Very smart ranting. You have all your points with good info attached to it. You should make a court case! :D But your right, Twilight was an unrealistic book. Besides, the way they made vampires was a bit...unrealistic. Diamond skin? No, their skin is just supposed to be dead. Their powers? Vampires are just vampires, fast, deadly at night and getting weaker in the sun. They don't show themselves because of diamond skin? I think the right word for it was they become weaker and they start hissing. Thats what I read in this dracula based story comic thing. Alot of things are not the same, but like I said in the thread, Twilight suuccksss, Stephanie Meyer brought change into the story. Thats why people don't like it. Girls do, especially since Jacob, Edward, and other guys represent to them, "Man of their dreams".
The books are so confusing with the characters way of speaking, I stopped reading it.
Naruto: The most intelligent storyline, Its fight scenes are conducted beautifully and planned ahead. Everything is not what it seems in it. Its also pretty darn funny. Diary of a wimpy kid: Got addicted to it, don't really like it, but its funny, sometimes. Eragon series: Got addicted to it to. The storyline is good, the writing is great. Bleach: Interesting, funny, and a very good read. The storyline is also great. Pendragon series: Its interesting, catchy, adventurous, and drammatic. A good read, too. Bobobobobo? (I don't know how to call it): Completely danged funny, smart, hilarious, but a very wierd book.
Oh Marluxia, Ryan's in hiding in the arena. I'll repeat again, that was an illusion. Hint: Ryan's in the ground :) Remember? Where did the strings come out from? bic: Ryan, underneath Marluxia in the earth, pulled his strings, slamming him onto the ground. Wrapping more strings, He shot a needle upwards with a tube connecting to a puppet into Marluxias heart.
Aha. Then what did you do for the rest of the day?
The bottles cracked with the pressure around the nobodies legs, causing scars. Gasoline then dripped out, into the wound, infecting it. The flames reached the legs, burning them. The statue cracked onto Marluxias head, and, as Ryan figured, exploded, because he calculated the time of the fuse. Now, the arena was in flames completely.
Pardon? I don't understand you.
ooc: Look up, its an explosive statue. That was an illusion. The lizard stepped up to the mic. "We will now be watching, Axels and Marias fight! Don't let your children see, this battle won't be light!"
Ryan floated away and disconnected himself, dodging the wave, and reconnected. Strings appeared from out of the ground, with bottles of a liquid tied for every half of a metre. It wrapped around Marluxias legs, then connected with the Marluxia clone. The bottles Ryan dropped splashed onto the arena floor, and the half puppet Ryan dropped its sword. It immideately dropped its illusion, and was shown as a torch. It dropped onto the floor, igniting the arena floor. The half Ryan half puppet dropped its illusion too, as a statue with dynamite tied to it. It dropped onto Marluxia.
The puppet was floating. Half of 'Ryan' his legs, were string and clothes wrapped around. The upper half was Ryan. He blocked, parried, and swung his blade around, flaming, creating an explosion on Marluxia. He floated upwards, avoiding the vines which reached up. He dropped bottles that crashed down onto the floor of the arena.
For a split second, the choaking drinking Ryan smiled. Then it widened its eyes, and exploded, gasoline dripping on the vines which led to Marluxia. The doll, transformed rapidly, and out grew Ryan. He swung around, with a flaming blade at Marluxia, igniting the vines, and Marluxia.
The lizard looked at the two. "Let the match...begin!" A bell signified the start. Ryan flipped backwards, throwing a small doll at Marluxia, and started slipping out two bottles, mixing them together, and chugged it. Nature, eh?
ooc: So, Gexlion has lost. Next match is Axel vs. Maria, and the runner ups loss was Hikari, and the next match is Ryan and Marluxia. bic: The lizard stood up. "Ladies and gentlemen, nobodies and should be dead! In the runner up arena, we have Ryan Finesse vs. Marluxia! And the round two is Axel vs. Maria! This is so spectacular, I rhymed just announcing! Contestants! Take! Your! Places!" Ryan Finesse looked at the doors opening. Here I go...Nature vs. Puppets. He walked out, waiting for Marluxia to appear.
I see. didn't go at all?
Ryan didn't say anything. His face froze as he saw everything unfold. This...contest seems...impossible... He glanced at Marluxia. Some kind of shade of hair, messed around, with occasional petals floating out of his movements. Tall, muscular, and controls nature. Poison is the best thing, he thought. That, and gasoline. Lots and lots of gasoline...swift killer...he isn't called graceful assasin for nothing... "You heard the judge! Larxene wins! In a very sporty way! Get your recycling bins out, its time to rebuild that Hikari at the medic station!" The lizard announced.
Ryan examined the fight. Seems like its gonna be over soon...he clenched the hilt of his blade. Just finish already! I either win this entire contest or die!
The lizard 'sneezed' again. "Never mind that, he just wanted to suicide." He put the microphone back to his face and said, "Xeol made Gexlion suicidal, suicidal! The! Xeol!" He pressed a button, and a screen showed KO! WINNER IS XEOL! "Next match, is...Maria vs. Axel! The fight between Hikari and Larxene is still going folks, its a nice battle, yes sirree." Ryan watched the battle. Becoming gruesome again, he thought. That Larxene character is making sure of that. Come on, finish already!
Why should she not want to?
The lizard put the microphone away from his face, and pretended to sneeze. In his sleeve, there was a phone. "We may have a problem, the judge seems to be agitated about something about the battle, find out what Gexlion is doing. Thats contestant #7." He stopped 'sneezing' and put the microphone to his face. "You heard the judge folks, I'm just here to make a bigger point, Xeol! Break HIS JOINTS!"
Your welcome very much, legion.