People that talk to you because they want to because they like you for who you are, not because your funny. People that have the same likes, people who can keep a secret. People who you want them to be your family. People who you talk to because you know that the other person will help you and is trustworthy. People who aren't sarcastic. People who make jokes and they don't offend you. I dont have any of these friends. Run. Ryan Finesse is turning emo. Jokes. Me too-I moved schools. None of these people are my friends. the pencil dissapearing trick on her. (barbie)
Cherry. Ona jest bardzo dobra na wszystkim. (She is very good to everyone) Learning some languages in highschool, don't mind me.
If you think back, the stories they tell about Adam and Eve aren't acurate because the disciples who wrote the bible only could find out what they can by continuing stories. The story of Adam and Eve is false and true. There is no Jesus to perform such miracles on earth anymore. He gave us the entrance to heaven because he sacrificed himself, now that is a true miracle. Very true. I support you. Yeah, who do you want to banish to hell?! I did, then I did, then I didn't. Jesus once said, blessed are those who did not see and have believed. Possible, alright. The bible, as a fact, was made in a couple hundred years. But does that mean that somebody couldve made it up? No, because there is the tomb where Jesus lay. People found that... a couple years ago. People have many ideas that God doesn't exist, creating theories and other things like that, because all they're showing is the lack of precise and exact information that God exists. The bible was created by Jesus's disciples, meaning it couldn't be exactly accurate, not by God, which is completely accurate. Probably, in Jesus's lifetime, Jesus gave the stories in the bible to the Disciples. Meaning, The disciples could have not good memory of everything, OR the bible was altered over the years to make it more 'clean' as one person did say. Some things weren't mentioned in the bible, and people are making ideas that there is no God, because, as I said, Its not made by God. The choice to believe or not is up to you.I believe.
Not sure I understood what you said, Dexnail.
Just a story I've come up with my brain...for a couple of days already. Difficult to write this using all the constructive critisism I could get my hands on. Hope its nice. By: Ryan Finesse Destiny Islands, Sora’s room… Sora jerked from his sleep. Another crazy dream… He thought. About Kairi…getting kidnapped by an organization member…but I defeated the organization…didn’t I? He shook his head. Is this being paranoid? He thought, learning that word at school when he finally came back from his journey. Well at least I should check, he thought. He kneeled beside his window, and jumped out. He landed silently onto the small road which crossed through his small village to the beach where the boats were. He summoned his keyblade, cautious. He ran silently but quickly to Kairis house, and ran up the wall and grabbed hold of the ledge where her window was. He pushed himself up using his hands, and used his feet to add extra height. It’s open? He thought, looking at the windows. There was a dent where the lock was...a break in. Not again. Not now…he looked at the bed. The covers were gone, and a message was burned into the bed. SUCKERS He jumped backwards, tension increasing. Who is it this time? Who is this new organization? He thought, growling. He turned his back backwards to fit through the window, then flipped in the air. This time, there was no Donald or Goofy to calm down his anger. He landed on the beach again, running to Riku’s house. He remembered it clearly, when he received the letter from King Mickey. Dear Sora, Kairi, and Riku. I am sorry to say that there is another organization. King Mickey What did that truly mean, thought Sora. He ended his letter right there…but we didn’t know why. He gave no more information. It was like, as Riku said, it seems he was in a hurry… for what? Why did he end his letter that quick…? Sora thought back. One week ago… “Sora! Riku!” Kairi yelled, and the two friends looked back to see Kairi running to them. She caught her breath, and said, “Look.” Sora examined the bottle. Inside, he saw the signature of King Mickey. “From the King?” exclaimed Sora. He took the bottle, opened it hurriedly, and slipped out the message. They read it, for a long time, over and over. “Isn’t there anything else?” Sora asked. “No. That’s all.” Kairi responded. “It looks like he made this in a hurry.” Riku observed. “Why did he only say that?” Sora asked. “He’s probably warning us. He’ll tell us if he’s coming, or to invite us to his castle.” Riku responded, knowing the King well. Sora jumped high and pulled open the windows. He jumped beside Riku’s bed and shook him violently. “Wake up!!” He yelled. “Kairi’s been kidnapped!” +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ On the outskirts of Castle Oblivion… Two cloaked figures in the traditional organization members cloaks stood outside Castle Oblivion. The night was dark, and the castle brilliantly glowed like the moon. The eerie silent night disappeared