"If you want to." Denithan agreed tilting his head. ooc: this is gonna be interesting...
"I don't know... i guess when i'm under pressure... or embarrased... or scared..." Denithan shrugged. ooc: terribly wrong town XD and i think she'll find out soon enough...
so, what's our first form of official movement gonan be?
"Umm, it's kidna hard to show you..." Denithan explained scratching the back of his head, it only glows when i'm glowing and i only glow under certain circumstances..." ooc: i mentioned it in his powers, anything in consistent contact with him will also glow that light pinkish colour... i just realised, he'd be perfect for valentine's day >3
"I...don't...really...use it?" Denithan explained his smile becoming more awkward. "It's more for distractions then anything, cause for some reason it glows like i do..."
"I...don't...fight..." Denithan explained smling a little awkwardly.
"Barely..." Denithan replied, conforming her suspicions.
"Wow, you're energetic. "Denithan muttered smilng at her, and walking over to a slightly lighter patch of snow, reaching down and picking up a rather large scythe with two hands. "See? it is a normal scythe, nothing special about it."
"As if i'm going to drag a giant scythe into a middle of a town..." Denithan muttered, dragging himself outside, shuddering at the memory of the taste now.
"Not really..." Denithan agreed, still resisting the urge to start spitting. "Anyway, my scythes outside..."
Denithan simply swallowed what hehda already chewed and put the rest down. "sorry, but... well, what the hell was that?"
"Outside..." Denithan explained, taking a few bites out of his cupcake and resisting the urge to spit it back out.
Denithan stopped at the door and looked over at hr. "Sure, why not?"
"I don't understand you at all..." Denithan sighed smiling as he said it.
"Umm... o-okay..." Denithan sighed a little shyly. "But, it's just a scythe... and why are you so interested in weaponry?"
Denithan blushed lightly, a faint pinkish aura eminating from him, as Treat took his hand taking him back to the mansion. "umm... why do you want to see my scythe anyway?"
Denithan shook hish ead. "Don't think it was meant to be honestly."
Denithan looked over at Treat passively, waiting to see what she did.
"Who are those three anywaY?" Denithan asked recognizing the three from the mansion.
Denithan smiled to himself, chasing after her.