Not at the same time, first you have Larxene and Hikari, for the people who already were beaten, and after you have Ryan vs. after the other.
Oh yay like I know what that cemetary? Undead animal zoo? Something like that....or not?
Timexhasxgone, Marluxia vs. Ryan, and Larxene vs. Hikari. bic: Ryan, after a few minutes of fighting, was exhausted. It won't work, huh? He panted, collapsing on the ground. I have to use voodoo...or puppets...explosions? Potions? I have to examine everyones fight, to see which item I should use to help me... He rummaged through his bag, mirrors, robots, puppets, needles, knife, he looked at each one carefully. He looked at the tournament standings board and examined each one. Lightning...water...nature...nature? I have to fight a nature wielder...explosions... He held his head. Its easy, work up a strategy. Well, my mind only works with quick strategy..I hate long, complete strategy to trap people...I like wearing down the other persons defenses and bam! Dead...but how am I going to do that?
What is it then? I would like to know, so I something... I don't know yet...
Ryan continued performing push ups, then flipped back, landing, and slashing out, shooting out his energy, causing the effect what would happen. "Perfect."
Hey, castle oblivion, world that never was castle thing...why can't death organization have a castle?
I don't know myself...your hideout...the death organization.
Where was the real Voxtirc? There were many nobodies of Voxtirc...who were the clones? Black signs collided into objects, pillars, paintings, signs, balconies, a hawk sign, made up of thorns, many of those, flew around the castle...which one?
ooc: whoa...You guys post like crazy. I was making a post and 5 posts go ahead of it already! Lets go, and watch the show.
The lizard stood up in his box at the top of the arena's, in the middle. "Hey guys! Woohoo! I'm over here!" He said cheerfully, waving. "I present to you, the defeated people...death won't stop them! So, lets hear it up for, Hikari and Larxene! Again..." Laughing. "Rhymed again...well anywhos, in the winning dome, Xeol vs. Gex! Choose carefully who you want to see die! Ladies and gentlemen, demons and dead, nobodies and people I have already said, the underdome!" Ryan looked up at the lizard. That guy sucks, he thought. He stood, unsheathing his sword. I'm going to go train for my next tournament. He walked into a secluded place, and started doing pushups.
GAAAAAAAAHHH! Turns around, matrix style, breaks back* Ow... *wobbles away*
Ryan gasped at what happened. "Thats...oh my..." Watching the body parts and blood fly all over he gasped, and almost vomited. My God...thats crazy! The lizard skeloton smiled. "The winner is! Demyx, The melodious Nocturne! Did you see that ladies and gentlemen? Stay with us, don't be shy, watch as the losers go bye bye!" The skeleton lizard pointed at the next contestants. ooc: I'm way confused over my head, Dexnail. The first post which up to dates people is confusing!
AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!! *Runs away screaming, with cartoon like fast moving legs*
I hated Twilight, but it wasn't because all the girls were so obsessed with it. I can tell you straight away, I'm not was just the idea, it was not realistic. Vampires vs. vampires have not been introduced much in the world, or against werewolves. Vampires and werewolves needed something else to be hunted by, not each other. Plus, vampires were supposed to be dead, really, not diamond skin...that was really wierd. So, change, was introduced in twilight alot, so thats why people didn't like it. Eragon series all the way.
"Oohhh yes the Melodious Nocturne is certainly getting into the game!" The skeletal lizard announced. "One move, death! The crowd certainly likes this type of battling." Ryan crossed his arms. Water...weakness of water is...thats it! He took out a small contraption, and examined it. No, that won't work. He placed the contraption back in his pocket and looked back at Hijame and Maria. Doesn't seem like they're going to help me... He clenched his fist, and turned around. I'll kill them, then. And everyone who dares challenge me. He got out of his seat, and walked off. Don't fight normally at the beginning. Give it all you got in a battle, make it quick, hit the opponent, God dangit. That dumb keyblade girl with her little floating...thing. Guardian, whatever. He stood, in an open area, secluded from all eyes, and slipped out a needle, stabbing himself. He faltered, falling onto the ground, dead. Perfect, he thought. Now, raise. Ryans body levitated up, like it was being pulled by its arms and head. It grabbed its sword, then swung, and let go. The blade, glowing strangely with a gas around it, spun like a boomerang and crashed through a wall. Perfect...
AAAAHHH *Another flashback* Ryan Finesse in a teletubbies costume stands up, and picks up a box of frosted flaskes. "My nemesis is trapped in...
No it didn't happen before! *flashback starts, then ends before something important happens* AAAAHHHH!! I'm suffering from...
Ryan, already out of earshot from hearing what they said, stood in an empty chamber. This looks like a good place to train, he thought He unsheathed his sword, and started swinging it, then continued to unleash different defensice, offenive, deflective, and other ways of fighting. He decided to train a not finished and uncontrolled way of fighting. As he swung his sword in strange ways, his sword picked up a glow from a lantern, shining onto him. Thats it, he thought. He slid out an object and attached it to his sword. There. Now all I have to do is just examine the other peoples fighting and find out there weakness. He ran back to the colliseum, and sat himself at the contestants seats, this time, in the losers side. Great, if Dhurzan or Vlasidius saw me... a flash of a memory from the two picked up. "Can you see your self? Oh, you can't. Let me help you..." "Haha, your a weakling." "After this, you'll think back how cheesy everything seems. Go cry to your mom. Oh wait...shes dead!" "Pathetic." "I expected more...your out of my class."
Oh you really don't want to know. *Thinks back* *shakes himself out of the thinking back* Snap out of it!
*returns back* Yeah, I hate those. They make you so dizzy. Especially when that blurry thing appears around you whenever you talk about the past.