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  1. FancyStache
    ~ Nintendo High: Teacher's Lounge ~


    "Glad to hear it." Ahmet replied. "Now, we have another teacher here. Yuri Cosmos, in charge of Space Engineering. He's usually here by now, but I suppose it's nothing serious." As Rose Tyler went around meeting the others, Ahmet, Nick and Charlie returned to their seats. "What do you think is keeping Yuri?" Charlie asked. "I'm not sure. And yet, I get a strange feeling he'll be coming in anytime no-"

    Before he could finish, Yuri Cosmos, on his segway with the cart in tow, crashed through the wall of the lounge!


    "Ha ha!" He laughed boisterously. "Yuri Cosmos, star of the universe, has arrived!" His segway skidded to a full stop inside the lougne, causing Foxy to get launched from the cart. Flying through the air, screeching, the robot fox hit the ground. Quickly sitting up, he shot a glare at Cosmos. "Argh! Do that again, and I'll tie ye to the mast!" Yuri simply laughed and ordered the animatronics to go to the Robotics classroom. Annoyed, the four left.

    ~ Tokyo Harbor ~


    Arriving at the harbor, Don got out of his car and began asking around for Kuzco.

    ~ Crystal Order HQ: Dungeon ~


    "I...No. I haven't been in the Order long." Elise answered. "My father, Francois De La Serre, he was a Crystal Order member a long time ago. He raised me on the philosophy of 'order through honor and reason', and kept me sheltered from the actions of the Crystal Order." Elise felt her heart sink a bit, before continuing. "When he died of unknown circumstances, I joined to carry on his philosophy, and to find out what happened to him."

    ~ In A Park Somewhere ~


    Entering the park, Florent saw Ozzie, Slash and Flea waiting for him. Wrinking his nose in disgust, he grumbled. "Oh, goody for me." He said sarcastically. "It's the Three Stooges." Utterly annoyed, Florent approached them.

    ~ Tokyo Streets ~


    Eris felt herself being drawn to a large amount of chaotic energy.

    ~ Scum Labs ~


    As Eustace was handling a few forms on his desk, one of the scientists barged into the room. "M-Mr. DeMonic! Come quickly! You must see this!" Eustace quickly followed the scientist, curious as to what was happening.

    ~ Tokyo Streets ~


    Maria struggled to walk down the streets. She suddenly stopped and held her head, as visions of S-Types raced through her mind. Not knowing what they were, Maria regained her composure. "What were those things?" She asked herself breathlessly.

    ~ Nintendo High: Hallways ~


    Duck Hunt Dog casually walked through the halls, since no one was around.
    Post by: FancyStache, Jan 6, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. FancyStache
    ~ Outside Nintendo High ~


    The bus finally arrived at the school, and the door opened to let the students. "Alright, you guys. Get outta here." Dick playfully joked. Once every student was off, he drove toward the Auto Engineering building to park. Amy immediately grabbed Sammy's wrist and dragged her toward the school, while Tiny, Vaughn and Crunch followed, conversing. A few minutes later, Max arrived, tired and out of breath. "C-Curse collar bus driver!" He gasped, before passing out from exhaustion.

    Shortly after, Fay arrived on her bike.


    "Phew. Made it!" She sighed, and went inside the school, ignoring the passed-out Max.

    ~ Nintendo High: Auditorium ~


    "Of course." Florent said. "Ah, but your staff are lucky to work with such a refined lady such as yourself." He turned toward Saxon. "Now then. Harold, I'm afraid I will have to miss the start of the debate. I have a very important meeting in the park. If you'll excuse me."

    ~ Nintendo High: Nurse's Office ~


    Carlos and Sarah were setting up things in the nurse's office. "Sarah, I will be attending the debate in the auditorium." Carlos said. "Could you stay here and keep an eye on things until the nurse gets here?" Sarah nodded and smiled. "Okay, Dad. Then I'll go to class." Giving his daughter a hug, Carlos left the office, while Sarah began organizing the medicine bottles.

    ~ Police HQ ~


    Taking Kuzco's photo and the folder, Don nodded. "Alright. I'll find this guy. If he represents Porta Vista, my best bet is probably the harbor." Don left the HQ, got in his car and drove off.

    ~ Edenia: Royal Court ~


    The court was packed with spectators for Mileena's trial. The pink-clad woman stood before the judge and jury, eyes downward. Nearby stood Kitana, Jade and Sindel, as Mitsurugi had stayed behind to guard the palace. The judge banged his gavel, silencing the loud commotion by Edenia's people. "This court has been called to preside over the trial of the prisoner, Mileena." He spoke. "The events of this trial shall determine whether she is free, or remains imprisoned. We shall first hear the testimony of the royal guard, Jade."

    ~ Crystal Order HQ: Dungeon ~


    "I apologize for the long absence. It has been quite difficult to get here the past days." Elise replied. "I wish to continue our discussion. You asked if I could could excuse the Order's actions over the past 25 years...what sort of things did they do?"

    ~ Nintendo High: Auditorium ~


    A small group of people entered the auditorium, taking a few seats. Mr. Green was eagerly awaiting Harold Saxon's part of the debate. Randsborg was looking forward to Cosmos', while Dr. Betty Veronica of Scum Labs had a question or two to ask.

    ~ Tokyo Streets ~


    Jr. Troopa sat in the backseat of his parents' car, absolutely steaming mad. "I cannot BELIEVE you snuck off to a high school party, young man!" His mother scolded. "It's clear we're going to have to keep a sharped eye on you." His dad said while driving. "That's why we're going to start driving you to school."

    ~ Nintendo High: Teacher's Lounge ~


    "Ah, so you are the new Government instructor." Ahmet noted. "It's nice to meet you, Miss Tyler. I am Professor Ahmet, your Assistant Teacher. If there's anything you need to know about the class, please let me know." Ahmet gestured toward Charlie and Nick. "This is Nick Ramos. He teaches Auto Engineering. And this is Professor Charlie Eppes. He is the Assistant Mathematical Sciences Teacher." Nick smiled and shook her hand. "Nice to meet you." Charlie gave a small nod. "Hello."
    Post by: FancyStache, Jan 4, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. FancyStache
    ~ Pendleton Apartment ~


    "You overslept AGAIN!!" Amy yelled at Sammy as the latter was getting dressed. "You're gonna run us late!" Tiredly, Samey glanced at her sister. "Whuh? I've never seen you so excited for school, Amy." "Not school! The debate? The one, like, held at the auditorium? Remember?" Sammy nodded. She remembered something about a debate, but she was more excited for Accounting, the one class she didn't share with her sister. The two girls went downstairs to find Murphy still in bed, looking ill. "Ugh. Sorry, girls. I can't drive you to school today. I'm not feeling too good. Go to the bus stop and take the bus, okay?" "Um, okay, Uncle Murphy." "Hope you get better."

    ~ Bus Stop ~

    The two girls went outside and found the bus stop nearby. There, they saw Vaughn, Tiny, Crunch, Max and a handful of other students waiting.


    "They had some nerve, I tell you!" Max complained, pointing a finger at Tiny's nose. "That insufferable blue equine had never heard of ME, the fearsome MAX!" Vaughn gave the small boy a pitiful look. "Well, no offense, but neither have we. We only just met you today." "FOOL!! You WILL know me well, once I've become a high-ranking member of the Crystal Order! And then you will tremble!" Max pointed at the other students. "TREEMBLEEE!!!" The others looked unimpressed as Max began laughing evilly. Luckily, the bus had pulled up.


    Dick opened the doors of the bus and let the students inside. His eyes fell on Max, who was standing outside, arms crossed. "Well, are you getting in or what, little kid? I can't afford to run you guys late." "Evil does not take bus rides, especially ones from blue collar serfs like you." Max refused to enter, so Dick simply shrugged. "Whatever floats your boat." The bus began driving off, with Max suddenly changing his tone and running after the bus. "W-Wait! Come back! I was joking!"

    ~ Nintendo High: Auditorium ~


    Florent L'Belle, executive assistant of Harold Saxon, watched with slight disdain as Saxon shook the hand of Cosmos. "Hmph. I simply CANNOT fathom how you can be so cordial, Harold." He muttered, before quickly giving Cosmos a fake smile. "A pleasure, Miss Cosmos."

    ~ Tokyo Streets ~


    George, Lizzie and Ralph continued through the streets. They were hoping to come across any clue as to where Scum Labs was.

