woot woot. xD ._.
Need your opininon :S http://i221.photobucket.com/albums/dd97/bleachfan412/sigs/StrawberryGirl-1.png Does that look right?(I was just doing a...
It looks nice, just experiment with it more until you get a result. Ok, how about now?...
Here are some recommendations: Uncharted Ratchet and Clank Resistance 2 Prince Of Persia GTA IV Dead Space That's all I could think of right now. :/
this composition kinda reminds me of Beau's work, but instead the bg is more bland and seems a bit flat. Maybe try some pentooling and colored...
MY GAWD WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?! XD jkjk sure thing dude. ^_^
looky here. o.o http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=71157
hallo guy who has same b-day as me. XD I'm doing good. Just got back from pming all the finished requests to their recipients xD How are...
I used Photoshop CS2. =D
lol, I'm appreiated for the rep, since people may actually look at it to see if they can trust you or not IMO. XD
Too much negative space, needs more color, better effects, and it lacks depth. :/
Amazing CnC and Tags of Hawtness xD I always wanted to try the composition you used but I keep on messing up. ):
Yeah, you could have that one, I'll pm it to you. ^_^ Thank you SO MUCH for the CnC, and yeah, it's because of the site that they look a bit stretched :/ But wait, what porn star?! and Madonna?! All I used was Katy Perry and Megan Fox. XD Thanks for the CnC and yeah sure. ^_^ (since Beauxx wants the same in a different size anyway >_>) Yeah Katy Perry is my life too.(because her music's good and she's HAWT XD)
Just decided to make some new avatars. The following cannot be used. The following may be used, but only on THIS site. CnC is appreciated. SERIOUSLY, do NOT just say "Awesome 10/10" 'cause it's really annoying. give a reason to why you like it. :/
Your welcome. ^_^
I'm sending you a PM of your request.
most of them are on my Youtube channel though....xD
The only one I saw was the FF7 Crisis Core video with the song "Monster". (btw, I'm Om3gaD3stroy3r as my video portal account =D)
Your welcome. lol It's Noctis and thanks, I made it myself. =D
Thanks I made it myself. =D btw, you make some pretty sweet AMVs. (coming from a video editor xD) Your avatar's pretty cool too. I like the...