And mine next week? =3
"Roxas also liked Zexions TV. So he put the disk in on purpose to smash it to make him good for a reason to break it. He acted like he was in pain. He put you in pain." She said rollign her eyes like Roxas did to imitate them. Then spoke again, "You belive what you want. But i think your not GAY."
OOC- yay! your back! *tackles and hugs yuo* we were getting lonley =[ IC- She turned her head to see Reji had woken up. Koian was sitting in a corner wearing new clothing. She was wearing a Dark Orchid dress with a black design on it. Koian also was wearing a fine pair of black high-heel like shoes but made for battle. Smiling at Reji she said to the boy in the bubble, "Your awake?"
OOC- Ohhhh!!! Welcome Amasha! =D
Hi =D wanan join me and Rawr when Polka goes BOOM!!!! ? EDIT: i g2g and i expect you RAwr to post on RoH before u log out x] or else ill stalk you until you die! MUHAHAHAHA
=3 i have been stalkign you Rawr xD btw nice pic
lol yupp youll go BOOM!!! :cheers: <---- me and rawr drinking =D
Oh my gosh you make awesome siggs and avatars! Link to picture/render- note/near/near.jpg Size- Any Text (if any)- Near Subtext (if any)- Logic Any effects in mind- Anything to amke it look better! Anything else- Nope.
huh? xD RAWR! you guys need to post more on the RoH 8D its goign down hillish x[
RAWR! Kikame u owe me a banner, remember =[
lol xD >_>
x3 i just couldnt resist posting it. all the classmates are like..... No. lol
OOC- No. IC- Namine looked at Saix and raised a eyebrow. "Saix?" She said entering the Bathroom. "If you dont leave you will get hit by a Flash Cannon." She said starting to take off her shirt.
OOC- *cheers happily* YAY HES BACK! Now for your punishment! *takes out ultra ban-cannon!* YAY! *aims at u*
Larxene smirked and said in a honest voice, "Your buddy Roxas did it. You had a better TV than him and he got gelious. He wanted yuor TV. He desived you Axel." She looked at Roxas then at Axel.
OOC- lol i know xD
OOC- i think Paladin is ignoring us! <:[
kinda but i dont wanna make video of it. x.x to lazy
OOC- i did!?!? O_O GASP ILL CHECK! SORRY ROXY =[ EDIT: i didnt see any mistakes o.o
hey in school we have a Morning Song (weird..) and i wanted to post it! I hope you like itish. =D I dont wanna get out of bed I dont wanna get out of bed BUM BUM BUM BUM Pour the Milk Pour the Milk Pour the Milk Pour the Milk Give me Ricecrispies Give me that Snap Crackle Pop POP POP POP Give me Ricecrispies Give me that Snap Crackle Pop POP POP POP (thats it.. o-o)