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  1. FancyStache
    ~ Gaston's House ~


    "That's a strong one right there, I can tell." Eris said, her eyes fixated on Shadow Mario. "But Mario and Luigi have it covered, right?" Fay asked. Eris continued her serious gaze. "Maybe, dearie. But I'm not quite sure. This is one completely new to me, so I don't know the extent of his power." "Well, can't you just use your powers of chaos and discord to give that thing a disadvantage?" Myriam proposed, but Eris shook her head. "No. While in this mortal form, I have no control over my powers. I can still use my Apples Of Discord, yes. However, I do not know the effects they have on S-Types. It could make things worse." Eris shrugged. "And while I do love a bit of anarchy and destruction now and then, I certainly don't want anyone killed." Vaughn and Tiny looked at each other with dropped jaws. "Did Eris just give speech about why she SHOULDN'T cause chaos?!"


    "Oh, no! I was just, um..." Sammy felt as if she was shrinking, and began stuttering when she saw Gaston and the others talking to her. "I was...umm...this was just a...we were...!" Her heart raced as she began to panic. 'Oh no...' She thought as her knees began trembling. 'I KNEW I was gonna end up humiliating myself!'

    ~ Edenia - Throne Room ~


    Sindel sat upon her throne, giving a small smile when she saw Mitsurugi enter. "Ah, Heishiro." Sindel greeted warmly. "I was told you were to take the royal guard today. It is good that you are covering for Jade. Poor child was up all night at Mileena's trial, so you have my thanks." HE nodded and took the guard's position. "It is no trouble. Jade has been working far too hard these days. I would not have her overwork herself to death." "How kind of you. This speaks volumes to me about you and Jade." The queen said approvingly. "Very well. But I should warn you: many past Royal Guards have told me that this was the dullest job they've ever worked." Sindel and Mitsurugi laughed in amusement at the fact, when Kitana immediately entered the room.


    "Mother, I must speak with you." Kitana approached Sindel, before noticing Mitsurugi taking guard. "Ah. Greetings, Heishiro." "Princess Kitana." He greeted. Kitana focused back on her mother. "Anyway, I wish to speak to you about Mileena." "Oh?" Sindel mused. "Has she been causing you trouble?" "No. She's been very well-behaved. I was actually wanting to request she be given an early pardon."

    ~ Murphy Pendleton's Apartment ~


    Murphy was seated in his armchair, staring sorrowfully into one of his old family albums. Pictures of his late son filled the pages, and each page seemed to make Murphy feel even worse. His mind brought him back to that terrible moment.

    ~ Streets ~

    Murphy pulled up to the crowd of police cars. He looked in the backseat toward his nieces, a younger Amy and Sammy. "Stay here." He told them, and quickly sped out of his car, over to the nearest officer. "They said you found my boy! Is he hurt?! Is he okay?!" He asked frantically, but the officer simply gave him a sad look and led him toward a crowd of people. When Murphy saw an ambulance and a coroner's van, his heart sunk and he rushed to speak with the officer in charge. "Mr. Pendleton." The officer weakly said. "I'm so, so sorry..." Murphy fell to his knees. "Ch-Charlie..."

    ~ End Flashback ~

    Murphy snapped out of his trance when he heard someone enter the apartment.


    "Hey, Uncle Murphy. I'm back from that party." Amy greeted. Murphy smiled and nodded, until he noticed Sammy was not with her. "Wait. Where's Sammy?" He asked, immediately jolting up. "Did something happen?! Is she okay?!" He asked frantically. Amy, seeing her uncle start to panic, approached him and eased him back into his chair. "She's still at Gaston's place. Last time I saw her, she was doing fine. So don't freak out, okay?" Hearing this, he calmed down and relaxed. "Okay...I'm fine..."

    ~ Unknown Testing Facility ~

    Ralph woke up and found himself in a strange metallic room. Curious, the punker tried to move around, but found himself restrained to a steel chair by attached shackles. "Hey! What the?! Lemme outta here!" He yelled, struggling to get free. "It's not gonna do any good. Trust me, we tried." A voice to his left said. He turned toward the voice and saw a tanned, muscled brunette man trapped in a similar chair. "The name's George. They got you too, huh?" The man asked. "Yeah. They came outta nowhere and...wait, what do you mean 'we tried'?" Ralph asked, confused, until a voice to his right replied. "By that, he mean me too." Ralph turned and saw a young woman with tomboyish clothes and long blonde hair with green streaks. "I'm Lizzie." She replied. "I overheard some of those creepy scientists talking. Looks like they're using us as lab rats." "L-Lab rats?!" George nodded. "I heard it too. Dunno what they're gonna test on us, but chances are it ain't gonna be pleasant." As if on cue, a door in the room opened and five of the men in the white coats entered the room and noticed the three. "Ah, the test subjects are awake! Good. Then let the radioactive mutation experiment begin." "Radioactive?" "Mutation?" "Experiment?"
    Post by: FancyStache, Oct 27, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. FancyStache
    ~ Vermilion City Gym ~


    "Of course. Anytime." Erika smiled, glad she could help Lt. Surge, even in a small way. "Anyway, I should be going. I'm sure you and the others have things to do." With a bow, Erika turned and began to leave. "Tell the others I said 'good day'."

    ~ Gaston's House ~


    Crunch stumbled across the downed Bowser. "Dang, big guy! They really roughed you up!" He exclaimed, offering a hand to help him up.


