"Whoa...thar's fa al..." He mumbled, crying out in pain. He couldn't talk, now, barely. He put his two weapons in his hands, and slashed Marluxia across his chest, slashing out, decapitating his arm. "Thars wha you..gert.."
I thought the epic thing was the feud between the two organizations...
Well, I think your supposed to think of the ideas in the beginning, not in the middle of the rp. So, our posts would be a waste of our time if we decide something new and epic now.
ooc: thats kind of not fair, saying that I wanted to have a few characters in but I didn't get to, because it was already further into the tournament. Dexnail, I think its time for you to decide who wins between Ryan and Marluxia. bic: Ryan held his shoulder. Aah...this is just going to be a big slaughter fight. We are both to weak to block anything, so we'll just offense again and again... He stabbed Marluxias head, then ripped the knife down, and slashed Marluxia's side with his blade.
Turning the blade to block Marluxias fist, he pushed forward, and slipped out his small knife, stabbing Marluxia in the side. "Really?" He responded. "Me too."
I'm more of a 70 to 89 average.
ooc: Wanna go for some close combat? Love this fight by the way. bic: Ryan moved his head to the side,and grabbed Marluxias foot. He pushed it aside, and punched Marluxia. He twirled, unleashing his white and black blade at Marluxia's head.
ooc: summoning cerberus was my intention in the beginning, and thats the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. :D But I don't know, Fire Mage. I think this fight is going long enough... bic: Ryan looked at the dog. That nobody has some serious good fighting style. Ryan jumped onto the dog, and flipped, slamming down his sword onto Marluxia.
ooc: No harm done, timehasgone! *drops dead* bic: Ryan gasped, then raised his sword to cut Marluxias head, behind his back. He rolled, coughing. He grabbed the paper, and tore a piece of his shirt on the ground, wrapping around his neck. He breathed a bit easier now. "I summon thee! Cerberus! Go!" Out of the paper, came out the three headed dog, running at Marluxia.
I don't think so! Don't give up!
ooc: gotcha. The card fell from his hand, and he held it as it became bruised. He looked up, and saw a foot coming his way. He sidestepped, and leaned forward, flipping as he tried to grab the card. "I didn't think so either..." A vine wrapped around his waist, and he turned, cutting the vine, and tearing it off him. He back stepped away, waiting for another attack. He decided that was a bad idea, and ran at Marluxia, slashing at him.
Ryan, in the air, used his feet to parry and block the incoming scythe stabbing. He flipped backwards, blocking another stab with his sword. He smiled. "I'll try not to." He landed, then said, "So...how are you doing with this fight?" and slipped out a card. "I summon thee..." ooc: May I summon Cerberus, and other underworld creatures? It would make sense, since Ryan was fighting in the underworld, and the fall of Hades made his creatures free.
Not really. I understand. And plus, it DID say kind of in my description. It said, curses and summoning. But the potion thing, well, yeah that wasn't in my description. sorry. bic: Ryan looked at the scythe, eyes wide. Holy... He ripped his vest and shirt off, bloody. He grabbed the scythe, and SinKiller. He cut through the vines, and ran at Marluxia, whirling around, slashing at him with two weapons. "I like your scythe. It feels like an extension of your arm, you know?" He said, flipping around, slashing.
ooc: Edited post, look up...I'm not godmodding... The voodoo hurts me too...sorry that it wasn't in my post, but I grew to think that I could use voodoo, because Ryan can summon things, so, puppets would kind of fit in that category. If not...and if my posts are annoying...well, sometimes other peoples posts are annoying too..but I don't complain.
Ryan glanced up, and unsheathed his sword. He held his sword sideways, the neck of the blade blocking the wave. He was pushed back, and the continued force made the wall crack. He continued to slide back, into the wall. Nrgh...I'm out of potions, voodoo, and pretty much anything...I'll need to use summoning...
Ryan landed, but his feet gave way because they were injured. He fell, then rolled away, to the side of the arena. He looked at the tornado forming around Marluxia. Crap. He thought, then examined Marluxia. Looks like he's more injured then me right now...looking at Marluxia. Marluxias hair was cut, a scar was on the back of his skull, his feet were burned, scarred, and infected. His face was a mess because of the explosion. He also had a stab mark in his chest. Ryan slipped out a voodoo doll. "Torture time." he mumbled, stabbing the doll in its chest with a small dagger. The doll had blood in it, Marluxias blood. But it also had Ryans. The voodoo doll was half half. His voodoo wasn't perfect, so he had to injure the doll, Marluxia, and himself. He clenched his teeth and muscles as a stab mark appeared on his chest, and Marluxias. He is suffering more then me, so I can kill him and severely injure myself.
"Yah!" Ryan winced, grabbing the vine, and pulling it towards him. He ran on it, and dropped a torch onto the bottles. Heat, caused the bottles to explode. Right in Marluxias face. He whipped around as the explosion happened, because the explosion rocketed him, and slashed Marluxias back of the head, slashing his hair, and skull.
Wasn't going to. bic: Ryan coughed out blood, then rolled away, where the fire parted a bit. "Even so, you have blood." He took the tube, and pulled a lever. The blood went down the tube, and into the doll. He placed the doll away, planning ideas. Ryan slid out a few bottles, and threw them at Marluxia, wincing as flames burned his feet, and legs.
I stopped doing that, and plus, I planned being underground from the beginning.
I remain neutral, both are nicely done. Though Eve is more of an intelligent read, and a catchy one at that, Meyer is for a smooth, and interesting read. Neutral for me too.