    ~ Crystal Order HQ: Dungeon ~


    Elise entered the dungeon, hoping to continue her discussion with King Candy. He had asked her a question that was on her mind the past few days. What sort of things had the Crystal Order done over the years?

    ~ Tokyo Police HQ ~


    Don watched Jenny and Carter leave and approached Looker. "Don't suppose you have an assignment for me, do you, Chief? Last few days have been kinda slow for me."

    ~ Nintendo High: Teacher's Lounge ~


    Nick, Charlie and Ahmet were in the lounge with other staff members. "It's a shame about these teacher strikes, really." Ahmet sighed, shaking his head. "I just hope the Headmaster can find suitable substitutes for the time being." He turned toward Charlie and Nick. "I am, of course, proud of you two for staying around to teach the students." Nick smiled. "Oh, it's nothing. I love the job." "Me too." Charlie replied. "But, I noticed that Yuri hasn't arrived yet. You don't think he went on strike too, do you?" "Yuri Cosmos, abandoning his position? I doubt it. He's probably on his way right now."

    ~ Outside Cosmos Residence ~


    Yuri Cosmos had an air of invigoration about him. After placing the four animatronics on a cart and attaching the cart to his segway, he grinned broadly. Visions of adventure filled his head. Visions of teaching bright young stars the glories and wonders of space technology! With a great sense of excitement, he leapt on his segway and sped off!

    ~ Tokyo Streets ~


    Feeling a bit mischievous today, Eris decided to skip the debate at school and go out on the town. "I fancy a bit of chaos today. Oh, but what to do? What to do?"

    ~ Sanctuary Of S-Types ~


    Noob and Golden Freddy stood before Astral. "So, when shall we begin our stakeout of that building? And should we bring back prisoners?" Golden Freddy asked with a gleeful tone.

    ~ Back Alley ~


    Maria woke up, finding herself alone in a back alley somewhere in Tokyo. "Wh-Where am I?" She whispered. Looking around, she slowly stumbled out into the streets.
    Post by: FancyStache, Jan 1, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. FancyStache
    ~ Crystal Order HQ ~


    "Yes, it is." Elise replied to Albert. "I was just on my way to bed, however." Giving him a polite bow, Elise began to leave. "Good evening to you, as well."
    Post by: FancyStache, Dec 30, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. FancyStache

    Name: Nick Ramos
    Description: The Auto Engineering teacher at Nintendo High. As one of the younger teachers on staff, he speaks to the students on a first-name basis. Friends with Dick Baker.
    Occupation: Auto Engineering Teacher
    Series: Dead Rising
    Other: While he's much kinder and lax than most teachers, he has a hard time being assertive.

    And here is my full list of characters, since everyone else has posted theirs:

    Ahmet [Assassin's Creed]
    Amy [Total Drama]
    Bonnie [Five Night At Freddy's]
    Carlos [Telltale's The Walking Dead]
    Charlie Eppes [Numb3rs]
    Chica [Five Nights At Freddy's]
    Crunch Bandicoot [Crash Bandicoot]
    Dick Baker [Dead Rising]
    Don Eppes [Numb3rs]
    Duck Hunt Dog [Duck Hunt]
    Elise De La Serre [Assassin's Creed]
    Elizabeth Veronica [Rampage]
    Erika [Pokemon]
    Eris [The Grim Adventures Of Billy & Mandy]
    Eustace DeMonic [Rampage]
    Fiona Belli [Haunting Ground]
    Florent L'Belle [Ace Attorney]
    Foxy [Five Nights At Freddy's]
    Freddy Fazbear [Five Nights At Freddy's]
    Fay [Star Fox]
    George [Rampage]
    Golden Freddy [Five Nights At Freddy's]
    Heishiro Mitsurugi [Soul Series]
    Jade [Mortal Kombat]
    Jeremy Fitzgerald [Five Nights At Freddy's]
    Jr.Troopa [Mario Bros.]
    Kitana [Mortal Kombat]
    Lizzie [Rampage]
    Maria [Silent Hill]
    Max [Total Drama]
    Mike Schmidt [Five Nights At Freddy's]
    Mileena [Mortal Kombat]
    Miss Scarlett [Clue]
    Mr. Green [Clue]
    Murphy Pendleton [Silent Hill]
    Myriam Scuttlebutt [Ace Attorney]
    Nick Ramos [Dead Rising]
    Noob Saibot [Mortal Kombat]
    Oliver Queen/Green Arrow [DC Heroes]
    Phone Guy [Five Nights At Freddy's]
    Ralph [Rampage]
    Randsborg [Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds]
    Samey [Total Drama]
    Sarah [Telltale's The Walking Dead]
    Sindel [Mortal Kombat]
    Tiny Tiger [Crash Bandicoot]
    Vaughn Miller [Community]
    Yuri Cosmos [Ace Attorney]
    Post by: FancyStache, Dec 29, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. FancyStache
    ~ Gaston's House ~


