You watch too much TV . . .
What the fluff is Y.O.K.O???
Annah - *crosses arms* Can I leave now?
Well, thats not my problem now is it? You should have listened to me. . . Anyways, how an I supposed to continue using Annah is the RPG? I...
I la-la-la-love it! You should make me one :lolface: I only kid. :D But I do love it!
What is it? O.o
In all honesty, I did not come up with this information. I was naturally surfing the web on the phenomina or predictions about the world ending. I copied and pasted the information into a thread to be discussed about. I hardly agree with a few of the , but people have said that the Mayans somehow predicted most things that happened around the world. I'd be surprised on how I got so much of this information on my own, but as I had said, I found information on websites. I do not take any of this information as my own. As for the bible reason. The bible was re-written a lot. Actually its hard to tell what might or might not be true. Sort of. Anyways, even though I strongly disagree with The Bible reasoning the end of the world, I still used it as an example because many people-who are strongly religious-agree with the Bible.
Hit the Floor - Bullet for my Valentine.
Annah - No I don't. * sits on a ledge by the tower* It's Annah.
Annah - F-Fine. Just let me down.
Annah - But I feel uncomfortable. I'd feel safer if I was on the ground!
Annah - I'm not pretending. I could've died! I appreciate him saving me. I don't vare if he left me. I guess ehat everybody said was right. I just want to be left alone. . . . Let me down.
Yea I know. ^_^ I just felt the need to correct myself. But I caught your reference :3
I meant to type 'mom'. I apologize.
Annah - N-No just let me down. . .
Eeeeveerrrythiiing :D
Lol, Terra. Your mean . . . >.>
Annah - *nearly in tears* *shaking* L-Let m-me go. . .
Alright, just giving a fair warning.
Annah - *tries to break free* *kind of scared* Let go of me!