This was kind of based off of Agatha Christies, 10 Little, and movie. I don't really know what it was called...But anyway, I'm coming off topic. Story: A group of people are chosen to be given a free trip to a very large mansion. Each one, not knowing each other, are all transported up an unclimable mountain side in a...cable elevator? I don't know what its called. They are transported up, and as they all reached the house, escorted by some men and women, the cable elevator's cable was cut. The last exit out of there was destroyed. The mansion, has everything. A sauna, a pooltable, a restaraunt, many living rooms, large hallways, and a king sized bed for each guest. Who is the host that never appeared? Did he plan this? Did he get killed? Everyday, the mansion serves as an arena. Who will survive, who will get killed off, and who did the killing. Summary: To summarize, if it looks complicated, it really is the life of the people who are trapped on the mountain. It's a mystery, who destroyed the cable. The ten guests must solve who trapped them, and work together under suspicion that the other people maybe the ones who brought them here. One by one, the guests die...or do they find the person who did it in time? Time will tell. Rules: 1. Only oc's allowed 2. We will start when there is 10 guests 3. pg-13 4. Have fun 5. No god-modding 6. 1 liners are not permitted 7. Say "bloop" in your post so I can know you've read the rules 9. Notice how I skipped 8? 10. The oc's can only be 19 years old to 40. 11. Keyblades not allowed 12. You may have 3 people. 13. All three people may not be the guests. Only 2 can. 14. JOIN PLEASE!!! 15. There can be no, outside help from the mountain. 16. Bloody deaths allowed 17. Thats alot of rules. Form: Played by: Name: Age: Gender: Story: Power(s): Guest #: Appearance: Personality: Preffered weapon of choice (I must allow it first): Other: Practice post: Oc's... Played by: Ryan Finesse Name: Lance O'Connor Age: 19 Gender: Male Story: Comes from a very succesful rich business family, the only son. Power(s): Fire, explosives. Guest #: 3 Appearance: Wears a tuxedo most of the time, underneath plaid white button shirt wears cross guard belt with bullets in sockets across the belt. Has dynamites under sleeves, and a tattoo of a cross with a flaming catskull on it, across the center of his back. Wears a black ring with a green eye on the center of it, on his index finger. Wears a black strap wrist cast on his right hand. Personality: Slacker, cheerful, fast thinker, strategic, flirt, violent, funny. Preffered weapon(s) of choice (I must allow it first): Dual 10,000 custom elite piracy pistols. Other: Wears a weasel around his neck, as his pet. Practice post: Lance examined the insides of the cable elevator. Kind of crowded with all these people inside, he thought. Well, the more the merrier, we could party inside this mansion, and we could laugh, drink, and be merry... He smiled. Maybe it wasn't a bad idea to come to this place after all. I could've stayed and be bored except whenever I have a break between meetings. He examined his ring. It always seemed like it was looking at him, judging him. He held the safety pole in the elevator. It'll be a long trip. Played by: timexhasxgone Name: Wolfe Vandetta Age: 19 Gender: female Story: she was abandonned by her family once she turned 18, and has secluded herself from society. she got offered this trip by a stranger. Power(s): ooooh... are werewolves allowed? if not, she controls darkness and the shadows. Guest #: 10...cuz im awkward Appearance: Personality: quiet, but is quite aggresive and Preffered weapon of choice (I must allow it first): ...nothing Other: Bloop Practice post: Wolfe looked up, sighing. her black hair whisped out in the breeze as the cable car rose higher up the mountain. the chatter of the fellow passangers was wearing her patience very thin indeed. to be honest, she wanted them all dead... Played by: The Road to Darkness Name: Brad, Kantus Age: 23 Gender: Male Story: He has lived a normal life and was thrilled to take a vacation to the mansion Power(s): Darkness Guest #: 1 Appearance: Same as Braxen in my other RP... (Brad = Braxen, i know im unimaginative, but Braxen is Brad's nobodie) Personality: He is playful, but can be serious when needed. he loves a good fight, and hates listening to others. Preffered weapon of choice (I must allow it first): throwing daggers he keeps around on his person at all times Other: bloop ^^ Practice post: you know how i RP >.> Played by: Dexnail Name: Leo (yep its Xeol somebody ) Age: 19 Gender: Male Story: Leo use to live in town untell his so called loving parents made him go to the mansion to teach him restraint and responsibility Power(s): able to turn into fog and creat fog Guest #: 2 Appearance: Has bright brown hair that is little long on the sides but everthing else is the same length and has green eyes, wears an silver hoodie, black fadded jeans and whie tennis shoes Personality: lazy, cheerful, playfull, sometimes annoying and emotional Preffered weapon: a very sharp silver dagger Other: Practice post: you know how i rp Played by: AndrewTemari101 Name: Drewxan Age: 19 Gender: Male Story: Lives alone Power(s): Wind Guest #: 5 Apperance: Personality: Kind, calm, exciting, smart, trustworthy, brave, bold Preffered Weapon: Wind Swords (Swords made from wind, can only summon 15 at a time) Other: N/A Practice post: (See The Forgotten Org. please) People... Guests: 1. Brad, Kantus 2. Leo 3. Lance O'Connor 4. 5. Drewxan 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Wolfe Vandetta Servants: Bellboy: Head chef: Cusine Chef: Sous chef: Maid: Servant 1: Servant 2: The host: Ryan Finesse
Favourite: The experiment, the reaper Least favorite: Twilight Thorn My favourites? Because with the experiment, it was fun to challenge a heartless in a Christmassy type of environment, and the way the experiment started breaking apart, making you feel like you had a chance, or got your hopes up. Because with the reaper, It was always fun fighting it, while multitasking. I hated the Twilight thorn because of the way it fought.
Ryan stumbled out of his bed, getting used to the strong pulls his heart was performing to get out. He continued walking, and placed his armoury and weapons on himself. The medals would be pressed more into him if he tied his belts around his medal scar on his chest. Kinda sounds disgusting...and looks disgusting. Ryan sat himself in an empty seat in the colliseum. He spotted Maria fooling around on a pillar... Shaking his head, he got out of his seat, examining the fight. Kind of menacing. I have to train...not just examine the peoples attacks and think of a plan. He walked to Maria, and called up to her. "Hey!" If anyone could help me with my heart, it would be a keyblade wielder. So i'll ask questions, and get advice. Ok.
"There, you are incorrect, Mixed...whatever your name is..." He flickered away, unleashing an array of blades as he twirled around, dissapearing. "Look closely, and you may see what they really are." ooc: Hmm...the option on what should we fight for...should be Kingdom Hearts, since nobodies are really blind to what they want, and so they'd pick Kingdom Hearts to fight for.
How did you know!?
ooc: K I really now don't know whats happening. STAYING ALIVE!!! Ryan awoke in his bed. No, it wasn't in his bed. He was in a hospitals, he thought. Not a hospital...its the underdome' the underworld's... respawn room... As he thought, everything clicked together. The two tournaments, losers and winners, how you stay alive in the underworld... I still have one more chance to get my heart back... he thought. He looked down at his chest. A scar was there, but medals were adorned to seal the heart in. If I leave the underworld, I'd I need to win this competition... I have to! EDIT: Can I be three people? If I could, can I be Malifecent and Roxas?
ooc: well Mixt hasn't responded...I thought the war started...and whats happening..
I did save the world. what do you think i should do now? Someone pm me please?
Hey, I know your curious and all, but...not telling. Got it memorised?
Nah, your not boring me.
Hey, I didn't know that the underworld added you to an undead list-the thing is, I meant that Ryan could still live since my character only survives by fighting, somehow, it keeps his heart intact.
Ok, so I'm staring at the picture of Sora as a merboy, and I'm thinking, what the heck is his half? A dolphin, or a shark? Right now, in this thread, we've written him mostly as a shark, but with many opinions. Heres some: Hes a dolphin! Cause of Dolphin kick Soras not tough Soras too sweet The way the fin looks like Hes a shark! Humans can do dolphin kick Looks like a shark
ooc: oh yeah I'm in the underworld....
Yeah, but as I said in my pm, my character can't lose. Aw darn me... I always feel like I'm the character.
Yes. he did die. Remember my posts?
I'm dead already...he went into the udnerdome to win what he lost, he lost his heart. He found that if he defeated people, his heart would not loosen out of its place. Ryan lost, and his heart is gone. Cya people!
Voxtirc flickered away from vision, dark signs showing where he stepped, where his blades went. He slammed his blades into Mixt. "Fool!" Whirling around, he slammed more. He flipped, still invisible, flickering images of blades around Mixt. Landing, the flickering images rooted at Mixt.
"Dang..." Ryan Finesse dropped to the ground, his puppet falling dead. He heard the speakers and croud yelling, "FINISH HIM!" I'm dead..he thought. He saw the judge give the match to Maria. "This is the end...for me..." he whispered to Maria, collapsing. He lost the fight. His heart was slipping away. Damn. He fell over on his side, dead. His heart whisped away.
Your like me. I feel ignored, by my family and my friends. I'm talking to a friend, and when another person comes in, they turn their backs on me, ignore me, and talk about something else with that friend while I was talking.