    Seeing the guests departing, Eris and the other decided to leave as well. Fay returned to her workshop in town, while Vaughn and the others went to their homes.


    "You do not know the evil of MAX?!" He whined. "Oh, forget it. I am tired. You shall be spared until next time, fool!" Max boasted as he ran out of Gaston's house, cackling evilly all the way to his.

    ~ Pendleton Apartment ~


    "Hi, Uncle Murphy, I'm home!" Samey called out, entering the apartment. "Sammy." Murphy sighed in relief. "Thank goodness you're home. You didn't run into any trouble at that party, did you?" "No, not much. Anyway, I'm tired, so I should nod off." Murphy nodded. "Alright, then. I should head off to bed, too."

    ~ Tokyo Harbor: Seafood Restaurant ~


    Having finished their meals, Oliver and Fiona left the restaurant after paying. Once they got in his car, Oliver drove Fiona back to her house. "Good night, Fiona." Oliver said. "I'm sorry our date was a bit short." "Oh, no. It was nice. Good night, Oliver." Fiona replied. As she entered her home, Oliver went back to his car. After some thought, he drove to his place.

    ~ Hotel ~


    Erika purchased a room at a nearby hotel, and decided she would start her shopping tomorrow. Wishing her Pokemon goodnight, the Gym Leader climbed into bed and went to sleep.

    ~ Crystal Order HQ: Dungeon ~


    Before Elise could answer King Candy's question, Xaldin appeared. Hearing him, Elise turned around. "Ah, Xaldin. I was interrogating the prisoner. Any further information the Crystal Order can gather is valuable to our cause." She replied. "But you are right. I am tired." Pretending to give King Candy a glare, she stated. "We shall finish this questioning later, prisoner." With this, she left.

    ~ Tokyo Streets ~


    The endless walking took its toll on the three monsters. After a bit more walking, the the collapse from exhaustion. Deciding resting to be a good idea, the three lay in the middle of the highway and fell asleep.

    ~ Bar ~


    After finishing her drink, Miss Scarlett packed up her magazines and left.

    ~ Outside Cosmos Residence ~


    As the four approached Metal Sonic, something stopped them in their tracks. After a few minutes of standing still...


    The four looked around, confused. Bonnie noticed the party hat in his hand and tossed it aside. Chica looked at the old pizza in her hand, before throwing it, where it hit Max, who was running by, in the face. Freddy and Foxy looked at Metal in confusion, before all four turned around and reentered the garage. Once inside, they shut themselves down.
    Post by: FancyStache, Dec 26, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. FancyStache

    Name: Dick Baker
    Description: The snarky, short-tempered bus driver for the students who need a ride. He's pretty savvy with a wrench, and is sometimes the go-to guy when a student needs some advice.
    Occupation: Bus Driver for Nintendo High
    Series Character is from: Dead Rising
    Other: He occasionally fills in for engineering professors.


    Name: Florent L'Belle
    Description: The executive assistant for Harold Saxon. Florent has an insufferable elitist attitude and looks down upon others. Saxon and the Crystal Order are the only ones he respects.
    Occupation: Executive Assistant for Harold Saxon
    Series Character is from: Ace Attorney
    Other: He is aware of Saxon's ties with the Crystal Order and supports the partnership.


