KH-V ruins complaining. :lolface:
...... Ah, now I see what you are saying, but this type of stuff happens to many groups of people like gays(teacherxstudent), and Africans (gangsters/poor). It's a typical human thinking that people who are alike need to be grouped.By grouping people up your mind starts to assume what this person who belongs to group C is going to act like. I personally blame the media for engraving stereo types in are head, yet I also blame people for not finding valuable resources.
Christians advertise their beliefs all the time, I don’t see why Atheists can’t do the same. I also don't see the problem with the phrase "you can be good without God", because it is true you can be good/great without God; just like Abraham Lincoln was a good great man without devoting his life to worshiping a God/Gods/Goddess/Goddesses
Who the hell is JediNinjaJC? :B|:
I find this thread to be very unamusing.
You too, bye bye.
seeya later man.
g2g night.
Where is it at?
on the island? ummm I don't recall any. I just remeber alot of perverted tshirts, erotic art, a pirate museum, and alcohol. :lolface:
on the island? ummm I don't recall any. I just remeber alot of perverted tshirts, erotic art, a pirate museum, and alchol :lolface:.