    Sammy approached Rosalina, having noticed her trying to move the party. She knew about the battle and figured Rosalina was trying to protect the guests. "Umm...excuse me. Rosalina, was it? I have an idea. Try offering ice cream and pie. It always works with Amy." She nervously suggested.
    Post by: FancyStache, Oct 26, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. FancyStache
    A few more reserves to help build on Ralph's story. There are plenty of Rampage monsters left should anyone want them! ^^


    Name: George
    Description: A former bodybuilder who was mutated into a large monster gorilla by Scum Labs. His temper can get the better of him, but he means no harm to Japan, only Scum Labs.
    Occupation: Monster
    Series Character Is From: Rampage
    Other: Naturally, George is a big fan of bananas and likes those who generously feed him them.


    Name: Lizzie
    Description: A tomboyish woman who was transformed into a giant reptile by Scum Labs. Lizzie's only interest is getting rid of Scum Labs, so she tends to leave the rest of Japan alone.
    Occupation: Monster
    Series Character Is From: Rampage
    Other: Lizzie really like eggs for lunch, and appreciates those who give her some.


    Name: Eustace DeMonic
    Description: The CEO of Scum Labs, a pharmaceutical laboratory branching the globe. It is actually a front for mutational experiments headed by Demonic himself.
    Occupation: CEO Of Scum Labs International
    Series Character Is From: Rampage
    Other: He has secret plans involving the S-Types.


    Name: Dr. Elizabeth Veronica
    Description: Scum Labs' most intelligent medical mind and head researcher for their pharmaceutical branch. Dr. Veronica wishes to have no involvement with Eustace DeMonic's secret experiments.
    Occupation: Head Medical Scientist At Scum Labs
    Series Character Is From: Rampage
    Other: One of the few good people at Scum Labs. She is horrified at the mutation testing.
    Post by: FancyStache, Oct 26, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. FancyStache
    ~ Vermilion City Gym ~


    "I see. A family matter. Then it is not my place to tell you what to do. You are the one who must figure that out for yourself." Erika replied. "However, if I may give you some advice? If you do tell Finnick, be sure that he is ready to hear it. But also make sure that you are ready to tell him. He could react to this news in any way, and you need to be ready for it."

    ~ Outside Gaston's House ~


    Crunch watched as Jr.'s parents picked him up and drove off. With a sigh, he decided to head back inside.

    ~ Gaston's House ~


    Fay and the others looked at Shadow Mario with mixed reactions. "W-What is that thing?!" She asked, panicked. Eris had a joking look as she looked at Fay. "That, my dear, is an S-Type." "I know WHAT it is!! But just...what is it?" Eris continued to watch the battle. "Looks to be a pretty strong one if it can mimic Reddy-Boy like that." Myriam began writing down notes about the battle. "Sss sss sss sss! This is way more interesting than the party. Think one of us should try to help 'em?" "We shouldn't." Everyone stared at Vaughn in shock due to his reply. He turned toward the others and smiled. "Trust me. They look like they can handle it. No worries. Mario's tough."


    Sammy sat down on the couch to watch wrestling. She looked around for a bit, before sighing in relief. "At least I can watch wrestling now without Amy trying the holds on me." She murmured to herself with a smile.

    ~ Green Mansion ~


    Seeing the report on Lex Luthor from CNN, Mr. Green could barely contain a wide smile. "Well now, this is just splendid! I have a lot riding on Harold Saxon winning this election, and one of the other candidates drops!" Green laughed and clasped his hands. "Oh, things are coming up roses for me!" He then noticed the video from Haytham on the TV and dismissively turned it off. "Crystal Order? Bah! Probably some new thing the brats are into these days." He mumbled, getting up to head outside. Before he left, he grabbed a small lead pipe from a table and hid it inside his jacket pocket.

    ~ Bar ~


    Miss Scarlett entered the bar and sat down. "Just a small drink of whatever's popular today." She told the bartender. She reached into her purse and pulled out some old Hollywood magazines. Reading through one, Scarlett stared longingly at a picture of her days as a famous actress. "36 now...Hard to believe it's been 14 years..." She whispered to herself, reflecting on her past.

    ~ Outside LexCorp Building ~

    Ralph tried to get past the security so he could get a better look at the scene. The blue-haired and bearded young man was just curious, as he had never seen an actual crime scene, and the security kept pushing him out. "Come on! I just wanna see!" He whined, but the security guard would not budge. After some more failed attempts, Ralph gave up and went on his way.

    As soon as Ralph left LexCorp, he was surrounded by strange men in lab coats. Before he could respond, one of the men quickly sedated Ralph, knocking him unconscious. As he blacked out, Ralph made out some words embroidered on their coats: 'Scum Labs'.
    Post by: FancyStache, Oct 25, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. FancyStache
    ~ Vermilion City Gym ~


    "I noticed that you seemed to bit of weight on your mind earlier." Erika noted with concern. "The other Gym Leaders are like family to me, and I was just worried that something was bothering you."

    ~ Battle ~


    Watching Kira and Dante depart, Crunch finally noticed the unconscious Jr. Troopa and quickly scooped him up. Deciding Mario and his friends had the situation handled, Crunch left the battlefield quickly.

    ~ Gaston's House ~


    Eris had led Tiny and Myriam to a nearby window with Vaughn following, having sensed disorder from the backyard. Fay was also watching, hoping Mario and friends would be okay. Amy snorted and stood up in exasperation. "Ugh! This party is so boring! I'm walking home!" Sammy nodded and stayed seated. "I think I'll stay for a bit." Amy rolled her eyes and walked off.

    ~ Police HQ ~


    Don finished watching the special report on Lex Luthor on his office TV. "Are you kidding me? Two bodies in one night?!" He asked after a spit-take with his coffee!
    Post by: FancyStache, Oct 23, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. FancyStache
    That sounds fair enough. I can let go of Mona, Max and Golden Freddy. I'd at least like to keep Amy, Sammy and Mike, if that's okay.[DOUBLEPOST=1414091633][/DOUBLEPOST]Four reserves. I hope these aren't against the rules.


