I can help out with decks too, if anyone wants.
Jaden, I'm gonna surrender. Since there's virtually no way to win now.
Oh right. -Draw Phase- Hand: 1 -Standby Phase- Anything? ...I don't even know why I'm continuing though. You have 4 set cards, and Mirage nets you a near-full hand after all you just did. >_>
er, jaden. Grand Mole is limited from what I remember.
LP: 2200 Tch...
... You see? ._. Nothing to activate, no.
Photon Saber Tiger is bad. Don't run it. Same with Leo and Circler.
You're better off just running a random deck with Galaxy-Eyes for now. Like Disaster.
Photon Shockwave was probably just to give everyone Galaxy-Eyes as fast as possible, and to promote Shark's cards.
I claim Kaito Tenjo and take up the position as the Duel Arena's Numbers Hunter. It's funny because the only monsters a Photon Deck should run are Lizard, Twin Lizard, Slasher, Crusher, and Galaxy-Eyes. Cerberus is a fun tech.
Yes! I chain both of them, they're Jars Of Greed! EDIT: Stratos isn't a ruling. Moreso of it just being right there on the card saying "(not including this card)".
Not yet... YOU LIE I SHALL TAKE YOUR NUMBERS AND HUNT FOR YOUR SOUL Galaxy-Eyes is gorgeous, yes.
No chain .
@Jaden: No chain. Trying any move I can. Not going easy. xD So I'm prolly just rusty. Synchros are easy to beat, stop trolling. /: They have weaknesses like everything else does. Stardust can be shutdown by Solemn Warning. Synchros can be stopped by Mirror Force with few exceptions such as Barkion and Shi En. Synchros can be destroyed by tougher monsters. Synchros can be destroyed by card effects, save Stardust variants, which are easy to negate. Synchros can be banished. Synchros can be stolen by Mind Control. Etc. Yes, Synchros are amazing, but not undefeatable. Real pros fight Machine Emperors with Shooting Star and Scar-Red Nova. /winning Rituals need more stuff, desperately. Fusions are just fine.
Okay, I'm about to use two Japanese Cards and link to them/post their effects. I would translate them, but the quality of their pictures are awful. The anime card is too small, so I can't really get the picture from it to fit. So, I apologize in advance. Moving on... Since I control no monsters, I Special Summon Photon Slasher! This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. If you control no monsters: You can Special Summon this card from your hand. If you control other monsters, this card cannot attack. Then I Normal Summon Gogogo Giant! When this card is Normal Summoned: You can target 1 "Gogogo" monster in your Graveyard; Special Summon the target in face-up Defense Position. If you use this effect, change this card to Defense Position. If this card attacks: Change it to Defense Position at the end of the Battle Phase. Special Summoning Gogogo Golem from my Graveyard! And when I Normal Summon a Level 4 Monster, I can Special Summon Kagetokage! I overlay my Level 4 Gogogo Golem and Kagetokage! With these two monsters, I construct the Overlay Network! Exceed Summon! Appear now, Number 39: Aspiring Emperor Hope! (Utopia still sounds stupid.) Then, I tribute my Gogogo Giant and Photon Slasher! The embodiment of light, now descend! Appear now, Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon! I then set two cards and end my turn. -End Phase- Hand: 0 Field: I should be Kaito. >_> Someone get me some screenshots.
Alright, got a lovely idea while you were posting. -Draw Phase- Hand: 6 -Standby Phase- -Main Phase 1- I'll open with Hand Destruction! Discarding Necro Gardna and Gogogo Golem! What do you drop?
LP: 8000 Customs: No Anime Exclusives: Yeah Video Game Exclusives: Yeah God Cards: Up to you. First Player: I'll go. Number of Cards per Deck: 40-60 Other conditions(luck based cards, handicaps, etc.): None
It is non-random. o_O