"almsot every teenage girl thinks of it, i mean we may not be teenagers but you had to of thought of it.."
"Oh my god girl..." Mellody sighed. this plan ain't going so well...
"oh my freaking god!" Mellody sighed loudly in frustration. "Of course i mean it what the hell else would i be talking about?!"
Mellody facepalmed herself. "nevermind... it doesn't matter"
"Eh, screw it..." Mellody murmered to hrself. "Out of curiousity, have you ever... you know..."
"Personal interests and opinions."
Mellody simply giggled at her response...
"it's fascinating watching you struggle wit hthe subject" Mellody taunted sitting down next to her now.
"boys?" Mellody suggested almost immediantly walking by her.
Heiro/Hiero's back if you'lll have him.. Name: Heiro/Hiero Age: 23 Race: Full-Demon Elements: None, he uses the manipulation of blood to make up for one. appearance: Heiro: http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z96/iluvshika_05/yondaime.jpg Hiero: http://i251.photobucket.com/albums/gg300/Dein-Heiro/SomaCruz.jpg weapon: Seen in Hiero's Picture secondary weapon: Claws bio: A once over-protective brother, he was cast out by his step-father and lived in the atitc, oriinally brandishing his parent's signature weapons, till a certain battle caused him to give into his blood lust, in turn triguring his alternate personality (Hiero). over the course of the last 2 years Heiro has come to terms with Hiero's apparently evil way of doing things, and has greeted most of what the two have doen with little more than a shrug. He served as a sort of servant to James & Ashita for a time. ooc: *shrugs* figured i might as well re-join while i have some time... anyway, mind if Heiro and his twin inside Hiero re-join for old times sake?
"Oh nothing... just something's i thought we should look at and take into consideration, though it'll be a bit before we have anything so we'll just talk for a bit..."
Mellody sighed as she walked after Lana glancing over at her and hpoing she hadn't noticed the monitors yet.
ooc: umm... mind if i get a recap?
hey everyone... what's new?
final! the action starts! >=D lol, anyway, great chapter, can't wait till you hop on MSN so i can tlak to you about it...
"3rd floor first room on the right..." Mellody indicated, walking up to the counter.
"Whatever..." Mellody shhrugged walking inside the building.
"We go inside?" Mellody suggested making a hand gesture.
"We're here..." Mellody sighed blankly.
Mellody skidded to a stop, watching Lana drive by a little and simply staring at her.