big D ._. i really wanna make this... half for a book i'ma write soon and half because i wanna envent a new martial arts XD or re-instate the sword into the AUS navy/military.
hey everybody... i'ma making a fictional japanesse sword-fighting style, and i'ma debating on a name... so far i've gotten Raion Ryuukou (Lion Fashion) but then i draw a blank on what i can add ._. help?
Nein... replace N with D... Dein! ^-^ (i have issues ._.) so... what's new everyone?
cyas then!
my sister's scared of USB's... quite litterally...
true... damn things have come after almost every girl in my family at least once... <_< >_>
i don't find horrors scary though... 1408 was just... 1408... i dunno, scared me sh*tless and now i'm hard to scare... *shrugs* were you flirting with it before hand? *pokes*
but i told you, i haven't been scared in ages... reason is 1408... i still have nightmares when i'm stressed <_< >_> f*cking devil movie... wtf? how the hell'd it do that?
you haven't seen 1408 have you? O.o go watch it and THEN tell me how scary the damn thing is.
nope... wait, who do i have to seem tough to anyway? and i was nervous till everyone started falling dead... they didn't even show what kileld them! so i went from freaked out to p*ssed... though i'm still debating if it was a heart or just some orgn the chick found... still... organs ._. ok.
yeah, didn't find it scary at all *yawns* you want something scary watch room 1408... damn movie almost made me crap myself ._. now PM me what happened in school...
lol, hi, so what's new? *lies down on couch*
*picks up and puts on feet* heya.
little bit of this, and a little bit of that, but none of which is of any relevencay lol
you know why itachi REALLY betrayed Uchiha? lol and it was ok, could've been better but you'll improve on your own there... and i seriously think you're mis-portraying Haku, even in the event of his and Zabuza's deaths he was placid and hated to fight... now he's starting a war...
what's new?
"Only question is.." The voice in Heiro's mind continued. "Who's side do we take this time?"
hey everyone! i'm in LaLa land i swear!!!! X3
Mellody giggled, closing the door. "I'm kidding, the both of you are too damn shy to EVER do that."
"Oh, in that case, i guess i'll give you some more time..." Mellody shrugged walking to the door again and giving Lana a sly wink.