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  1. JedininjaZC
    Fear is an emotion that comes when you have a limited knowledge of something, like 'do monsters live under my bed' or 'Will my girlfriend be okay' or 'Will America get nuked?'.
    All of these are an example of fear, and they all circle around the fact that the person has a limited knowledge on the subject, so yes I am very sure that everyone is scared of something.
    Post by: JedininjaZC, Aug 23, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  2. JedininjaZC
    First of all I would like to say you are very brave for coming out with your beliefs, especially because I shitstorm is going to be coming soon.

    Second of all I must say most of this does sound pretty good, except for the no mercy part... Thank you very much for the offer good sir, but I am not really intrested in joining.
    He's right you have to pay the website first. lol jk.

    The new testement is in my quotes from the bible on the first page. Read it please.
    Post by: JedininjaZC, Aug 22, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  3. JedininjaZC

    So KHV.

    Thats why you use A.I. sauce silly.
    Post by: JedininjaZC, Aug 22, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. JedininjaZC

    So KHV.

    I think I love you.
    Post by: JedininjaZC, Aug 22, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. JedininjaZC
    Lol, at first I had no idea what you meant, but now I do.
    Post by: JedininjaZC, Aug 22, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. JedininjaZC

    So KHV.

    I don't eat cows.
    Post by: JedininjaZC, Aug 22, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. JedininjaZC
    You are no pimp either good sir!
    Post by: JedininjaZC, Aug 22, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. JedininjaZC
    Post by: JedininjaZC, Aug 22, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. JedininjaZC

    Hey What?

    How about a cup of shut the **** up.
    Post by: JedininjaZC, Aug 22, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. JedininjaZC

    Good sir, no one can truly master any form of martial art.
    Although I am not a master of sword combat, I am a member of the Oriental Martial Arts College, and I am a practitioner of Moo Jung Gumdo (righteousness of the Korean sword).

    :B|: Thanks for scaring me buddy.
    Lol that reminds me of the video I saw awhile back, it was called six in the morning.
    Have you seen it?
    Post by: JedininjaZC, Aug 22, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. JedininjaZC
    *pours* Here you are. How many crumpets would you like?

    Imposters? Good sir we are merley followers of code.
    Post by: JedininjaZC, Aug 22, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. JedininjaZC
    Would care for some tea, and crumpets?

    Couldn't resist.
    Post by: JedininjaZC, Aug 22, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. JedininjaZC
  14. JedininjaZC
    How dare you I am not extinct! I am an endargered species. There are hundreds of jedi in england good sir.
    Post by: JedininjaZC, Aug 22, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. JedininjaZC
    Post by: JedininjaZC, Aug 22, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. JedininjaZC
    Thats not the point. The point I was trying to make is that the God you worshiped ordered his people to commit genocides, infantcides, rape, and more.
    Post by: JedininjaZC, Aug 22, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  17. JedininjaZC
    You should read them all.
    I slaved hours over an radiactive spraying computer, and you don't even look at what I have produced? It is a disturbing thing to read I agree, but you could at least read it.
    Post by: JedininjaZC, Aug 22, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  18. JedininjaZC
    but there is no debating happening.
    Thread by: JedininjaZC, Aug 22, 2009, 24 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. JedininjaZC
    I am very supprised that noone has lurked out of the shadows yet to come, and actually start the debate.
    Post by: JedininjaZC, Aug 22, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  20. JedininjaZC
    Profile Post

    huh? lol........

    huh? lol........
    Status Update by JedininjaZC, Aug 22, 2009