hi... what's new...?
i got 92... i need to start studying again...
hi... that's diturbing big D... bye...
ooc: if onyl for a few secs i guess so... Mellody giggled a bit more, before falling over dead to the world herself.
"Sexy... naughty... *****y...me" Mellody giggled as she sang.
Mellody smiled, pushing herself away from Lana and continuing with the both of them "People think it's intimidating when a girl is cool with her sexuality I'm a 180 to the stereotype girls like staying home and being innocent" ooc: Mellody and Lana are p*ssed as hell... so's Blondie...
"Yes!" Mellody squealed lightly, clapping happily. "You're a sexy b*tch!" She then proceeded to lean over the table lightly reaching towards Lana.
Mellody giggled smiling widey. "that's ebcause i'm sexy! and you're sex-eh too!"
"But it seemed like FUN!" Mellody continued, almost completly out of it by that one shot.
"Hey shut it virgin princess." Mellody retorted skuling her drink in one. "anyway, apparently i glomped every blonde guy or girl in the bar, almost blew some guy up, brokw some stuff and last but not least... TRIED TO SLEEP WITH THE POLICE OFFICER!" Mellody yelled the last bit giggling hurriedly and taking a large breath.
"Fine..." Melldoy sighed. "This is just of the camera though..."
Mellody smiled widely back. "I have more questions, but i doubt i should ask them in public."
"Ahh... but if you were drinking..." Mellody persisted. "And you kissed him before you blanked out."
Mellody smiled. "Then i'm not going to tell you!"
Mellody nodded considering it. "Didn't think you'd answer... ok if you wake up but naked in bed with near leaning on you sightly how would you react?"
Mellody simply stared at Lana stunned.
"then i don't tell you." Mellody mused. sititng back.
"well...?" Mellody persisted staring her drink down thoughtfully.
"Ok..." Mellody smiled. "What would you do if you saw Near naked? and then if Near saw YOU naked?"
"I hope not... i so f*cking hope not..." Mellody sighed shaking her head. "And i'd prefer not to..."