Nope. Just me Dx My brother was fine. The car didn't hit him on the drivers side, thank goodness c:
@Haley- you always take suck cute pictures. You're adorable. @Starry- Girl, you are gorgeous. @Jake- Lol, congratz <3 @Keyblade Spirit- Those are so cute omg! Who needs to buy 30$ cruise pictures? Just take pictures of them. Spoiler
And I realized something. Woody is a really bad name for a children's toy.
That is how I did it the first time D: The second time i was in an accident. A car slammed into the passenger's side of my dad's Focus.
Likes dragons 8DD
Dead family is dead.
Why is it that just because you have a level 100 Pokemon and a bunch of level 70+ pokemon, and more than one dragonite, that people think you cheat at Pokemon? It could just mean it's summertime and I have no life... Here's my party: Cosmo(Dragonite)- Level 100 Angelus(Articuno)- Level 73 Khan(Umbreon)- Level 91 Brianna(Dragonite)- Level 73 Cpt. Kirk(Dragonite)- Level 70 Dipp(Dragonite)- Level 86 And I have more level 70+ pokemon that aren't in my party...
This is... hard. Fur Fighters- Strange objective, but wonderful gameplay. It was fun, with awesome weapons, and the characters were super adorable. Kingdom Hearts II- One of the few games I've been able to play over and over again. I love it. The gameplay is great, and I like the graphics. Pokemon Crystal Version- Classic Pokemon that I love. I like the remakes, but I still think the originals were better.
Awe, poor LilBueno. Do what Forsaken said.
Has a charcater in their sig and avatar that I do not recognize.
I tripped getting out of my car, and when my wrist hit the pavement, my arm snapped D:
Mmyeah ...
It's okay. Pain meds.
Si 8D
It's ok. My brother was laughing while I was screaming in pain.
I tripped and fell out of my car. When my wrist hit the pavement, my arm snapped ;o;
Umm... No. I just want to see the posts. This would bring chaos.
My broken arn got rebroken through the cast. FML Pain meds aren't helping at the moment...
Broke my arm agaain :\