tbh, draw power really isn't that much of a problem, since they have 4 searchers for the monsters. Fifth Hope/Avarice can usually screw you over....
Axe Of Despair is too bad to be banned.
Twin Photon Lizard is amazing for Photons. Wat.
That's why you Super Poly their BLS/Tour Guide/Whatever Exceed/Quasar before they can spam, then lol endlessly as you OTK. Alot of people still do...
why can't i rep 90% of your posts aaaaaaaaaa We're just screwing around guys. Lol. Droid is just awesome though.
<3 .
Scene was absolutely hilarious.
That's all one really can do. xD Actually, Mirror isn't as good as other stuff this format. Sure, it's a great staple, but it's not chainable...
Can't believe I'm late for this thread. Avid Yuri Fan here. Another MikuxLuka fan. <3 I agree with the last part of this post. The relationship is better than non-stop sex scenes.
...tbh, Necroshade is still a waste of space though. Doesn't really have any use as Bladedge/Neos are practically never Normal Summoned. Also, I...
... palm babies?
i do not love you get back here so i can not love you more ):
why is she trying to be a plant
I've lost a few games due to drawing Super Poly with an empty hand. >.> 3 Super Polys in one hand? Even if that's rare... ouch.
Welp, that's it. Good Game, Zane.
Last thing we need is for Rise to be more dangerous than she already is.
If anything, the card that will most likely clog up your hand is Super Poly. At least Poly will have it's uses for your hand and field, but the...
It's not frustrating, don't worry about it. Then just work with what you have. Your monsters won't always be eaten by Holes/Warnings. And even...
... -Battle Phase- Drill Warrior attacks Dark Creator. Since you don't have any other face downs... -Main Phase 2- -End Phase- Hand: 0 That thing's cost makes it worse than... yeah I can't even compare it to anything because it's so ****ing terrible. The card is bad yes. But Zexal making these stupid sets of high level monsters that can be summoned as fast as a regular Sync is just getting ridiculous.