    Name: Mr. Green
    Description: One of Japan's most youngest, respected, wealthy and opportunistic politicians with plans for a future Prime Minister position. There are many dark rumors that surround his way of doing things.
    Occupation: Politician
    Series Character Is From: Clue
    Other: Mr. Green carries a small lead pipe in his coat pocket with him at all times.


    Name: Miss Scarlet
    Description: A fallen star in Japan's movie scene. Miss Scarlet spends her afternoons at the bar, scorned and remembering her success. A charming lady with smarts.
    Occupation: Actress
    Series Character Is From: Clue
    Other: Miss Scarlet's father works in the harbor, giving her easy access to rope.


    Name: Murphy Pendleton
    Description: Amy and Sammy's uncle and legal guardian. He cares greatly for his nieces and tries his best to take great care of them, and in turn, they try their best to take care of him. Wishes Amy was nicer to Sammy.
    Occupation: Unemployed
    Series Character Is From: Silent Hill
    Other: The loss of his biological son years ago has affected Murphy heavily, and makes him a bit overprotective.


    Name: Ralph
    Description: Formerly a human test subject at Scum Labs, Ralph transformed into a giant wolf monster. Despite his frightening appearance, he is only interested in destroying Scum Labs and wishes Japan no ill will.
    Occupation: N/A
    Series Character Is From: Rampage
    Other: Ralph is particularly fond of steaks and immediately shines up to anyone that gives him one.
    Post by: FancyStache, Oct 23, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. FancyStache
    ~ Battle ~


    Crunch covered his ears, watching Kira's attack with awe. When the enemies were cleared, he regarded Dant's comment with a grin. "I bet they're all talk!" He said, cracking his knuckles.

    Jr., on the other hand, was unlucky to not hear Kira's warning and fainted from the powerful shout, just as he was about to jump Mario.

    ~ Vermilion City Gym ~


    "Wonderful!" Erika happily chimed. "It'll be a while before the event, though, but I am glad to hear it!" She then stopped and looked at Finnick and Adewale. "Pardon me, but may I speak with Surge in private for a bit, please?" Erika asked politely.

    ~ Outside Cosmos Residence ~


    Freddy and friends spotted Metal watching them. Because he was much smaller than the four, Freddy programming caused him to mistook him for a small child. "He-he-hello, little g-g-g-girl! Do y-y-you wanna take a picture with Fr-Freddy and friends?" Freddy asked as his expression lightened up a bit. He and the others approached Metal with the intent to...take a souvenir picture with him. Chica held up a slice of old pizza and Bonnie had a party hat in his hand. Foxy simply stared at Metal, before letting out a loud, horrifying screech and then freezing in place.
    Post by: FancyStache, Oct 22, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. FancyStache
  9. FancyStache
  10. FancyStache
    ~ Battle ~


    Crunch arrived at the battle, sending the nearest X-Borg flying with a punch. "Geez! Attacking during a party? These guys are buzzkills!" He grinned and joined the others. "Oh, it is ON now 'cuz the big guy is here!"

    Crunch didn't notice Jr. Troopa stomping through the backyard, knocking away every S-Type and X-Borg that got in his way without mercy. He took furious, stomping steps toward Mario. His revenge was a few steps away...

    ~ Gaston's House ~


    Sammy sat down, leaning against a wall while breathing in relief. "Oh man. That was so scary..." "What was her PROBLEM?!" Amy snapped, picking herself off of the ground. "I bet she mistook me for 'Samey' or something!" She said, shooting a glare at her sister. An angry Max was banging on the now locked door, screaming at the top of his lungs. "Open this door at once, woman, or face the wrath of the fearsome Max! No one interrupts my devious machnations and gets away with it! I am the ultimate EVIL, and I will not be locked out! Er..IN!" Fay sighed. She was doing pretty well, but agreed that the guys outside would be able to handle it. Next time though, she would prove herself.

    ~ Edenia: Jade's Chamber's~


    Jade chuckled and took her bed clothes to her changing room. Mitsurugi raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Going to bed already?" "I was kept up all night at Mileena's hearing yesterday. Kitana was insistent I testify on her behalf." Jade emerged from her changing room in a green gown and sat on her bed. "Well, I should be going anyway." Mitsurugi stated. "Sindel has asked me to take the guard for today." With a nod, Jade dismissed her fiance.
    Post by: FancyStache, Oct 21, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. FancyStache
    ~ Gaston's Backyard ~


    The sound of a fight brought Fay, Amy, Sammy and Max to the backyard, where they saw Mario and some strange spandex-wearing people fighting the X-Borgs and some turtle-like S-Types. Fay immediately jumped into the fray with sharp kicks to some of the creatures. "Mario?! When did these things show up?!" She asked, dodging an attack. Max approached one of the S-Types with his hands on his hips. He grabbed a stick off the ground and began poking the creature with it. "Desist this impudence at once! Tremble, for you are in the presence of true EVIL! Now accept me as your new master and do as I say, minion!" The annoyed creature began attacking Max, causing him to run away with a high-pitched scream. Amy and Sammy were watching the fight with horror. "Well?! Don't just stand there, 'Samey'! Do something!" Amy snapped at her sister. "What do I do?! Fight those things?! But I could get killed!" Amy smirked and stood behind her sister. "Aww, don't worry. If you DO die, I'll be sure to miss you, 'Samey'. Not much." Amy stopped and looked as if she was thinking. "Actually, I won't miss you at all!" With a rough push, Amy shoved Sammy toward the battle!

    ~ Outside Gaston's House ~


    The sounds from the backyard attracted Crunch's attention, and he set Jr. down to check it out. "You stay here and wait for your parents, kid. I better go see what this is." The large bandicoot left for the backyard as Jr. began sulking. Suddenly, he heard Mario shouting from the backyard where all of that noise came from. "Now's my chance!" Jr. said while fuming. "Time for revenge, Mario!" His little nubby feet immediately carried him quickly toward the sounds of battle!

    ~ Gaston's House ~


    "Hope Crunch gets that kid home soon." Vaughn mused. "I could use the help with my lyrics." Then he, Tiny and Myriam noticed Eris with a faint look in her eyes, and Tiny and Myriam knew from their frequent time with the blonde that this meant one thing. "There 's CHAOS happening somewhere here!! I can smell it!" Eris took a few snffs of the air and smiled. "Smells quite a bit like roast chicken, actually!"

    ~ Vermilion City Gym ~


    "That is a relief. And it's good to see you too, Finnick. You've grown!" Erika smiled as her Pansage waved to Raichu. "As for why I'm here, the flowers at Celadon Gym are almost in full bloom. I was thinking of having a small get together in a few weeks to celebrate. I simply stopped by to see if you four wished to come."

    ~ Randsborg Residence ~


    Randsborg went to his bird carrier with a note attached. He open the carrier and petted the pigeons inside. Taking one out, he attached a message to it. "Take this message to the one named Sub-Zero. He must know of the Lin Kuei Grandmaster's missing blade." Giving the bird one last pat, he sent it off to deliver the message.

    ~ Cosmos Residence ~

    Yuri Cosmos had just put Freddy, Bonnie, Chica and Foxy in his garage and went to bed. The four rested contently in their temporary home, until something...strange happened.


    Freddy looked around the garage with dark eyes, watching as his three other friends came to life. "H-H-Hello, kids! W-W-We-We-Welcome to F-Fr-Freddy Fazbear's Pizza!" He stuttered in a distorted, cartoony voice. "Yar! Thi-Thi-This be Pirate's Cove! I be...your worst nightmare!" Foxy blurted out in a horrifying distorted voice, before reverting to his normal voice. "I be Captain Foxy!" Chica looked at the garage door and noticed that it was partially opened. "Uh-oh! Looks l-l-like so-so-some-someone isn't following the ru-ru-rules here at Freddy's!" Freddy walked over to the door and forced it all the way open. He gave the others a blank stare. "Come on, ga-ga-gang! Let's go out and help the kids have fu-fu-fun-fun-fun-fu-fun-fuuuunnn..." The four slowly made their way outside, with Yuri still fast asleep.
    Post by: FancyStache, Oct 21, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. FancyStache
    ~ Gaston's House ~


    Jr. immediately stopped thinking of comics when he heard what Mario said. "LIAR!!" He screamed at the top of his lungs! Fueled by anger, he broke free from Ed's grip and pointed at Mario. "You know what you did! And if you forgot, then I'll wallop it back into you!" As the young koopa ran toward Mario with the intent to hurt, he was picked up by Crunch, who gave him a stern look. "What's a little kid like you doin' at a high school party? Ain't it past your bedtime? Come on! I'm callin' your folks and gettin' you outta here." Crunch carried Jr. out of the house as the yellow youngster began trying to get away screaming in anger. Crunch's strength was too much for Jr, and he was taken outside to have his parents called.


    Myriam had finally gotten the ice out of her box and found herself in front of Eris and Tiny. "Sss sss sss? What are you two doing here?" Eris ignored her and wrapped her in a tight hug, dragging Tiny into the grip. "The gang is all here! How splendid!" "Tiny wasn't aware we were gang..." Eris let go of Tiny and Myriam and smiled. "Simply a figure of speech, dearie. Now, since we are all here, we must remember our own little mission."


    Vaughn watched in slight amusement as Crunch took Jr. outside. "Huh. Guess he's busy for right now. Ah, well. I better work on my song anyway. Need to get it done soon." Smiling, the blonde got out his guitar and began strumming a few bars.


    Max laughed evilly at Jr.'s misfortune. It was a slow party in his opinion, so Max was happy to see someone's misery!

    ~ Outside Gaston's House ~


    A car pulled up to Gaston's House as Amy and Sammy came out of the backseats. Amy smiled sweetly and waved goodbye to the driver as the car drove off. Immediately, her sweet expression turned sour as she grabbed Sammy's wrist and dragged her toward the house, where she saw Xehanort and Fay and approached the former. "This is where the party is, right?" Amy asked, ignoring Crunch and Jr., who passed by her.

    ~ Outside Cosmos Residence ~


    The driver of the truck that was carrying Freddy and his friends stepped out and looked around, hoping someone nearby would know where the residence of Dr. Eggman.


    Hearing the commotion outside, Space Engineering Teacher Yuri Cosmos stepped outside and saw the lost trucker. "What is this?! A lost star on this night?!" The quirky man called out. "Fear not, for Yuri Cosmos shall help you!" He bounded toward the trucker and was informed that he had a delivery for Dr. Eggman. "Ho hoh! Worry not, y friend! I shall deliver those robots to the good doctor on Monday! Leave them with me for now!" Although unsure, the delivery man relented and began loading the bots into Cosmos' house.
    Post by: FancyStache, Oct 20, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. FancyStache
    ~ Gaston's House ~


    "I thought I heard Myriam screaming over there." Eris pointed toward the direction she had run off to. "Hope she not get herself in trouble again." The two hurried after Myriam.

    ~ Vermillion Gym ~


    Erika entered the Gym and saw Lt. Surge, Adewale, Finnick and Raichu inside. It looked as if they were in the middle of a serious discussion. "Oh dear. I think I came at a bad time."
    Post by: FancyStache, Oct 19, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. FancyStache
    Ah, I'm so sorry. I guess I forgot about that one. Sorry.

    I accept whatever consequence this gets me.
    Post by: FancyStache, Oct 14, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. FancyStache
    Adding my very last four now if that's okay (for real).


    Name: Golden Freddy
    Description: A very dangerous S-Type taking the form of an empty Freddy Fazbear suit to lure the curious in. Moves when people are not looking and it's main offense is causing hallucinations. Though the reason is unknown, he is dead-set on taking out Mike Schmidt.
    Occupation: S-Type
    Series Character Is From: Five Nights At Freddy's
    Other: Can speak, but can only be heard by S-Types and the Crystal Order.


    Name: Mike Schmidt
    Description: A night guard working at Nintendo High. He works from 12 AM to 6 AM, keeping troublemakers out of Nintendo High, and keeping Freddy and his friends in...
    Occupation: Night Guard At Nintendo High
    Series Character Is From: Five Nights At Freddy's
    Other: n/a


    Name: Mona
    Description: Nintendo High's Video Game Programming and Design Teacher. Mona is a friendly teacher who likes to give her students tips on their work. She is also a big gamer in her spare time.
    Occupation: Video Game Programming and Design Teacher
    Series Character Is From: WarioWare
    Other: Mona enjoys playing video games with her students.


    Name: Max
    Description: A strange student at Nintendo High who aspires to be the most evil! Unfortunately, Max fails at doing even the most basic of devious deeds, so no one really takes him seriously.
    Occupation: Student
    Series Character Is From: Total Drama
    Other: Max's favorite catchphrase is "Time to evil!"

    EDIT: Adding two more people.


    Name: Amy
    Description: The meaner of a pair of twin sisters. Amy constantly mistreats her sister Sammy and gave her the nickname 'Samey' as an insult.
    Occupation: Student
    Series Character Is From: Total Drama
    Other: Amy has a mole on her cheek to distinguish her from Sammy.

    Name: Sammy AKA 'Samey'
    Description: Amy's twin sister. Sammy is much nicer than Amy, but suffers from severe confidence issues due to years living with Amy.
    Occupation: Student
    Series Character Is From: Total Drama
    Other: Her nickname 'Samey' is an insult due to her being Amy's twin.
    Post by: FancyStache, Oct 13, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. FancyStache
    ~Gaston's House~


    "My name isn't Jimmy, darn it! It's..."Jr. stopped struggling and looked at Ed. "Wait. Comics, monster movies and buttered toast?" Sighing, Jr. calmed down. "Well, that DOES sound pretty cool, I guess." He pointed at Mario. "HA HA, MARIO!!! I'M GONNA GO READ COMICS WHILE YOU'RE STUCK AT THIS DUMB PARTY!!!"


    "Why, yes! I DO know him!" Eris pointed at Tiny as he rose from the bits of broken table. "I have to go for now. Here." Eris smiled and handed Grayson a paper with her phone number on it. "Be seeing you soon then." After giving him a tight hug, Eris ran over to the broken table.

    Tiny sighed and climbed out of the pieces of table, only to find Eris standing over him. "Tiny!" She beamed with delight. "I figured you'd be the one break something!" Tiny rolled his eyes and glared at her. "And Tiny surprised you not blow up house yet." "Now now, I like to mix up the chaos every now and then. Keep you on your toes. Anyway, if you're here, then SHE must be here, too!" "Who? Myriam? Yeah, Tiny saw her earlier, but Tiny have no idea what she doing."


    "KAA-KAAACKK!!!" Myriam yelled as the ice cubes fell in her box! "COLD! COLD!" She stood up and began shouting and running around until the ice fell out. Sighing, Myriam looked and found that she had lost sight of Gaston. "Sss sss sss sss sss...He was able to see through my fool-proof disguise. Gaston, you are a clever opponent indeed!"


    "Well, alright then." Fay sighed and looked at the sky. "I hope Fox and Slippy are okay..."


    Vaughn and Crunch applauded Gia as the song finished. "Good to know I'm not the only one bringing the tunes tonight." "Yeah! This music normally isn't my thing, but man, that was good!" He noticed the guitar Vaughn was holding. "You play?" "Huh? Yeah, I play accoustic." Crunch smiled and patted his shoulder. "Well, get up there and play us a song, man!" Vaughn chuckled and shook his head. "Maybe next time. All I got are tunes about nature and love. I don't think they're party material. But I'm gonna be writing a new song tonight, so we can hang out and you can take the first listen" "Sounds like a plan!" Crunch looked back and saw Tiny and Eris searching for Myriam. "Looks like my friend is busy anyway."

    ~Vermillion City~


    "Alright then. Thank you." Erika bowed as one of Vermillion's townsfolk reminded her that Celadon was part of Japan. "Well, that was embarrassing." She rubbed the back of her head. "Perhaps I should spend more time studying maps. Anyway, since we are here, we should stop by Vermillion Gym."

    ~Randsborg Armory~


    "Alright. Thanks, pops." Don hung up his cell phone and sighed. "My dad said Charlie came home and went to bed." "Will he be fine?" "Yeah, don't worry about him. He's a tough kid. So, the crime's been put in the record." Don shook his head. "I'm gonna go to the station. This one's gonna need an all-nighter." Randsborg nodded. "And I must inform the Lin Kuei of the situation with the Grandmaster's blade. It'll be a rough night for both of us."
    The two shook hands and Don left and Randsborg closed the Armory before heading out.

    ~Edenia: Palace Dungeons~


    Mileena watched from behind her cell as Kitana entered. The princess smiled and greeted her clone with a nod. "Good evening, Mileena." Mileena nodded in kind. "Kitana. So, has word been spoken of my coming execution?" "It has." Kitana stepped closer to the cell. Mileena cautiously leaned back. "Word of your recent behavior, as well as testimony from myself regarding your behavior have reached the ears of the Edenian courts. In five days time, you will be released from the dungeons and into Mother's custody." The pink-clad prisoner was shocked. 'Not...executed?' Her mind rattled with confusion. "They were very impressed with you lately, Mileena. As am I. Perhaps...I've judged you too harshly in the past." With these words, Kitana left the room and a stunned Mileena trailed off.

    ~Edenia: Palace - Jade's Quarters~


    Jade entered her quarters and found Mitsurugi sitting in a chair, examining a fresh cut on his arm. Crossing her arms, her watched him for a bit. "And here you are. More visits to the Edenian Colosseum again?" "And how else will I pass the time until the path to Earth is open?" Mitsurugi looked at Jade. "Besides Jade, I took the victory. This cut is a mere consequence." He showed her the injury, which she admitted was small. "However, you may not be so fortunate next time. Your next fight could be your last." "Need I remind you that the man you are engaged to has but one loss to his name?" Jade raised an eyebrow at his claim. "And need I remind you that this woman you fell for gave you that loss, Heishiro?" Mitsurugi chuckled. "And to this day I still curse your beauty for distracting me."

    ~Freddy Fazbear's Pizza~

    Freddy, Foxy and Chica watched as Bonnie was loaded up into a large box. Strange men had suddenly burst into the restaurant at night and started bringing in large crates. This was normally the time that they would act up, but these strange events just had to be seen for themselves. "What do you think they're gonna do to us?" Chica asked and looked at Freddy, confused. "I dunno. Maybe we're going on a trip." Chica's face brightened up. "Ohh, I always wanted to go on a trip! I wonder where we'll be going?" "Yar, I heard we be going to some scallywag to get repairs. Overheard it from some of those strange fellows." Foxy explained the situation as Chica was carried off and loaded up. "Repairs? Well, I guess my parts do need a bit of fixing up." Soon, Freddy and Foxy were loaded up, and all four were carried off.
    Post by: FancyStache, Oct 12, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. FancyStache
    I know I said the last set of reserves were my last, but a few ideas popped into my head and I came up with some last minute characters. I'll keep these descriptions short and sweet though.


    Name: Kitana
    Description: The princess of the realm of Edenia. Kitana has a brave heart and great leadership skills. Wonders if Liu Kang is still out there somewhere.
    Occupation: Princess Of Edenia
    Series Character Is From: Mortal Kombat
    Other: Kitana fights using fans lined with fatal steel blades.

    Name: Jade
    Description: The Edenia family's royal guard. Very loyal and takes her job of protecting the princess and queen very seriously.
    Occupation: Edenia Family Royal Guard
    Series Character Is From: Mortal Kombat
    Other: Jade fights with a metal staff.

    Name: Mileena
    Description: A monstrous clone of Kitana created in Outworld. Formerly a prisoner of war in Edenia, years of interaction with Kitana have mended her jealous heart.
    Occupation: Spy for Edenia
    Series Character Is From: Mortal Kombat
    Other: Mileena fights using deadly sais.


    Name: Sindel
    Description: Edenia's sole ruling queen. Sindel is a just ruler and cares greatly for Kitana and Jade's well being. Though still untrusting of Mileena, she does have concern for her as well.
    Occupation: Queen Of Edenia
    Series Character Is From: Mortal Kombat
    Other: Sindel uses powerful screams and energy to fight.


    Name: Heishiro Mitsurugi
    Description: A samurai in search of a famed sword. Serious in his demeanor and dead-set on his goals, Mitsurugi comes off as a bit cold. Engaged to Jade.
    Occupation: Samurai
    Series Character Is From: Mortal Kombat
    Other: Mitsurugi occasionally travels to Edenia to visit Jade.


    Name: Spy Fox
    Description: A capable and skilled vulpine agent working for the Japanese Government. He uses very strange gadgets to get the job done.
    Occupation: Secret Agent
    Series Character Is From: Spy Fox
    Other: Has a soft spot for puns.


    Name: Chica
    Description: Animatronic mascot for Freddy Fazbear's Pizza sent to the Robotics Teacher for repairs. She sometimes activates herself and joins the students at lunchtime.
    Occupation: Mascot
    Series Character Is From: Five Night's At Freddy's
    Other: Rumored to be haunted. Usually cheery during the day, but at night...

    Name: Foxy the Pirate
    Description: Animatronic mascot for Freddy Fazbear's Pizza sent to the Robotics Teacher for repairs. He often activates himself and engages in pirate antics around the school.
    Occupation: Mascot
    Series Character Is From: Five Night's At Freddy's
    Other: Rumored to be haunted. Usually docile during the day, but at night...

    Name: Freddy Fazbear
    Description: The head mascot for Freddy Fazbear's Pizza sent to the Robotics Teacher for repairs. Freddy often activates himself during class to watch the students work.
    Occupation: Mascot
    Series Character Is From: Five Night's At Freddy's
    Other: Rumored to be haunted. Usually fun-loving during the day, but at night...
    Post by: FancyStache, Oct 10, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. FancyStache
    ~Gaston's House~


    Jr. Troopa began wriggling around in Ed's grip, trying unsuccessfully to escape! "NOOOO!!! Let me go! I must have my revenge! CURSE YOU, CHICKEN BOOOOOYY!!!" He cast Mario an enraged glare, pointed a nubby
    arm toward him and began screaming at the top of his lungs! "CUUURSE YOOOUUU, REEED GUUUUY!!!!"


    Having finished daydreaming, Fay noticed Mario and Luigi's encounter with Gaston and walked over to them.
    "What was that all about?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.


    "Eh?!" Myriam was surprised by Gaston's actions, and began eyeing him warily. "I thought he invited those two. What was all that about?" Suddenly, her nose smelled a scoop! "Ke ke ke ke ke! I think I found another story for next week's paper." Still in her box, Myriam began following Gaston as stealthily as she could.


    Seeing Gaston, Tiny panicked. What if he kicked him out of the party! Worse: what if he made Tiny PAY for a
    new door! Tiny couldn't stand the embarrassment on his first night of school, and immediately tried acting
    as non-guilty as possible. "Just act like Tiny didn't break anything and maybe I not get called out." In his attempt
    to act inconspicuous, Tiny tripped and crashed through a table!


    Eris heard the crash and looked at the broken table with glee! "Looks like we're getting the broken tables early aren't we, Grayson darling?" She looked carefully and noticed Tiny as the culprit. "Wait a second. I believe I
    know him!

    ~Randsborg Armory: Back Alley~


    Charlie's stomach quivered at the sight of the body. He was normally used to seeing these things, but this was different. The body was only minutes old, yet had multiple pitch black ninja stars in him. Charlie did not like
    them. They felt...evil. "I found this corpse mere seconds after this fellow departed my store." Randsborg explained with a shaky voice. "Mere SECONDS! How could such wounds be inflicted in little time?!" "Just calm down, Gill." Don began easing into the interrogation. "Now what happened, again?" The knight took a breath and
    began explaining. "The man was a member of the Ninja Clan, the Lin Kuei. They are local ninja who specialize
    in cryomancy. One came by to retrieve the clan Grandmaster's blade, entrusted to me for repairs. He had just picked it up and left. Only seconds later, I heard a scream and found...this!
    " Don began looking over the body.
    "Well, whoever killed this guy must've took that sword, because it's not here." He looked at Charlie. "You got
    " Charlie was busy eyeing the black shuriken, somewhat unnerved. Don patted his shoulder, snapping
    him out of his stupor. "You're not looking so good, Charlie. You should head on home. Get some sleep. You'll
    need it for your job at that school. I heard the guy you'll be assisting is a bit crazy.
    " "Y-Yeah. I think I'll do that."
    Charlie began to leave, but noticed one of the shuriken on the ground. He quickly picked it up and took it.

    ~Tokyo Streets~


    "I don't understand it. Why did the crime scene bother me so much?" Charlie began gathering his thoughts as he
    began examining the black shuriken he took from the alley. "And why does this thing have such an evil feel?" He
    shook his head and sighed. "I don't think my math is going to solve anything. I'll need an expert on this one."
    As if on cue, someone emerged from the shadows before Charlie's eyes. Literally.


    Charlie stared at the shadowy figure before him in awe, speechless. "I see you are surprised by my entrance. I am Noob Saibot, one of the top assassins among the rankings of the S-Types. That weapon you have there belongs to me." 'Assassins? S-Types?' Charlie was confused at these terms. What did they mean? "You will understand in due time. For now, however, I have done what I needed to do." Noob Saibot held up the
    missing Grandmaster's Sword and began to disappear into the shadows. "Wait! Why do you have that?!"
    Before Charlie could get a reply, Noob Saibot was gone.

    ~Outside Celadon Gym~


    Erika had finished her walk and was resting outside the Gym. She began admiring the blooming flowers and cherry
    blossom trees. "It looks like the trees are in good health lately." She mused as her Tropius gave a satisfied bellow and Pansage jumped happily. "You know, I think we should have a little get-together with the Gym Leaders to celebrate this beauty!" Erika's Pokemon all voiced their approval, and she laughed. "Well then, if we want to do a Cherry Blossom party, we must do it the right way! And the best place buy things to prepare for it is Japan!" With this,
    Erika began heading to Vermillion City to catch a boat.
    Post by: FancyStache, Oct 7, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. FancyStache
    ~Gaston's House~


    Myriam was tucked inside of her cardboard box, carefully watching every student. "Sss sss sss sss, this is my
    " Myriam's eyes glinted with mischief as she spotted all of the alcoholic drinks being brought in. She whipped out a notepad and began writing. Everything interesting that happened here was going
    to be in the school paper tomorrow!


    Tiny looked down in shock as Gaston's front door fell of the hinges and landed on the floor with a thud.
    Crunch frowned at him. "Next time Tiny, let ME knock, huh?" He perked up and patted the tiger's back.
    "Now come on! Let's enjoy the party!" Crunch ran inside, while Tiny looked at the door he broke. "It
    going to be long night for Tiny...


    Vaughn, wearing no shoes or shirt as usual, smiled and played a small tune on his guitar. The music
    Gaston had was alright, but it really wasn't his type. Fay was sitting next to him He noticed some people
    bringing drinks in and waved. "Yo, hola, welcome!" He greeted Yoshi three times, as he was prone to do.
    Fay looked over the arriving guests and sighed. "I guess Fox and Slippy aren't coming..." Vaughn patted
    her shoulder. "Hey, no worries! They'll be here! Just chill and enjoy the party." "Yeah, you're right.
    They'll get here.
    " Feeling better, Fay looked at Vaughn's guitar. "Think you might play some tunes
    " The lone smiled and patter the instrument. "I was thinking about it. You wanna hear one?"
    Fay nodded and Vaughn began playing a nice love song. It made Fay start to daydream about Wolf.


