"Grrrrrrrr......." Larxene growled at that there pain ended. Suddenly she got a idea. She walked over to Zexion's iPod and looked though his songs. She smirked and pluged it into the iPod sterio. Suddenly the song 'Barbie Girl' flooded the room. She turned it up and protected the sterio while her clones guarded the door.
Koian notices Sky and floats down to him. She says nothing and turns her attention to Reji. Koian grabs his shirt and lifts him up. She puts her palm to him and maes a small org around him making it float. It finally forms soild. Before she left with him, her shadow beasts appeared. Koian moved teh orb onto one of them then got onto a beast. "Yah!" She yelled forming a shadow wip and wipping the ground. The beasts moved forward and ran into a portal. It closes right after they enter. No one able to follow. They appear in a old hotel room.
"Nope..." She said looking at him.
Urg! Come back Lexxy! (Returns Lexxy) Go Miki! (Throws pokeball and Miki comes out) Miki use Ice Beam! (Miki uses Ice Beam)
OOC- xD i know really, Koian cant wake up until they done and go to bed! RAWR!
OOC- lol we need to start teh rp again in the mornin Koian is sleeping! xD
Namine shrugged and walked to her room. She sat down and waited to hear if Xigbar comes out. He was grumpier than most time.
After listening to the message, Angel turned to see Root and Zen. "Hey." She said looking at them.
OOC- GASP! i dotn wanna be emo the emo on was Luna i think xD
"No." Larxene said smirking as she watched there pain and suffering get worse. Her clones gathered around her and watched.
lol (I wouldnt x.x)
OOC- Lol i might be a bit slow, im going onto byond's Death note: Online 8D i hope i get shini this time!
Koian just to make sure they wouldnt make it, she formed a shadow ball in her hand larger than the first. She threw it down ontop of the building making it explode in 3 seconds. 3...2..1.. BOOM! The building exploded sending peices of the building everywhere. One peice was going torwads her. Spinning out her katana quickly she sliced at the part making it cut in half easily. Koian stealthed her katana away.
OOC- lol xD well we could have thought of it. It is normal when something like that happens u would think of that xD
Angel left the room when it was down and headed down the hall.
OOC- lol yupp ^_^
OOC- how about like a couple VS. couple xD SnakeXDiary & JustXKoi 8D IC- Koian stopped reading her magizine and saw it was gettign late. She got ready for bed and such. When done Koi got into bed and fell asleep.
Laxene sat in a high tree in the northern forest of the Earth Lands. She was bored. OOC- sorry i havent posted for a long time. Can someone recap? :sweatdrop:
Angel sat in class and listened to the teacher talk the whole class. It was annoying. She passed out a assiment and Angel got to work. Since Angel has a Bird side to her she knows alot about animals, it was easy for her.
At least the Luna isnt grumpy. Namine walked down the hall and called to Roxas, Zexion and Saix, "See ya later." Namine walked to the bathroom. They didnt have a girls bathroom, both her and Larxene had to use the boys. It was annoying how the boys when done using it would leave the seat up. Namine knocked on the door to see if anyone was in there.