Cookiie stepped out of the room to get some air after the encounter with her new roommate. Why am I like this..? Other people make it seem so easy! Suddenly she felt someone bump into her. "A-Ah I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to get in your way. " The other person asked for her name. "O-oh , my name is Cookiie," she pointed to the door of her room, "t-this is my room...well not just mine, I share it with two other people. What's your name ?"
Startled Cookiie jumped and turned around. "Oh h-hello! I'm Cookiie. I haven't seen Saxima yet..." Or at least I don't think I did...Gosh I should pay more attention to things. "F-feel free to claim your own space. I don't need very much..." She tried to force a smile onto her face. I came to this school to improve my self-confidence and social skills...clearly it isn't working out for me.
Cookiie opened the door and stepped into the room. It was empty.I wonder when my roommates will get here. I hope they're nice.... She walked over to the bed closest to the window and dropped her blue duffel bag on it. Cookiie began to unzip the bag to unpack, but stopped herself halfway. Maybe I should wait until the others get here, so I know how much closet space I can take... She sat down on her bed, pulled a laptop out of her backpack and surfed the internet.
Cookiie gazed over at the growing conversation and saw Tale dragging something across his wrists, but she couldn't see what.I knew I should've gotten the glasses when I got the chance. But what is that? A knife? She decided to walk closer to check. "Umm..a-are you alright ?" She looked at his hand. It was a pencil. How could I have thought it was a knife?
I'm kind of tired, but it would be rude of me not to introduce myself...But how do I introduce myself ? O_O *takes a deep breath in* "Umm...h-hello everyone...I'm Cookiie" Oh gosh, I must sound so stupid
"Save You" by Simple Plan
Username: Cookiie Age: 15 Arcana: The Empress (Could also be The Tower or The Hanging Dragon) Weapon: Pistol My name is Cookiie and in this contract, I hereby affirm that I chooseth this fate of mine own will.
:o LUCKY ! I only had today off . Ehh, nothing new happened to me , either. My day was extremely boring
"Wishing on a Star" by Wonder Girls
:o Everyone looks amazing ! So today I went to the park to supervise my little sister and decided to take pictures :3 Firstly, I'd just like to say: Spoiler and now, an actual picture of me: Spoiler We were having a "Who can hold their breath the longest" contest , while sitting on the swings. I took more pictures, but most of them were of scenery.
I'm well . Anything new happen ?
heyy . how are you ? :3
B-but, i-i-it's only Saturday and I don't have school on Monday :3
"You Walking Toward Me" by Jeong Jin Woon
"Beautiful Dance" by Bye Bye Sea
A tea party <3 I've always wanted to attend one :3
Aww, thank you (: . You have no idea how much this message made my day <3 And yes, we should go skating, so visit soon ! X3
"Hair" by Lady Gaga That is all .