I don't believe in 'God'. I prefer not to believe in anything. I don't like the idea of being limited to doing/believing what a group of people want me too. I don't swing that way. There really is no universal definition you can make for God/a god. It's not quite possible.
Yesterday afternoon lol
Allergic reactions and sleeping and stuff. Atleast that's what I use it for. Omg I tried taking it with caffeine(black coffee) and I could swear I had an OBE. I can't take Nyquil ; ; It puts me in alot of pain.
*poke* c:
Is good stuff. Seriously. And if I spelled that wrong.... Oh well.
That sucks. Glad I'm not you.
I lost the game... 8D8 And noo... Mirrors are scary. :why?:
Yesterday Someone wrote a mean note on my cast. And I can't bend my arm enough to see what it says. :/D=:
That's almost cute for them, but I feel ignorant saying that D:
Playing Super Smash Bros. with my brothers. I was fighting, and about to do an awesome move, and the screen was too zoomed out for me to notice a bob-omb running at me. I died. I had 143 damage taken before the bomb hit. :\
Likes my sig c:
They made a Fat Albert Movie already lol. Yeah... This is ridiculous. I definately won't be seeing it. I saw the trailer when I went to see The Sorcerer's(sp?) Apprentice and Toy Story 3. I'm not sure which movie the trailer was played on, but it looks awful.
Is sad that light hasn't talked to her :[ I'll talk to you :=D:
O: I like Snake. It's like cake, but better.
Av: 8/10 Sig: 8/10
daxma. He thinks he's clever, but he's not. He's just annoying. Aw, well it's good to talk to you while you're here :]
They come on at 5 and 6am. If you can record them, I would suggest it. I personally don't want to wake up in the morning to watch them.
Aw okay. Welcome back though 8D I would invite you to that RP I made, but I had it closed. One of the RPers was annoying me.
6 months, but I came on periodically for cutscenes. I really only visited the forum mybe 4 times, then I saw how interesting the discussion section was, and how funny some of the members were, so I joined.
Yep yep ^^ Hey, do you know which user on here has the picture of himself wearing a phantom mask? I'm curious because someone added me on...