cool i will too =D
Laxene saw what just happened. "Strange... most time.. that happens around 10 PM..." She said quietly looking at Drake. She stared at him hard then shrugged. Laxene and Marcus walked into a Casino and saw everyone looking at her. She knew they knew who she was. Laxene was well known for her gambling with a unbeated streak. She smirked and looked at a man at a table who didnt look at her. Walking up to the man she said, "Want a game?" The man turned and nodded. Marcus chuckled to the agreed game. After a while of playing, Laxene had won all of the poor saps dablions. she stored her money into a golden sack and walked out chuckling.
OOC- lol Yupp xD
Can i have....Masako? =]
OOC- O_O Ok? you guys need to post on RoH aagin x_x im like ur mom! i have to remind you to post there! x_x IC- Mion walked down heading for school. OOC- i just did a simple one for now o.o;
By now Laxene and the chubby man got to the ship. "Put that rum in the lowwer deck!" She ordered at the man as she looked at her First Mate. "You'll come with me, Marcus." She said to the First Mate. He was tall and had long white hair neatly cut back at the top. He was wearing a fancy clothing like a captain only less. Laxene and Marcus walked back down the ship onto the streets. "Marcus. Remind me later to go find 'you know what' later." She said to Marcus without looking at him.
OOC- *Everything disapears* Well yeah.. but i dotn have homework because im a smartical! =D
Larxene quickly blured into the portal before it closed.
OOC- ill find a pic btw... IC- Laxene yawned as she walked off the plank to the ground of Port Royal. She was carrying around rum in one hand and a map in the other. She only had 9 crew members, which were at the ship gettign it ready. After sipping more of her rum down she noticed it was empty. "Good time to stock up." She mumbled to herself heading to a pub. When there she sat down at a gambling table and began a few games for gold. After 45 minutes of playing Laxene had won all the games with a total of 12,500 Gold. Laxene chuckled under her breath as she strutted to the bar. Placing a bag of gold on the bar she said to the bar clerk, "10 crates of rum... No! Wait! 15! Make that 15 crates." After getting the crates she wistled loudly to see a chuby fat man run in. He was wearing normal pirate wear only larger and more streached out. "Get the crates!" Laxene ordered at the little man. He scuried to pick them up. When she managed to lift them she waved him over and strolled out of the pub with the little man behind. She walked down the streets to her ship.
OOC- Yeah! *cheers with crowd again*
Ok ill do that =D ill make her... 21? o_o
"Yes I am!" She yelled down at them. "I want my stuff and wallet back!" She yelled at them again casting more lighting down at them.
OOC- Yeah! *cheers with crowd seeing advent on a stage with a podium in a stadium*
ill join xD Name: Laxene Age: 21 Gender: Female Power/speciality: Hand-to-hand combat Pic: (to lazy to find one) Long purple hair, bright red eyes, 5'4, and pale skin. History: Her parents died in a fire when she was little. She doesn't know much about her past, most don't too. Ship name: Gullwing (xD)
KH-Vids updated something >_< there are now ads and tags! Anyway.... and yeah i know Shion twin sis. =3 a little research u could say..
OOC- lol xD IC- Namine did her hair like all teh time and her body. When she was done she rinsed out well. She turned it off and stepped out wrappign one towel aroudn her body and another around in her hair. She stepped out and was ready to get revenge. "Xigbar!!!" She yelled across the whole castle. It echoded everywhere. Namien marched down the fall and stepped on Roxas who fell from the sight before. "Roxas! Where is Xigbar!" She demmanded standing over him with only 2 towels on. "Well?" She asked watchign him.
UGH IDK!! Catch teh Rain... OR Amber OR Kitty x_x
Repliku has my vote 8D (idk why i see him the most.. i guess)
I vote Repliku =P i see him the most xD
I vote Envy x3