"It's okay..." Mellody whispered in a bare audible voice, stretching her arm out for a bit. "I'm not going to hurt you, you know..."
"Come on...?" Mellody persisted still holding out her arm. "It's fine..."
"Will you please just come here?" Mellody asked with a certain tenderness she never normally showed.
"Come over here..." Mellody sighed holding out her arm.
"No, i'm not..."
"I'm not going to hurt you Lana..." Mellody sighed pitifully.
"Don't worry about it..." Mellody shrugged sitting up again. "As if i'd hurt you... in all honesty..."
Mellody smiled a small bit turning back and shaking her head slightly. As if i'd actually hurt her...
Melody breathed deeply for a moment and turned to Lana, her eyes a little dangerous. "Leave... it..."
"I don't really care right now..." Mellody explained a little coldly. "Let's just wait a bit..."
Denithan watched queitly, not sure of what to say or do whilst he was in this town and simply continuing to follow Treat for the fact he had nothing better to do...
"it's okay, let's just leave it..."
"Just leave it." Mellody ordered in a mutual tone.
"Yeah... " Mellody shruged it off. "It's fine..."
Mellody simply remained silent closing her eyes lightly and ignoring Lana's comment.
"first time was with Mello..." Mellody explained stalely. "And that's all your getting." "
"Honey, do you honestly wanna know about that certain aspecct of my life?"
"Good point..." Mellody agreed with a simple nod.
"Yeah... i understand..." Mellody agreed. "But everyone hears rumours and everyone's curious... i figured you would've at least of had thought of it..."
"whatever." Mellody sighed lying down as she sighed it.