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  1. Virtuoso
  2. Virtuoso
    It seems boring......maybe some extra color, but not too much...?:/
    Post by: Virtuoso, Dec 24, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  3. Virtuoso
    All cutscenes here have the same format. Although you can also check Blue Laguna and for the other cutscenes. =D

    I don't trust using torrents since some of them may have viruses in them.
    Post by: Virtuoso, Dec 22, 2008 in forum: Production Studio
  4. Virtuoso
    The Riku tribute wasn't really good but the Crisis Core tribute was amazing. =D

    The rhythym matching was perfect but at times you could've added more to some extra beats, but w/e.

    Keep on working and improving, and you will be an amazing WMM editor. =D
    Post by: Virtuoso, Dec 22, 2008 in forum: Production Studio
  5. Virtuoso
    Wow, pretty early eh xD

    The tags are so great, especially the sprite tags. Those are your best. =D

    The avatars are also pretty and colorful especially the Noctis one.

    Now, I gotta post my work laterrrr. xD

    Happy Holidays, Laplace. ^_^
    Post by: Virtuoso, Dec 22, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  6. Virtuoso
    Here's my entry:

    Willprobablychangeit xp
    Post by: Virtuoso, Dec 22, 2008 in forum: Competitions
  7. Virtuoso
    The render/stock is blurry and the placement of the stock is NOT good. Placement of the stock should NOT be at dead center or at the very very far side of a signature, depending on the composition, and for this, you should not have placed the stock/render there. The signature also lacks effects, and the line in front of cloud makes it look bad.

    Overall, not your best work dude. I suggest you look up some tuts or something... =/
    Post by: Virtuoso, Dec 22, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  8. Virtuoso
  9. Virtuoso =D

    Awesome job with the effects and colors, it's hawt. 10/10.
    Post by: Virtuoso, Dec 22, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  10. Virtuoso
  11. Virtuoso
  12. Virtuoso
  13. Virtuoso
    Profile Post

    Hallo there too O_O

    Hallo there too O_O
    Profile Post by Virtuoso for Laplace, Dec 22, 2008
  14. Virtuoso
    Okay, this will probably be a 85% chance I'll use this xD

    Post by: Virtuoso, Dec 22, 2008 in forum: Competitions
  15. Virtuoso
    Actually it does, but you need to look at the amplitude of the music to get the beat right. Trust me, I know. =D
    Post by: Virtuoso, Dec 20, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Virtuoso
  17. Virtuoso
  18. Virtuoso
    Can the stock be manga artwork, like, for example, the KH novel/manga stocks I sent you??
    Post by: Virtuoso, Dec 18, 2008 in forum: Competitions
  19. Virtuoso
    Yes it is. =D
    Post by: Virtuoso, Dec 17, 2008 in forum: Art Shop
  20. Virtuoso