I had a weird dream too. There was Gerard Butler Me A giant talking cheese My dad's annoying shit dog And Buzz Lightyear Guess what happened? c:
@Hercules Done, since I just got a Treecko like, yesterday c:
Thisthis^^^ Plus, scheming is for scrubs. And it never works. And if you did manage to get the girl you want, odds are, you'll end up telling her about this... situation... And she'll dump your ass faster than you can say "Fuck me."
I like Platinum. I have ALOT of Pokemon on that game c:
c: yay.
Catch a Larvitar at Mt. Silver and then train it to a tyranitar. Or Pokeathlon c:
Done c: And Vivi, I can't fit Vivi's Dark Side, so i just named it Vivi. Is that okay? ^^ And Keyblade Spirit, I named the Ditto c: What's Luxray? @-@ AND YAY I JUST CAUGHT A NATU c: I'll name it Guardian_S and then evolve it c:
Wow... I read this thread and... Wow @-@ Dude, don't EVER use a family member to make a girl jealous. Thing is, if a girl isn't into you now, I doubt she'd be into you after you pretend to be dating your cousin... Or anyone for that matter. That's just weird... And making someone jealous is probably about the maturity level of a 14 year old. Plus, why wait a year for your plan to be hatched? She'll probably have forgotten all about you by then...
Poochyena? I can't get a Piplup ; ;
Better idea. http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=102808
And I will name it after you. Gogogo! Edit: Between first and 3rd gen.. I can't get 4th gen. on Heart Gold :c
Coming up with almost 250+ names for all the pokemon you catch is difficult. Any suggestions?
Um, well... I just established a connection from this access point XD Imma go test it now c:
I can't figure out how to get it to work on my DS. Do I have to have a DSi or be around a Wii? If I can figure out how to get my wi-fi to work, I could get you a Growlithe and Phanpy.
Good plan lol. I'm probably going to go see either Despicable Me or The Sorcerer's Apprentice with my brother tonight @-@ Yay...
Thank you 8DDDD Thanks :3
You should go. The beach always makes for a great time.
Throw it on the floor and sleep on your bed.
It doesn't load on my computer DX And omg finalform that sounds exciting.
I think beach parties are fun c: