Namine laid on the floor. "Ouch!" She rubbed her head that she hit on the wall. She shruged and forgot about Xigbar. She walked to her room and changed into a clean white dress. After done getting dressed she walked out of the room to look for Roxas. She needed to say ''Sorry."
"I think we waited long enough Cap'in." Marcus wispered to Laxene as they stood up on the roof. "Alright." She said hearing teh boom from the door. She quickly jumped off the roof and onto a tree then swing fast at the window a room across from her. She broke it open with her foot quietly. Making only a slight noise but couldnt hear because of the shouting of the marines. She stood in a libary. Then her eyes darted at a golden door with a diamond handle. Laxene couldnt resist. She walked to it and opened the door then kicked the door handle off with her foot. She grabed it and put it in her bag. Inside the small room behind the door, stood a case in the middle of the room. It was only a small pearls. "Damn. This may take a while..." She said exiting and walking out of the Libary. She walked down the hall surprised not alot of Marines where inside the house. "They proble dont want to disturb the govener or the son." She said to herself walking down seeing a locked room as a giant safe. Laxene walked over and stood there thinking of what to do. Then it hit her. She toke out a game card and wrote somethign on it, 'If this card is found by sunset of this day written meet me at the pub the next day.' Laxene slide the card into the side of the large safe. Laxene walked back to the liabry then ran to the window and jumped to the tree branch she was on before. She swong on it and landed on the roof again. Marcus was there waiting for her. "Ready?" marcus asked her. Laxene nodded and jumped off hurring off to her ship. When she got there she went straight to her courters. In the room there was a huge chest next to a table. The chest was locked. In the center a desk with maps collected for around the world. Laxene walked to the chest and toke a key, that was on a string, off of her neck. She unlocked the chest and poured her gold diablons into the chest with the handle. OOC- lol i know i know 8D EDIT: I edited and yes i expect i needed to. sorry x_x really im so sorry about that. =[
Hmmm Ok. xD
OOC- Nope 8D IC- Larxene looked around then saw Tifa. "Hey Tifa!" She said waving and walkign over to her. "Have you seen Axel or Roxas? They stole my wallet." She said a bit friendly so she would get the info she needed.
Larxene was fixing some of her stuff then saw the letter again. "Im bored and I guess I could go there." She mumbled as she created a portal to Diagon Alley.
"Thats just rude! Not answering me!" She said snapping her fingers once. Once the snap went aroudn the room the bubble got smaller suddenly. Leaving less space and was almost at Reji. OOC- P.S. its a dark shock bubble xD 8D
ooc- Okay fine with me =]
OOC- Idk o_o IC- Luna walked over and saw a cuter freak playing in the water. Who is that? Luna jumped down landing in the water splashing Demyx. "Hiya!" She said friendly.
Ummmmm... idk.. what rps are u in?
Laxene and Marcus spotted Li and Blake down by the gates. "Well well well, their early." Laxene wispered to Marcus making sure no one can hear.
OOC- sorry roxy =[ IC- "Answer me first! Where is Xigbar!" She demanded again not moving a inch.
Luna was walking around the ship deck. She spotted the freaks in black. "People these days.." Luna wispered a little loudly.
"Heh. That wont stop me!" Larxene blured into a fast portal and tried to make it into the portal they made. She missed it! "Damn it! Ill screw them to h*** if i have to!" She yelled loudly and made a new portal walking into it and appearing in her room.
Me too =P xD
Soon Day turned to Night. Laxene and Marcus were standing on a roof near the goveners house. Marcus wispered something into her ear. "Of course they will come. Then we will take it." She said smirking. Laxene creeped low so no one could see her. Marcus followed her lead. They waited..
When got to the main street she noticed many more pirates out than before. "Captain, we have to go get that golden cross you heard rumors about out here." Marcus hissed at her quietly. She nodded and looked around town for a big building that would have something like the cross. Many marines were around a certain building with a sign saying, Govener Mansion, or something like that. Laxene smirked as she hide in a alley with Marus and waited for Night.
Koian bowed and curtsied like she was done with a performense. "Thank you! Thank you!" She said blowing kisses around.
Ok well ill just roll with what i get =D
Oh ok.. O_O
GASP! O_O x-x that cant be!