this wouldn't be a problem. In fact, Mathematical Sciences was one of Charlie's favorites subjects! However, he had heard from a few students that the teacher himself was a bit...unstable. It made the assistant a bit worried. Charlie felt tense and anxious about meeting him, and needed something to calm himself down. He approached the classroom board and thought. "Well, I might as well..." Charlie began working on complex equations with impressive speed.

    ~Outside Nintendo High~


    "Get back here, you troublesome mutt!" A few students' heads turned at the voice and looked to see Duck Hunt Dog running from a dogcatcher. The dog jumped onto a stack of crates and hid inside the top one. Frustrated, the dogcatcher looked around, and found a plush duck in a nearby trash can. He picked it up and threw it at the dog, but the dog ducked and the plush landed inside the crate. Duck Hunt Dog popped back out of the crate, laughed his signature laugh, held up the duck and went back inside. Frustrated, the dogcatcher gave up and stormed off. Duck Hunt Dog, with the plush duck in his mouth, left his crate. Nintendo High grabbed his attention, and he decided it looked good for exploring.
    Post by: FancyStache, Sep 20, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. FancyStache
    Awesome! Thank you so much! And as the guy who is RPing the Duck Hunt Dog, I support your 'everyone-who-sees-him-can-beat-the-snot-out-of-him' movement!

    I'll start posting on the story (giving Eris, Charlie and DHD a proper introduction) tomorrow!
    Post by: FancyStache, Sep 19, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. FancyStache
  10. FancyStache
  11. FancyStache
    I would like to RP the following characters if they are available (I have included pictures of the characters for convenience):


    Name: Eris
    Description: Eris Kallisti Discordia is the Goddess of Chaos and Discord. She loves to cause such with
    her special Golden Apples of Discord. Of course, her pranks are usually all in good fun
    and she (sometimes) never means to hurt anyone, and of course if any destruction should
    be the result of her pranks, she always fixes it (sometimes)...
    Occupation: Student
    Series: The Grim Adventures Of Billy & Mandy
    Other: Despite being a goddess, Eris keeps a human form and as such is not immune to the same things
    mortals are.


    Name: Charlie Eppes
    Description: Charlie Eppes sometimes aids the police in stopping dangerous criminals with mathematic
    solutions. He is very well-versed in the world of math, but can easily be rattled when
    presented with a problem he cannot solve. However, while he is a very competent
    teacher, Charlie is extremely out of his element socially, and usually turns to his
    equations when things get too awkward. He is currently the assistant of Nintendo
    High Professor, Dr. Robotnik.
    Occupation: Assistant Mathematical Sciences Teacher/Police Consultant
    Series: Numb3rs
    Other: His favorite quote is "Everything is numbers".


    Name: Duck Hunt Dog
    Description: This prankster dog is a stray who wanders the school, and eagerly exploits it's freedom to
    roam about by annoying students and teachers alike with it's taunting, grating laugh.
    This usually results in Duck Hunt Dog getting a well-deserved wallop! Not even
    Headmaster Al Mualim is safe!
    Occupation: Stray Dog
    Series: Duck Hunt
    Other: His favorite hobby is going to the archery club and laughing when they miss the targets!

    If I am unable to RP these characters or they are already taken, I am fine with that.

    Leave luck to Heaven: Nintendo High...
    Post by: FancyStache, Sep 19, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home