Alright. This'll give me the chance to prove you wrong anyway. Give me a minute to figure out what I'm gonna do.
Anyone up for that duel? you're overexaggerating. LIAR LIIIIIIIIIIIIIAAAAARRRRRRR
Jaden seems to have forgotten our duels when I was still Yuse- HOW THE HELL CAN YOU HATE SYNCHRO MONSTERS IF YOU'RE GIVING A YUSEI-ESQUE SPEECH?!
If you dueled me, I guarantee that you'd own me Turn 2. /:
It's AGENTS. ._. They're ****ing insane.
... Jaden you would destroy me.
gah .
... That's okay, I didn't want to sleep tonight away.
THE USE OF THAT REFERENCE IS AMAZING ... if i see a clown dragon, i'm going to kill someone. Z-One's final Trap Card: Ain Soph Aur, means "Endless Light". As Z-One, you being better with LIGHT over DARK is fitting.
LP: 8000 Customs: No Anime Exclusives: Yeah Video Game Exclusives: Yeah God Cards: Up to you. First Player: I'll go. Number of Cards per Deck: 40-60 Other conditions(luck based cards, handicaps, etc.): None trying this exceed.dek
err shock ruler is banned here though qq eh, i guess i'll try exceeds again though When they became Tier 1 in Japan.
The problem with Xyz Gift is that it gets rid of all the Overlay Units. And at the rate my deck could spam Exceeds, I'm gonna want to keep those and a good number of cards in hand. Mira is a Rank 1 and generally not useful for my deck at all, since I spam Rank 4s mostly. Quillbolt is pretty much only used for the Daigusto Phoenix OTK. Shock Ruler is ran over Illuminiknight too. Just... outside of a random draw duel, they can't hold up as much advantage as other decks. Also, I was running Fableds before they were cool. /winning
How are they used "right" though?
you regret everything DO YOU HAVE SOME SORT OF CLOWN FETISH? I would be Yuma, but Exceeds can't maintain Hand Advantage here. Which is pretty much asking for Game on Turn 2/3.
aw i wanted to be jaden Glad to know you're staying with us. WHY IN RA'S NAME WOULD YOU WANT TO AVENGE A GAY CLOWN
GREETINGS FOOLS, 'TIS I: MARIK ISHTAR AND I SHALL ENSLAVE YOU A- *boom* >Yugioh >Kamen Rider So it features Bruno in nearly every way?
oh god secret village my only resort was junk destroyer, and if it got solemn'd, 'twas gg **** that field spell **** their knight You're writing a Yugioh Fic? And I wasn't informed? ... I'm hurt.
LP: 8000 Customs: No Anime Exclusives: Yeah Video Game Exclusives: Shoor God Cards: Up to you. First Player: Err, I'll go. Need to see what I can do. Number of Cards per Deck: 40-60 Other conditions(luck based cards, handicaps, etc.): We break into musicals several times during the duel.