    Eris eyed the alcoholic drinks with a fire in her eyes. 'Alcoholic drinks?! At a high school party?!' She thought, a maniacal gap-toothed grin spreading across her face. 'Oh, this is perfect! My first party in this new town and
    the chaos is practically setting itself up!' Fighting the urge to start laughing, Eris continued watching Smackdown.

    ~Outside Gaston's House~


    Peeking through one of Gaston's windows (and in almost plain sight), pure rage seethed through Jr. Troopa as soon as he saw Mario and...that other guy show up. But mainly Mario! That red...guy would rue the day he crossed Jr. Troopa! All this anger caused him to flash back to the day his one-sided rivalry started.


    It was the first day of school, and Jr. was riding his bike to the elementary school. He felt larger than
    life on his brand-new bicycle. It was a sweet yellow and white ride with cool handlebars and an even
    cooler bell! Jr. was happily riding on his way when suddenly, a red blur rushed by, causing him to almost
    lose his balance. He turned around and saw a high-school boy in red leap on top of a car, before
    speeding off toward the high school. "Hey! Watch where you're going!" He yelled, shook his fist and turned
    back toward the road, only to find a light pole right in front of him. With a crash, his bike hit the pole
    and sent Jr. flying, When he got up, he looked at his bike and found it heavily bent up and ruined!
    Ignoring the fact that his not paying attention was the cause of his ruined bike, Jr. fell to his knees
    and screamed to the sky! "CURSE YOU, RED GUUUUUUUUUYY!!!"

    ~End Of Flashback~

    Jr. glared at Mario, before he recalled something. The big-chinned guy hosting this party and his blue horse friend were talking about having plans for Mario and the green guy, and Jr. didn't like it! Only HE was going to teach Mario a lesson! Putting his revenge on hold for the moment, Jr. began climbing inside through the window. He decided he would just have to find this 'Gaston' and let him know who was boss!
    Post by: FancyStache, Oct 6, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. FancyStache
    Here are the very last people I'll be reserving (I don't want too many characters on my plate)!


    Name: Myriam Scuttlebutt
    Description: Myriam is an upstart reporter who like doing surveillance while hiding inside a cardboard
    box. Most of her stories are venomous lies designed to personally attack anyone Myriam
    doesn't like. She arrived at the school on the same day Eris did and dreams of starting
    a journalism club in Nintendo High.
    Occupation: Student
    Series Character is from: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney/Gyakuten Saiban
    Other: Myriam attends Judge Courses at Themis Legal Academy during the summer.


    Name: Tiny Tiger
    Description: A large, strong mutated tiger with a rather small level of intelligence. Despite his scary
    looks, Tiny is nicer than he lets on and is easy to get along with. He's a bit of a klutz and
    usually ends up causing more harm than good, but at least he tries to help. He arrived on
    the same day Eris and Myriam did and wants to improve his grades.
    Occupation: Student
    Series Character is from: Crash Bandicoot
    Other: Tiny has surprisingly good grades in art class!


    Name: Noob-Saibot/Saibot-S
    Description: A former Lin Kuei Grandmaster who was overpowered and turned into a S-Type. Unlike
    most S-Types, his personal goals are unknown and have little to do with Nintendo High. Even
    so, he will listen to his superiors with undying loyalty and will stop at nothing to obey their
    orders. His method of offense is the use of pure black shuriken.
    Occupation: S-Type
    Series Character is from: Mortal Kombat
    Other: He has a personal grudge against Sub-Zero.


    Name: Bonnie
    Description: An animatronic rabbit, one of the mascots of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. He was sent to
    Robotics teacher Dr. Eggman for repairs and sits in his classroom alongside the other three. Sometimes, he activates himself and watches the students work, occasionally helping whenever needed.
    Occupation: Mascot
    Series Character is from: Five Nights At Freddy's
    Other: Rumored to be haunted. Normally friendly during the day, but at night...


    Name: Crunch Bandicoot
    Description: Crunch shares Tiny's muscles, but is much smarter than his friend. However, he is
    pretty short-tempered and excitable. He's a senior at Nintendo High, and usually
    gets wrapped up in Tiny's misadventures. He arrived the same day Tiny did and they '
    seem to be inseparable. Crunch also hangs out with Crash and his sister Coco outside
    of his friendship with Tiny. He hopes to get the three to get along one day.
    Occupation: Student
    Series Character is from: Crash Bandicoot
    Other: Unlike Tiny, Crunch has a much more open frendly attitude.


    Name: Fay
    Description: A bubbly go-getter with dreams of being an ace pilot. She is great friends with Fox
    McCloud and Slippy Toad and runs a mechanic's shop with her other friend Miya.
    Fay is an energetic student who can't wait to graduate Nintendo High so she can get
    her pilot's liscense ASAP!
    Occupation: Student/Mechanic
    Series Character Is From: Star Fox
    Other: Despite being friends with Fox, Fay is attracted to local rogue Wolf O'Donnell.


    Name: Vaughn Miller
    Description: A hacky-sack playing, guitar strumming, green tea drinking easygoing guy. Vaughn
    is laid back and likes nothing more than relaxing. He always greets people three times
    and says goodbye the same amount, and is often seen without a shirt or shoes.
    Occupation: Student
    Series Character Is From: Community
    Other: Having been through a very humiliating breakup, Vaughn is hesitant around girls.
    Post by: FancyStache, Sep 28, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home