I'm doing fine.
I'm sure he'll give off some flare anyway so w/e.
thanks. :) I really think that guy has no manners and is full oof disrespect. I've seen his other posts and there nothing but insulting...
[sarcasm]OH WOW THANKS FOR THE CnC[/sarcasm] :spam:
Hey coco. =D I'm liking your new avi of santa roxas. xD
These are very nice tags, and the best overall would be either nero or axel, since Axel blends with the stock and so does nero, in an action sort of way. =D But like Misty said, you need to work on using more than 1 color instead of just 1 and it's shades. Also, NO LOW QUALITY STOCKS. D:<
Yes. ^_^ Sure thing. ^_^
Yes, I managed to get some stocks and make avatars of them xD Thanks.
Thanks for the CnC guys. ^_^
The last one on the 1st row is Noctis when he's walking down the stairs and the n00b soldiers are trying to shoot him. =D
I found the colored manga scans online at some weird manga website that had novel pictures and stuff......but I forgot the site. -.-' I can upload the scans if you want?
Thanks dude
I've used Gimp before, and I hated it. XD lolz Now I use Photoshop, which I've gotten A LOT better with making sigs. =D With Gimp, make sure...
Pretty good. just posted a new thread showingmy avatars =D What program do you use to make your signature?
My attempt at making avatars =D: http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?p=2303048#post2303048
Just trying this out and see if I'm good at it: (avatar contains explicit language so if you are offended by this kind of language do NOT look at this thread) My personal favorite is the 1st and 7th avatar. =D
Again, these are fantastic. =D The Reno is my fave of them all. =] 10/10.
Yeah, this was good. 8/10 ^_^
Not bad for your first sig. I give it and 8/10 so good job. What program did you use for this??
I love them! All of these avatars are so great! The only ones that need work are the 5th and last ones. 9.5/10