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  1. Ryan Finesse
    Ever wondered why? Just why? The organization members attacked Sora, Donald and Goofy, in The world that Never was?
    Was it,
    A. Because he (Roxas) left the organization
    B. Because if Sora continued, Kingdom Hearts would be in danger
    C. So at least an organization member could have the keyblade, and use it for their own purposes, helping the organization.
    D. All of the above
    Thread by: Ryan Finesse, Apr 2, 2009, 13 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. Ryan Finesse
    "My thoughts exactly, Xeol."
    All of the clones dissapeared, non of them were the real Voxtirc. He was really behind Xeol. "Scan." He told the radar.
    The radar started scanning.
    One minute...
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, Apr 2, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Ryan Finesse
    "Um..yay?" Ryan said without any care, and plus he was too tired to..well, he didn't care, really, it just seemed like the person was showing off.
    A bit angry, thinking of his past enemies.

    "Your pathetic. Your tactics are completely to the point. You think your attacks then attack."
    "Is that all? Weak...weak...your nothing but a puppet with upgrades that kill the host."
    "I'm way better. I've trained. I was gifted this power. What do you have? Nothing. Just some medicine, drugs, and dolls."
    "Another tactic I foresaw."

    Outraged, he quickened his attacks, slamming everything into every angle.
    "Why should I care? What have you lost! That is so special! I'm fighting for my heart and your just a happy-go-lucky girl with an annoying guardian!" Slamming attacks even more, faking, moving around.

    Post by: Ryan Finesse, Apr 1, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Ryan Finesse
    I'm kind of confused, but thats fine.
    "Done."One of his clones...or him said. "We have our location. I have already sent a scan and it has given us the entire map, and right now it has five minutes for it to completely over scan it."
    "Your choice, your a higher rank then me. If it were me, I'd strike now, ignoring your fog machine weakness, and scan everything. Unfortunately, they put the first people who joined first, not the brains."
    "Its a shame really."
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, Apr 1, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Ryan Finesse
    Profile Post

    Hello there.

    Hello there.
    Profile Post by Ryan Finesse for Jayn, Apr 1, 2009
  6. Ryan Finesse
    Profile Post

    No need to thank me.

    No need to thank me.
    Profile Post by Ryan Finesse for Kiria34, Apr 1, 2009
  7. Ryan Finesse
    Yes, I also agree with the namine thing.
    No, definately not, because Demyx had a hard time to just continue acting, got bored and decided to end his charade. Axel, all of his feelings are real.
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, Mar 31, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  8. Ryan Finesse
    I had no thought like that, or any other. I was just wondering what they were looking at, or where they are going to go next.
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, Mar 31, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. Ryan Finesse
    ooc: oh yeah plus my character asked you a question, who lost the tools of war, the shield and the sword so you can get it back in the reward of the underdome.
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, Mar 31, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Ryan Finesse
    "Who are we talking about?" Ryan responded, yelping as a torent of light blasted out of the mouth.
    The creatures too quick, the real person I have to aim for to win is that girl.
    He lay flat on the ground as the light whizzed past him. Rolling sideways, he drank a quick vegetable drink and stopped being tense as the muscle pains subsided. He whirled around, slashing down onto the girl, slamming down with his drugged arm. It was so fast, and so hard, even Ryan was surprised.
    Creature and partner battle? Fine.
    Ryan, following the attack quickly, sent out a puppet, it falling onto the ground harmlessly.
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, Mar 31, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Ryan Finesse
  12. Ryan Finesse
  13. Ryan Finesse
  14. Ryan Finesse
    "Entirely genious." One of his clones said, starting it up.
    ooc: ok now where does the enemy live??
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, Mar 30, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Ryan Finesse