"Hate the b*tch." Mellody comented quickly. "Umm... you really wanna know what i did?"
"You don't even want to know what happened the last time i drank..."
Mellody staared at all the alchahol. "I'm going to be smashed.."
"I'll take whatever." Mellody smiled.
Mellody smiled at her following her and sitting down next to her. "Well, i told you, if someone picks on you i'll take care of them... now let's go..."
"Who's she?" Mellody asked looking at Lana expectedly. "Want me to hurt her or something?"
Mellody couldn't help but laugh this time, patting Lana on the back as they walked.
Mellody held back her laughter walking after Lana. "now THAT i would pay to see.."
"But.." Mellody started. "honey... You fall down stairs anyway..."
Mellody jumped to her feet as well, a large smile spread across her face as she tried to picture Lana drunk and holding a bottle of alchahol. "So how are you when you're drunk anyway?
"Yay!" Mellody yelled girlishly, giggling lightly afterwards. "I'm going to see L wasted!"
"Well.." Mellody smiled turning to her. "let's go get wasted!"
"Come on..." Mellody poked her. "It'll cheer you up!"
"ahh..." Mellody nodded, leaning towards Lana, silently cursing Laya in her mind. "Well, i think you should tell Near... or... i have an idea..." Mellody started, a evil smirk crossing her face.
What's with her...? Mellody wondered as she soundlessly observed the meloncoly figure of Lana. Something seemed a little odd considering not only had she managed to bring Laya in but she'd obviously come on in leaps and bounds with Near in the last few hours. Cautiously she approached her and jumped over the back of the sofa Lana had been sitting on, landing besides her. "You alright hun?"
hey Shiki, don't think we've actually met yet.
*facepamls* i'll try to find someoen else then... thanks anyway...
ok...? well... i'll try it on my own later, but can you help me when you get the chance? ._.
don't do it. tell him to f*ck theh ell off lol it's okay... cya soon... and big D... you are a great writer so if you can't help meh i'm doomed...
do what? and will someone PLEASE help me with my style! D: