"Ok, it would be safer." Angel said hidding her wings and following Zen.
"Alright." Koian said walking to the door and opening it. She walked out and followed Just.
Angel listened and did what she was told. She darted down at the trees makign sure she doesnt hurt herself though. She made it safely. "You ok?" Angel asked looking at Zen.
OOC- sorry i went to go get something for 3 hours x.x IC- Koian nodded and went on with it, "Yeah. This room is way to small for acting. We need a bigger place and it is less loud." Koian wrote down on a peice of paper. It will be hard to disable alot of some buggs in this room but i should let them be. If they find they have been disabled they may think that someone did it. She passed it to Just quietly.
Larxene heard the racket. She stomped off back to Roxas's room. She kicked the door making it fall down off the henges. "Shut your yaps!" She yelled at them walking torwards the game consule. Larxene raised her foot and smashed it down onto the game consule making it smashed into tiny peices.
OOC- lol see.. xD
OOC- well people can tell in r/l sooo yeah. .-. i got good hearing so idk or it was just a felling people get you know?
OOC- sorry i am slow on this rpg x.x IC- Laxene got bored of the dull wet place of the Shadow lands. She turned around and walked out back to the forest. When she crossed the border the rain suddenly stoped.Home sweet home. Yeah.
"Alright." She said making sure her back pack was on and headed out the door. She flew up following Zen to the school.
Koian nodded and said,"The 100M." She felt like no one was near them anymore. She eyed Just and wispered, "I think they left." Koian was hoping they could talk more about this and 'what if' someone knows, they would need a back up.
Larxene stomped off in a rage. Sparks were everywhere as she went ot the kitchen. "That damn brat has him! That stupid stupid kid!" Larxene yelled angerly throwing thingys out of the kitchen in her rage. The whole kitchen was a mess by now and alot of the food or cooking thingys, were smashed or broken.
RAWR! FAwr u need to post back on RoH.
did Rawr get off? Because he needs to post back on RoH O_O
Lol its ok xD
it is? O_O no.... it was last friday xD
Huh? i had a cookie cake for my b-day ^_^ they yummy
Hey what u guys up to? O_O
"Alright! My toy isnt dead yet!" She said joyfully as she slamed her katana blade into the earth making shadows go into it ripping the earth revealing a large hole goign at them.
Larxene was watching from the open door. Her mouth droped low. She couldnt belive that he was playing with a KID no wait more like a BRAT! Her arm was eletricfied with anger. Larxene casted Thunder on Axel even though he was playing.
Angel woke up and shook her head to clear it. "Alright im up!" She shouted back standing up and changed her clothing. After she brushed her teeh and fixed her hair. After she did everything she needed to do, Angel grabed her bag and draged it down stairs and stood by the door, waiting for Zen.