as the two cloaked figures talked. “Pathetic. We have to live in this for a while?” the taller of the two spat, putting his hand to his face, pushing up an object which was slipping down, off his face. “Like music, it’s not what it seems.” The smaller one said. “Here, the last hero lost all of his memories in the doors of this castle.” He said, bowing his head, kicking a rock up. “Think I didn’t know that, Cerseous? I AM the brains of this entire low council.” Voxtirc, the taller one pointed at the Castle, while turning to Cerseous. “So…you aren’t as stupid as you look.” Cerseous walked forward, holding his hands behind his back. “I’ll leave that comment drop dead, because you aren’t worth my time!” Voxtirc stamped, laughing. Cerseous said nothing, although he could’ve said something smart. His mind flowed like music, peacefully ignoring any audience that tried to interrupt his performance. Voxtirc followed, shaking his head. “That dumb performer.” The two cloaked men continued walking, and the doors of the castle blew open. When they were in the middle of the room, the door closed. A portal appeared in front of them, standing out, as did all of their suits, the only things that weren’t white. A body, rolled up in bed sheets and secured by metallic arms, dropped onto the ground, out from the portal. A cloaked woman, you could see, because of her body, walked out of the portal. She slapped her hands, pretending to wipe off dirt. “It would be better if you treated our prisoners less violently.” Cerseous said, walking toward the body and hummed a tune, the metal arms collapsing. He unravelled the sheets and took off the dead mechanical arms and pulled up the girl, who was bruised by the fall, and the compressing arms. “So what if I mistreated her? What, you developed a crush on the keyblader’s girlfriend? Aw, so cute.” The girl responded. “You can’t kill her,” Voxtirc said. “She is very usefull, for my experiments, and for our plot, you miserable techno-freak.” Voxtirc walked away. “Don’t hurt her, but teleport her to my lab when you got her second being from her.” He stopped, smirking. “Understand?” “Would you like fries with that, conceited freak?” The woman snapped. “Hush.” Cerseous told the two. “It would be better if we just continued the plan, and postpone our verbal wars.” He grabbed the girl firmly, despite her protests and beatings. Even though Cerseous was being hit by a girl, his mind still flowed like music. He was the only one who appreciated the sights of this awe inspiring castle, and with his feelings, conducted poetry in his mind to add more happiness to their organizations tense situation. He was aware that she summoned a keyblade, and when she swung, he sidestepped and whistled a tune. “Yeargh!” Kairi screamed. I won’t be a weakling! I want to be like Sora, to be able to protect yourself! She thought determined thoughts in her head despite her situation. She swung her keyblade, summoning as quickly as she could. It felt like an extension of her arm. She shook her head, ignoring the thoughts how wonderful the weapon seemed. Her prison keeper kept his cool-she noticed it was a guy, because of his voice. Then he whistled a tune. She felt fatigue. She swung again, but dropped her keyblade and fell to the ground, feet collapsing. “No…” She whispered, hitting the ground hard. The keyblade fell to the ground, spinning slowly. It disappeared. She closed her eyes, giving in to the weakness. Cerseous grabbed Kairi. “Come, Misolo and Voxtirc. Let’s begin the operation.” He swung her into his arms, cradling her. He continued walking to the laboratory. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Birth world, beside highway CDA, Cashton drive… Under the same sky, a lonely street, lit by street lanterns and lanterns beside the doors of houses lit the night sky. The only sound here was maybe a dog barking, or some cars driving on the highway just beside this small neighbourhood. In the middle of the street, a sewer crates screws started unwinding, up, slowly, and eventually fell out of place, rolling away, with a few sounds of metal. A hooded figure looked through the openings of the crate, around, and when he knew nobody was watching, a wax arm came out of his chest and pushed the crate aside. The arm dissolved back into him, and his feet started gushing out wax that pushed him up slowly. He stepped onto the street, the wax oozing back into him. He looked around. “Well that was nice…” He mumbled to himself. “I’m stuck getting information from a kid who doesn’t know he has power, but first I’m ordered by my stuck-up commander to take the sewers, why can’t they send Voxtirc? He’s bloody invisible most of the time…just because I can make wax-replicas of a person doesn’t mean I should be the one who’s copying information onto some castle oblivion card…” He examined the blank card. Kind of cheesy…he chuckled, looking at how the card looked like. It was the shape of a slightly abnormal looking crown. It was pure white, with a picture and text box. He slipped the card back into his wax skin. “They could send that evil girl Misolo…she can do something with him…create a camera…do things.” He twitched violently, his neck turning to the left, but his eyes still focused forward. He turned his head back. He felt a giddiness in himself, and put his arm out in front of him, and bended his knees. “AND STUFF!” he whispered loudly. He then shook his head, putting his hand on his face. “Darn my darned personality.” He let his hand slide off his face, then continued walking, avoiding the street lanterns glare of light. He looked for the address. He found the house. The house seemed middle class, with a black fence around the tall house. One metre away from the fence to the house was a hedge which covered the perimeter of the house mostly, except the back and the front driveway and gate. He used one hand to push himself over a fence, then rolled, and stood quickly, looking around. No one’s spotted me yet…he thought, changing his body completely into wax and lengthened his body, bending backwards, right over the tall hedge. He landed on his hand, and his wax body shortened to his regular height, then he released his body and let it turn slowly back to normal. He looked around as he was upside down. “Nice house…” he thought, nodding. There was still no sign of anyone. The house was a darker brick, with beautiful architecture. The window frames were black wood, and the rooftop seemed as if it were made of bamboo. Some house…he thought. Letting himself melt, he moved himself, the mass of wax, over to the wall of the house. Building his body up again, in a position where his back was to the wall, and his fingers imitating a gun, he aimed his finger gun to a lantern post and mimicked a pathetic impression of a gun. “Pyeew pyeew.” His legs grew longer as wax emanated from underneath his feet. He raised himself up, one metre, two metres, three metres, four, five, and finally six. He took his foot off the wax pillar, and stepped onto the ‘bamboo’ roof, silently like wax going down a candle. The wax pillar then oozed onto the roof, sinking into his body again. He walked on, and crouched, looking around. There, he thought. There’s his room. The man was looking at a circular window, the moonlight glowing right into the room. He moved over to the window, examining how to open it. It opens from the inside, it wasn’t built to open from the outside, he thought. He felt the window, moving his fingers around the frame, and it creaked open. Startled, he twitched violently. He moved his head back, and looked into the room. The closet was open, with uniforms for his school. An Xbox 360 was on a shelf, with many games stacked neatly beside the controller. The games, he read, was Fable two, Rock Band two, Resident Evil five, and Call of Duty, world at war. His gaze followed to an old television, where a rock band guitar was placed beside it against a wall. Posters of old bands filled the wall. Just looking at everything he saw, media, television, and just everything made him tired. Can’t wait to kill him, he thought. He continued looking, and spotted a stool with a laptop on it. A desk was situated on the side of the room, with many textbooks of subjects the wax man twitched about. A pen was on the chair, and clothes hung onto the back rest. A few water bottles littered the floor, empty, half drank, or just full. And finally, he looked at the bed, where the boy was supposed to be lying. He was gone. So was his pillow and sheets. Glancing around the room, he couldn’t find him. He looked around quickly. Maybe he went to the washroom? He thought, listening for sounds of running water. He heard the cars on the highway drive by, oblivious to his actions because of the wall that separated the neighbourhood from the highway. He shook his head. Dang my stupid subconscious bloody mind! He slapped himself. How stupid could I be to think he went to the washroom to sleep with a pillow and covers?! Maybe he went to a sleepover? He thought. He continued listening for clues. But there was nothing. There was only a ticking noise behind him. He turned his head around, looking at a boy, lying down, on the roof, with covers wrapped securely around him, his head resting on the pillow. An alarm clock sat beside him. Shouldn’t mosquitoes bother him? He thought. I don’t have to worry about mosquitoes, since mosquitoes can’t penetrate my skin. He smiled, thinking of some benefits. Afterwards, he thought how disgusting that might sound. Twitching, he held out the pure white card, and placed it slowly onto the boys head. The card glowed, and he looked at the picture box. It showed a sphere-like shape, water over most of it, with one piece of land. Slipping the card into his skin, he looked over the boy. He had brown, not neat hair. An athletic build his body was, with scars on his fore arms, and bruises on his hands. His skin was lightly tanned. You’re lucky, he thought, kneeling besides the boy. If I was deciding the missions around here, he thought, raising his arm toward the boys head, and his hand morphed, turning into a knife. I’d kill you right now to ease my paranoia. But… he continued, standing up, holding his hand to his chest, the blade hand pointing right at him. I can’t change my actions now…my ideas are fresh, and I’m still bloody stuck in my ideas. I will see to your death. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Seven days ago, Disney castle… King Mickey ran to his study desk, passing the castles inhabitants. I have to warn Sora! The King thought. He ran to his desk, and pulled up his chair. The large mouse quickly wrote his letter, ignoring his beautiful studies scenery, the large library filled with information, a dream paradise for book worms. Dear Sora, Kairi, and Riku. I am sorry to say that there is another organization. A crash followed by screams made the King look up. No…he thought. He quickly signed the letter and sent it out to the mail delivery ship. He summoned his keyblade, and ran to the door, on the carpet, past bookshelves, on the marble floor, and was about to turn the knob when the door slammed open. King Mickey widened his eyes as he flipped backwards, the doors swinging violently open then ripped from their hinges. Creatures that didn’t fall into the heartless, or nobody category streamed into the study. “Revenants! No!” King Mickey squeaked, running at them, unleashing his keyblade. The battle ensued. At the very end of the never ending army, right at the beginning, was a black portal, and beside it, sat a meditating man in an organization suit. King Mickey fought. For days he took refuge in some hidden places. He fought on and on, and never stopped. He ordered Donald and Goofy to get to the ships and get Sora. For Minnie, and for Sora, and for everyone in this castle, I will beat them all! He thought, adrenaline substituting fatigue. As he ran down the hallway to meet up with a squadron of revenants, he hoped that Donald and Goofy would make it in time to Sora. The truth was that Donald and Goofy never made it to the ships. The revenants encircled the entire kingdom, and filled in everyroom. Donald and Goofy were holding out the revenants that tried to break the ships again, while the two chipmunk mechanics were fixing it. Can someone post now? ...haha! This is becoming a book, but without the kingdom hearts parts of it.
Well, they decided to make another arena...cause me and Tenishigurl are slow with our fights...or did you already know that? And I lost. Thats sucks.
No, Tenishigurl, they said that they'd make a new arena...our fight is slow...yeah I have siblings. ARGUE ARGUE ARGUE. But hey, that comes naturally. So our fight ends. Give me your my wicked skilla.
Voxtirc walked into the enemy headquarters. "Come one come all, we shall have a ball which we all dine in blood and kick mud in the eyes of our enemies..." Voxtirc shook his head. "Pathetic. I should stick to information." He whirled around, and when he slowed, his image flickered back, this time he was in a crouching position, blades outstretched. Let us end this.
Bad, bad...maybe good. yourself?
I was looking at the posts...and I was scared! To Bojangles to your decision...what does bojangles mean, anyway? Well, me and Tenshigurl are not regularly on...well we are, we just leave quickly once we put our post.
Nothing really...just same old same old.
"Supplies?" The clone widened his eyes, exploding. Not the real Vox. The real Voxtirc was standing on a balcony looking over the science labratory. "Your skills, energy, and my brains. Thats what we need."
ooc: what? guardian? huh? "Well I'm losing my life!" Ryan yelled, getting more anoyed. He ran at her, unleashing his blade onto her. "I'm close to dieing!" He ran at her, and then the puppet he threw onto the ground acted. It unleashed strings from an opening in its belly, holding Ryan up. It grew disgustingly, ripping around and around, muscle building up as it grew into a monstrosity. An abodimanation.
Name: Ximbok Age: 34 Number: 6 Appearance : Black messed hair, relatively like the joker's. Red eyes, pale skin, organization cloak, organization gloves. Wears a black mask that looks like a butterfly. Weapon(s): 2 red large cartoon metal hands that he slaps people with. Element(s): Wax. Personality: Sneaky, wild, crazy, mysterious, depressing, moodswings, actor. Good/Bad/Neutral: Bad Bio: A magician who experimented with heartless, but it backfired and created a nobody.
1, 2, 3, 4. Is there any more? Rainbows...go rainbows! And stuff.
Alot of people would pick Axel, because one, alot of people is his fan, and cried during his dieing moments. I would pick Axel because his death meant with the story, and actually sacraficed something for another person. Though, I would pick the deaths which they are truly sad, that they had to die. Most castle oblivion scenes, really. But what do you really mean, touching? Like, it actually made you feel something? Well, some deaths were pretty cool, and some were just...ok, he died. Bye.
Well, I made a new topic. Yet people are saying, why did you write down, so they can get the keyblade? (The real reason) Sephiroth once said to Sora, "Maybe the keyblade will change its master, once I defeat you." Or, something along the lines. Is this true? If you defeat a keyblade wielder, do you get the keyblade? Or am I just ignorant of the entire topic on the keyblade?
Well I thought, since if you defeat a keyblade wielder, as Sephiroth said, you get the keyblade. Thats what I gathered from the information.
I'm fine, thanks. Yourself?