"With such an entertaining game, how could I?" -Main Phase- "I activate Graceful Charity!" "Chain?" "If you value your life, you won't take another step closer. I'm not letting anyone get in the way of this."
but of course only the manliest of men do things without pay thus, dogs are amazingly manly Except for the week off. AND THAT TOO. Burning...
MAYBE I AM a hitlerstache is still a stache, making it incredibly manly. Writing a report must be very exciting. And by that I mean the RPs must...
"Oh please. If you think your mere flames are enough to defeat me, you are sadly mistaken." "It's my turn!" -Draw Phase- Hand: 1 -Standby Phase- "Response?"
DAT FRIGGIN PUN Pretty swell bro. Sawp wiff u?
OOC: NOPE. KAITO NEGATED. Split Jaden and Haou into two separate beings and move around as Jaden. Or jump in with Haou.
OOC: Good job losing yourself in the RP Brooklyn? Wasn't this RP your idea? How do you- forget it. (goddamn kaito get more hurt screenshots) "Aaaahhhh!" Kaito: 1900 LP "Damn it... not yet..." OOC: ... Who is Yume?
"!!!!!" "Yes I activate Galaxy-Eyes' effect! I remove it and Doomfire from play!"
Either you're stupid lucky or you're obviously stacking.
OOC: Think he's waiting on you to chain. You're probably confused because no one can tell when he's OOC or not. Agents and other well-built high tier decks and open crazily like that. But if it's flat out nearly the same in every goddamn duel, then it's most likely deck stacking. KAITO TENJO BRINGING BACK POT OF GREED FROM GX TIMES
"..." "Your playing style and that flaming behemoth on the field... I suppose your fighting in earnest. Fine then." "From my hand, I activate Pot Of Greed!" "Allowing me to draw two cards!" Hand: 3 "And it arrives. Just as planned." "I will Special Summon Photon Slasher and Normal Summon Photon Crusher from my hand!" This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. If you control no monsters: You can Special Summon this card from your hand. If you control other monsters, this card cannot attack. If this card attacks: Change it to Defense Position at the end of the Damage Step. "Now I release these two monsters to Special Summon one from my hand. This card requires monsters with an attack power of 2000 or more, so these two will do nicely!" "Embodiment of light, appear before me!" "Descend, Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon!!" -Battle Phase- "Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon will forcefully battle your Volcanic Doomfire. However, Galaxy-Eyes can remove itself and the opposing monster it battles from play until the end of the Battle Phase. Thus, they will both dodge destruction." -Main Phase 2- "There's nothing left for me to play, at this moment..." -End Phase- Hand: 0 Field: (OOC: Aaaaaand I'm goin' to bed.)
"Savor the feeling of the smug smirk on your face. I'm about to wipe it off." "I activate Mystical Space Typhoon!" "I target your set card!"
"Damn it. Destroying the Number puts a dent in my plan... And that damned Doomfire..." "Tch! My turn!" -Draw Phase- Hand: 3 -Standby Phase- "Do you chain?"
I cried .
OOC: I know, I chose not to. Pretty sure Haou is more of a ruthless tyrant. He wouldn't just leave someone alone just because they don't bother him.
"Tch. Of course. I'll take the set card back, no chain." OOC: How does being Neutral stop that exactly?
I wonder... what cards he received... "No response."
OOC: I'll have to take Arena, since I don't have a deck irl. No blatant OTKs would be nice though. Just saying that because I seem to be a OTK Magnet. - "Let the hunting begin!" -Draw Phase- Hand: 6 -Standby Phase- -Main Phase- "I activate the Spell Card: Photon Lead!" Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower LIGHT monster (from your hand) in face-up Attack Position. (OOC: Had to use Jap Card because the English One is in the shittest quality I've ever seen.) "To Special Summon a Daybreaker from my hand and use it's effect to Special Summon two more in my hand!" "I overlay my three Level 4 Daybreakers! With these three monsters I construct the Overlane Network! Exceed Summon!" "Come, Number 10!" "White Knight Illuminator!" "I activate his effect, removing one of his overlay units to send a card in my hand to the Graveyard! I send Photon Saber Tiger!" "And I draw a card!" Hand: 2 "I set a card and end my turn." -End Phase- Hand: 1 Field: "I expect much from you, Flame Alchemist!" (would've been more descriptive, but I'm tired.)
FUND IT inb4extreme
"I'll take that as accepting my challenge!" Kaito once again let his insane laughter echo throughout the building before he spoke. "Duel Mode! Photon Change!" the duelist shouted what seemed like random nonsense to others. However, with those words, his attire quickly became engulfed with a bright light. Changing his darker colored clothes into lighter shades of the colors, and the black to white completely. Out of nowhere a single bladed curved duel disk flew out towards Kaito's arm and equipped onto it. His left eye suddenly flashed and became a red color, with purple markings surrounding it in the shape of a "D-Gazer". OOC: ... Should one of us post terms? Lol.