    Name: Maria
    Description: S-Type taking the form of a young woman. Maria is unique in that she has no ill-intent for humanity. Her main goal is to find out exactly why she was created.
    Occupation: S-Type
    Series Character is from: Silent Hill
    Other: Maria does not reside in the S-Type Sanctuary, instead roaming around.
    Post by: FancyStache, Dec 25, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. FancyStache
    ~ Tokyo Streets ~


    Noticing Skye bumping into him, George watched as she apologized and walked on, causing the large ape to shrug in confusion. Huh. that happened." He muttered, giving his comrades a look. "Everyone else runs and screams." "Yeah." Ralph added, before a sheepish grin crossed the wolf's face. "She was kinda hot, though!" This got him a smack to the back of the head from Lizzie.

    ~ Crystal Order HQ: Dungeon ~


    Elise shook her head. "Believe me, I get no enjoyment of your imprisonment." She replied. "We are not all evil, you know. I believe order can be reached without all of this senseless mayhem."

    ~ Gaston's House ~


    Max cackled evilly at Gaston getting grounded. "It's funny because we're laughing at his misfortune!" He stated, nudging Trixie, despite him being the only one laughing.
    Post by: FancyStache, Dec 18, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. FancyStache

    Name: Phone Guy
    Description: A former night guard who worked for Freddy Fazbear's Pizza back in 1987. Mysterious things happened around him after certain strange and tragic events on that year. Recorded messages found by NHS guards Mike and Jeremy give accounts of these events. As his real name is unknown, he is simply called 'Phone Guy'.
    Occupation: Night Guard For Freddy Fazbear's Pizza
    Series the Character is from: Five Nights At Freddy's
    Other: N/A
    Post by: FancyStache, Dec 13, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. FancyStache

    Name: Jeremy Fitzgerald
    Description: A young rookie training under Mike Schmidt to become a night guard for the school. Young, inexperienced and easily startled.
    Occupation: Night Guard For Nintendo High
    Series Character Is From: Five Nights at Freddy's
    Other: Is very interested in the supernatural.
    Post by: FancyStache, Dec 9, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. FancyStache
    ~ Sanctuary of S-Types -


    "Sounds like the work of some sort of illusion. Then as a master of illusion myself, I believe we are the best for the job." Golden Freddy chimed. "We will gather as much information as we can." Noob replied dutifully. "And shall we capture some of these people for you? They may arrive a little mentally broken, but otherwise alive."

    ~ Crystal Order HQ ~


    Elise watched Rassilon leave the dungeon, giving a small bow of respect. Then, she entered immediately after he was out of sight. Inside, she approached King Candy.

    ~ Outside Gaston's House ~


    Sammy nodded. "I think that's a good idea. There parents can take care of them. Umm...will you need any help?" She asked.

    ~ Pendleton Apartment ~


    Amy had just gone to bed, so Murphy decided to watch a bit of television until Sammy got home.

    ~ Public Park ~


    Once they got over the shock of their transformation, George, Lizzie and Ralph sat down and began to think over their situation. "That stuff we got covered in back at that weird place must've done this to us." Lizzie pointed out. "Question is, how do we change back? I can't be stuck like this. My family will freak out!" Ralph groaned. "And I was gonna go to a concert with some buddies in a few weeks! They'll never let a giant freaking wolf in!" George grumbled. "And I had a bodybuilding competition to go to! But not now! Not like THIS!" Lizzie finally stood up and sighed. "Well, we aren't getting anything done sitting here and moping." The two males looked at each other before rising as well. Lizzie continued. "We have to find the creeps that did this to us. Maybe someone in town will know." With a goal in mind, George, Lizzie and Ralph made their way out of the park and toward Toyko's streets.

    ~ Edenia: Throne Room ~

    [​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG]

    Hearing Mitsurugi's statement, Sindel nodded. "I see. In that case, I shall consider her pardon carefully, since it seems to mean so much to you, Kitana." "Thank you, Mother. As well as you, Heishiro." Kitana chimed gratefully. "I hope we can have her moving about the palace soon!" Heart filled with joy, Kitana quickly left the throne room as Sindel watched on in amusement. "Dear Kitana." She chuckled. "Her heart is in the right place, I am sure."
    Post by: FancyStache, Dec 9, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. FancyStache
  13. FancyStache
    ~ Gaston's House ~


    Sammy had gathered up a plate of food and brought it out to Rosalina. "Umm, here." She said, handing the plate to her. "Your brothers may need it."

