Mellody sighed thoughtfully, trying to re-think her plan.
"maybe..." Mellody nodded unsure. "Maybe it's that way..." She indicated to the left and drove off.
Mellody looked around trying to remember where she was going as she noticed Lana coming up beside ehr and shrugged.
Mellody shrugged, and started her car, stamping her foot don on the accelorator again...
"Are we going to go meet them?" Denithan asked queitly.
"Specially with the promise of marriage to Near!" Mellody taunted in a joking tone, starting her car...
Mellody sighed in relief sititng down in the car.
ooc: O.o "No... well... yeah... maybe..." Mellody muttered unsure of what to say. "I thought i was helping"
"Well..." Mellody sighed. "I didn't think you'd ever get around to even telling him so..." ooc: O.O
ooc: i am too.. and i would like to agree... lol "Umm..." Mellody sighed scratching her head for a thought. "I just thought... it'd be a nice surprise?"
Mellody stopped dea in her tracks now, scratching the back of her head as she tried to think of an excuse.
"Yeah..." Mellody agreed walking away and trying to hide her smile.
Melldoy smiled. "Well, come on we've got to go..."
Mellody couldn't help but smile as she looked at Lana. "And how do you feel right now?"
"He admitted he loves you didn't he?!?!" Mellody squealed running up to her. "You gotta give me the details!"
"What happened last night..." Mellody sighed walking down next to her. "You're so hyped up!"
Mellody stared at her now, not able to take her eyes of off her. "What the hell happened?!"
Mellody smiled pleasently, walking past her and heading for the exit.
Mellody stared at her, smiling in a ubelieving way. "What happened... if you really mean that thank you you'll tell me!"
"Sh*t!" Mellody cringed turning to look at her. "So, what're you gonna say?"