Not much, just playing pokemon. I've almost completed my Johto Pokedex c: Whatabout you?
I just need a Delibird, Crowbat, Kingdra and Smeargle. Anyone know where/how I can get those?
Awe, thanks :3 I didn't make mine either XD
He killed my level 100 dragonite with his blastoise.
I got charmander c: I only beat Red because of a few lucky critical hits. :c
Beezygee and Starry :D Ya'll are sooo pretty. And everyone is gorgeous 8D8 Bed photo with a plastic cat I got at cat world. Spoiler
Actually, I just went to catch the Articuno because I wanted it. It's my favorite bird pokemon c: Then I went to train my charmander, and I was training for about an hour and found a shiny hoppip. Then I went to train my charmander on a different route, and I was training for much longer this time and found a shiny gloom c: There's like a 1/8000 somethin' chance of finding one. Except red gyrados. That's a freebie c:
Wow. I love your avatar.
I found 3 shiny pokemon in one night. I love my game. 1- Shiny Gloom 2- Shiny Articuno OMG FFFFF- 3- Shiny hoppip
I like 'em. I like to know everything about upcoming movies/shows/books/events/games. I kind of figure that if I'm just going to know about it eventually, then why wait? I like knowing what is going to happen. I hate not knowing anything, and seeing the spoiler incorporated into the story makes it all the more worthwhile for me.
Being stuck with Aerith after Yuffie steals all of your materia on the Wutai continent REALLY SUCKS
I don't either XD
Idk XD It's like a confused happy/frowny face. I think. I'm not really sure... Arch uses it all the time, and I like it, so I use it XD
Lol yay fun 8D8
Having no life on the computer c:
Well that was... fun XD
Aw, don't be. It's not that cool c: What's up? It's the very last section in the top section, if you understood that at all @-@