    ~ Scum Labs ~

    The scientists who had conducted the tests made haste to the office of Scum Labs' CEO. The experiment had been a success, and he needed to know.


    CEO Eustace DeMonic noticed them inside his office, and waved them forward. "How has the experiment been progressing, gentlemen?" He asked. "Exceptional, Mr. DeMonic! We have created a successful sample!" One scientist replied. "We tested it on three different subjects. All underwent the desirable mutation!" Eustace perked up, as a toothy grin spread across his face. "And is it ready for the project?" He asked. "Not yet, sir. We want to perfect it! Luckily, we have the means. If all goes without fail, Project V.E.R.N. will be ready, and it will be at your command, sir."

    ~ Tokyo Harbor: Seafood Restaurant ~


    Oliver and Fiona found a table and sat down. The staff seemed busy at the moment, so the two decided to chat a bit. "So." Oliver started. "They said one of the candidates for Japan's Prime Minister was killed. Lex Luthor, I think." "What?" Fiona immediately responded. "O-Oh, yes. Who would have done that? I just...I'm sorry. My mind is on other things at the moment." "That's fine. What's bothering you, if I may ask?" Fiona gazed into Oliver's eyes and deeply pondered if she should tell him about the Azoth. "Oh, nothing. Just a nightmare I had last night."

    ~ Sanctuary of S-Types ~


    Noob appeared from the Shadows and approached Astral and Al Mualim. "I have heard everything. Shall I investigate the matter as well?" "I too am interested in this Vector Building." A voice behind Noob added, causing the shadow being to turn around.


    His eyes narrowed. "I do not need the help of a lifeless shell." Golden Freddy remained slumped against the ground, but still spoke. "Astral. You mentioned your vision being 'strangly blocked' when these fellows entered the building, correct?"
    Post by: FancyStache, Dec 6, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. FancyStache
    Alright then, I've edited my post to only include Elise. Thanks for letting me know! Sorry about that, Aki!
    Post by: FancyStache, Dec 1, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. FancyStache

    Name: Elise de la Serre
    Description: A member of the Crystal Order. Elise is very skilled with a blade and prefers to use strategy in battle rather than brute force. As a young girl, she was unknowingly being trained to join the Crystal Order. However, recent events have caused her strong loyalty to waver, and she always looks to her fellow members for guidance and advice on the matter.
    Occupation: Member Of the Crystal Order (Under Guise Of A Student)
    Series Character is from: Assassin's Creed
    Other: Despite being a member, Elise is unsure of the way the Crystal Order does things.
    Post by: FancyStache, Dec 1, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. FancyStache
  17. FancyStache

    Name: Ahmet
    Description: An assistant Government Teacher at Nintendo High. Despite being one of the strictest members of the staff, Ahmet is genuinely concerned with the students' education. He is also in charge of the make-up exams, giving failing students the chance to improve their grades.
    Occupation: Assistant Government Teacher/Make-Up Exam Overseer
    Series Character is from: Assassin's Creed
    Other: Despite being a close acquaintance of Al Mualim, Ahmet is not a member of the Crystal Order.


    Name: Sarah
    Description: A young girl living with her single parent father, Carlos. Sarah is sheltered from the harshness of reality. Seeing the world through rose-colored glasses, she often wonders why the school is at conflict with the Crystal Order.
    Occupation: Student
    Series Character is from: Telltale Games' The Walking Dead
    Other: n/a


    Name: Carlos
    Description: Sarah's father and sole parent. He raised Sarah to be unaware of the harshness of the world out of concern for her sanity. He took a job as the school doctors assistant to keep close to his daughter.
    Occupation: School Nurse's Assistant
    Series Character is from: Telltale Games' The Walking Dead
    Other: n/a
    Post by: FancyStache, Nov 29, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. FancyStache
    ~ Public Park ~


    George, Lizzie and Ralph finally came to, and immediately found themselves lying in a park. "Urghh..." Ralph groaned. "Where are we?" "I dunno. I think it's the park." Lizzie answered groggily and George shrugged. "We must've been out for a bit." The three stood up and found something off. They seemed to be many, many feet high
    in the air, and people below were looking at them in horror! Ralph leaned down to them. "Hello?" He asked, but the people immediately began to scream and run away! The three watched in shock, before rubbing their eyes. They managed to get a good look at their hands and found that they were now monstrous claws! Looking into a nearby lake, George found he was now a giant mutant gorilla, Lizzie had turned into a large reptilian creature and Ralph was now a monster wolf! "What the heck happened to us?!?!" They all cried at the same time!

    ~ Tokyo Harbor - Seafood Restaurant ~


    Oliver and Fiona pulled up at the seafood place. Oliver got out and opened Fiona's door for her. "Oh, thank you." She said with a smile. "A lot of people bring their dates to this place, I hear." Oliver smiled, gently taking her by the hand. "I go here myself a lot. I'm sure you'll like it." Nodding, Fiona followed him inside.
    Post by: FancyStache, Nov 6, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. FancyStache
    @WhiteRose-Aki - Understandable. We'll see you when you get back.


    Name: Oliver Queen/Green Arrow
    Description: An avid archery enthusiast and able young man of a very jovial manner. Oliver moonlights as the superhero Green Arrow, a vigilante armed with martial arts and a trusty bow and arrow.
    Occupation: Archery Enthusiast
    Series Character Is From: DC Comics
    Other: Dating Fiona Belli, who is unaware of his vigilante work.


    Name: Fiona Belli
    Description: A polite college student studying literature and history. Despite seeming normal, this young woman contains the Azoth, a powerful life essence desired by those seeking eternal youth.
    Occupation: College Student
    Series Character Is From: Haunting Ground.
    Other: Dating Oliver Queen, who is unaware of the Azoth she has.

    EDIT: I may not be post AS MUCH. The family computer's acting up.
    Post by: FancyStache, Nov 3, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. FancyStache
    ~ Gaston's House ~


    Not having to worry about Shadow Mario, Eris and the others went back to enjoy the party. Eris got on the dance floor and began dancing...terribly, while Tiny and Myriam stared at her. The large tiger turned to Myriam. "Erm, wanna dance with Tiny?" She was surprised, but nodded. "Sss sss sss sss! I could use the distraction." Myriam answered. "Anything to not have to watch that awful flailing." Fay was watching the dancers while applauding, and Vaughn went back to practicing his new song. Sammy sat in a chair in the far corner of the room, watching everyone else partying.

    ~ Bar ~


    Upon hearing the news of Lex Luthor's death, Miss Scarlett gave a dismissive sigh. "Figured someone would off him someday..." She murmured.

    ~ Outside CNN Building~


    Mr. Green sat outside the CNN news building, impatiently.

    ~ Edenia - Throne Room ~


    "An early pardon?" Sindel asked quizzically. "Yes. She has been showing a great improvement in her demeanor. A few days ago, I was able to enter her cell without incident." Kitana smiled behind her mask. "I simply wished to receive your input, Mother." "I see. Has Jade given her thoughts?" Kitana nodded. "Yes. She and I agree that Mileena deserves an early release from prison." "Hmm...Heishiro." Sindel asked, turning toward the swordsman. "As a member of the guard, I would like your input." Mitsurugi nodded in agreement. "I've been to see her many times with Jade. I can support Princess Kitana's word."

    ~ Unknown Testing Facility ~

    "You're not going to stick anything into our arms, right?" George asked one of the scientists. "Oh, no no. We already injected you with the mutagen before you awoke." "Mutagen?" Lizzie repeated. The man nodded. "A special concoction that activates via heat. We will raise the temperature of this room and see if the mutagen works." He motioned toward another man, who approached a control panel and pushed a red button. The scientists quickly entered a small chamber nearby, as Ralph, Lizzie and George felt the room quickly begin to reach scorching heat. George then noticed Lizzie acting oddly. Then he and Ralph began to feel strange...

    Lizzie felt a strange feeling on her shoulder and looked to see green scales slowly start to cover her. Her body began to mutate into a more reptilian shape. Ralph watched in horror as his beard began to expand across his face and body, and he began to grow canine features. George's body began to progress into a primate-like form, and his hair began expanding across his face. The three blacked out before they could witness the full transformation, but Lizzie heard the scientists say one last thing. "It works! Inform Mr. DeMonic immediately!"
    Post by: FancyStache, Oct 30, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home