"oh yeah..." Mellody murmered looking away as she walked. f*ck! i'm screwed!
"Mellody raised an eyebrow at her. "You're telling me about last night on the way..." She murmurred walking out of the room.
"Long enough." Mellody replied smiling at her. "So, we ready to go yet?"
Mellody sighed, she had already been waiting for several minutes for either Near or Lana to notice her but smiled all the same as she notted how much closer they had become.
hey everyone...
ooc: might i ask for a recap?
ooc: lol *shrugs* "Look, can we just leave it?" Denithan asked at last. "If i light up i light up, it's that simple."
... i'll help with anything but direct assaults on RA... ._.
so both stories are nearing their ends? ;-;
"I dunno..." Denithan replied blankly. "Lot'sa things..." ooc: i only just realised how that sounded ._.
nar... i mean something with a real story... something WITH an ending...
we should probably make an rp now... but i'm not in the mood ._. i wanna read...
nothing much... you?
ooc: soz!!! DX "Okay..." Melody sighed, trying to hide an evil smile. "whatever you say..."
hi everyone...
"Do i NEED to get you her laptop?" Mellody asked darkly looking him in the eyes... ooc: gtg now, soz! cyas soon!
"Just answer!" Mellody snapped sick of waiting as she tugged hsi hair even harder.
ooc: lol, you don't need Near then! i did i did! and i dun want you to go ._. Mellody took a few threads of hair from the top of hish ead and started twirling them around, making suret obe as rough as posible. "Or you'll what?"
ooc: Random Angel you have your own Near! and your own L! damn... "Then you agree you'll marry her when this is all done?" Mellody continued to question, a evil smile across her face.
Denithan shrugged. "don't know... it's actually easier to excite me then anything..." ooc: aww... ok, cya tommoz! hopefully.