Nothing much. =D did ya hear I opened my GFX shop??
Yeah I can't wait for BBS and 358/2 Days. =D I also got Re:CoM and I beat the game on Proud Mode! (Both stories btw) The voices are amazing...
That's cool. =D There were 3 fights at my school today, and some kid got their PSP stolen. Not only that, but my day at school was so awesome....
Hey what's up?
Not very good for a sprite tag. For a sprite tag, there has to be effects around the sprite that seem to blend with it, and it is too dark. :/ Not your best work.
For a Gimp sig, this is pretty nice, but there are a couple of problems. - There's more than 1 focal, when there should be only one focal point so nobody gets distracted from the main focal. - Not much lighting. :/ That's all I gotta say.
Just got home from school. What's up with you?
This is such a smexy tag Misty. =D The displacement looks so nice and great idea displacing those other people making the girl the only focal. ;) Amazing job. I really can't say anything wrong with this tag. But one question, did you use any special displacements for this tag? or just the pre-made displacements??
You mean 380x130 right? (just to make sure...) There you go. ^_^
~shop is closed~ all requests after december 18 will not be accepted. Sorry
Actually this does sound pretty clever. Heck, I say yes. xD
lol my shop opens tomorrow silly xD but yeah I'll send you the link when it opens ;)
Yeah, text needs work and the scanlines should not be there. :/ Other than that, it's pretty good. =D
Nice job dude. And whoa, 3-5 years, that's pretty long imo. Anyways, the 5th and 6th ones are pretty average but the 9th one and onward are just perfect. My fave is probably the Br34kd0wN DREAM tag. So yeah, this timeline shows a sign of amazing improvement.
The smudged-looking effects on the text are pretty cool. What's the theme for your sotw?
Yeah, that's what I forgot to add. XP lol When I think of it, it "would" distract the focal away from it so yeah, still it's nice. Keep at it with the tags. =D
I've never really seen this kind of style before. @___@ Personally, I think maybe you could add a little more color to match him just as some red but not too much so it won't mess the flow you've already got, but that's just my opininon. :/ So yeah, nice. =D
My shop opens this week!!!!! And I've been practicing on my avi making, which I improved greatly btw. 8D
omigosh Misty I love your avatar. It's a non emo santa Sora! XP Anyways, I just discovered that I love making avis literally. XD Look what...