"Thanks you..." Mellody thanked, stepping pass her and raising an eyebrow at Near. "You two were alone?"
"Oh there you are..." Mellody smiled walking up to her. "What's up?"
"Luna!" Mellody yelled out looking around for her.
Heiro watched queitly from a distance, acknowledging the rivalry between Jacob and James. "Maybe we should re-apper, eh Hiero?"
... i'm gonna get replaced? ._.
ooc: don't worry about it Des ^-^' "Hey Treat..." Denithan started turning towards her. "What do i do with this?"
<_< >_> anyone up for a little... game, shall we say?
Denithan nodded, running over to the door and opening it quickly.
"I think this is a little more than a 'oh bugger' situation..." ooc: ._. yeah... we seriusly do right now...
"Yes you are..." ooc: i think we revealed one of Lana's disadvantages but nothing really...
"I'm expecting so..." Mellody smiled back, no sigh of joking around in her voice.
"You'll see.." Mellody explained smilng evily like she normally did when she was up to something.
Mellody smiled warlm at Lana, letting go of her at last. "Shouldn't be too long now..."
"well, until then, mind if i stick around?"
Mellody closed her eyes resting her forehead on Lana. "You shouldn't of had to put up with it in the first, it's not right Lana... there shouldn't be a 'always am'..."
Mellody bit her lip. At the age of 8 that was going way too far, regardless of the floor. ""It's okay Lana... you don't have to worry about that anymore... i'm your friend, and i'm not going anywhere... and i swear to god if anyone ever does that to you again i'll kill them..."
"What betrayal?" Mellody asked lightly not meaning to pry, bringing her other arm aroudn and trying to bring Lana into what would normally be considered a sisterly hug.
"It's not pathetic..." Mellody continued to pester. "It just shows that some things were done to you that shouldn't of been..."
"No your not..." Mellody encouraged trying to pull Lana closer. "Just soem bad memories would've come up, it's not your fault, and you have the right to cry... now you don't have to, but will you please tell me what happened?"
"That's right..." Mellody continued in the same voice, wrapping one of her arms around Lana. "What's going on?"