Forget it. Just don't claim it as your own.
btw, don't forget to put in your signature that it was made by me.
Triangle: Curaga Square:Item (Elixir, Hi-Potion, etc.) O:Thundaga X:Reflectga
I always wanted to make that kind of composition, but I always messed up. xD Well, the second and last one is my fave, due to the delish lighting and colors while the fifth tag needs some work since the edge of the object in the lower left is a bit pixelated and it's also kinda dull. (unless that goes with the composition, but w/e.) EDIT The axel burn tag is also good imo.
Thank you. I'ma post a thread soon of some avatars I recently made, so yeah. xD
LOL try right-clicking on the stuff and go to "Properties". (Or if you're using a Mac, then ctrl+click, go to properties) Then, just copy the...
Laplace: I simply just love the colors and the flow of this tag. It's do you say... hawt. =D The lighting is also smex. Misty: Pretty cool simplicity and usage of colors of effects. It looks beautiful put together. Himura Battosai: From being the most simple out of these, the coloring is just remarkable. _______________________ And yes, I'm a sucker for colorful tags that flow nicely.
Very good, thanks for asking. and before you ask about your request (if you were), I'm still uploading them, and I have ****** internet, so...
I REALLY like this one. The only problem is that the effects around Altair are a bit too dim, but just make it stand out more with some brightness/contrast/levels adjustments.( and maybe some lighting. :P) That's all I could give for CnC, but overall, 9/10. =D
'kay 'kay. ^_^
Don't think I forgot about your request. ;)
Thank you. =D Made it myself. =DDD
Awwww. DX Thanks for letting me know anyway. ^_^
Wow, I just started talking to her and now she's leaving....that sucks. :/ Oh well, bye Pure Beats, and I'll be sure to contact you on D-A. ^_^
haha thanks. MERRY CHRISTMAS
oh and btw, all the requests are being released TOMORROW I'm really tired and just feel like playing with my new presents so I don't feel like...
Thanks dude. =D I made it myself. =DD
I'll give you one present early....and that'll be your taggy...T.T But just that! and you can't put it on until tomorrow!!!! Understand?...
I'm not your mom, I'm santa claus. *points at my avatar SEE? T.T Psh, patience, child.....(Oh wait, you're older than me O_O')
The left side feels empty but the effect colors around Sora makes the tag look very delish.... :P So yeah, this is pretty nice. =D