OOC- lol yupp i guess so.. xD IC- Laxene got a sudden idea. I never been outside the Earth border before! Laxene jumped down out of the tree and raced North towards the border. The forest just happened to be in the northern part of Earth Land so it didnt take to long. Laxene suddenly stoped she had crossed the border and it was raining. She was in a small town near the border.
Koian got up and left for band. Through out the day just like before all the classes were normal. Nothign much really happened. After her last class, Calculus, Koian headed to her dorm and changed into her gym outfit. She grabed a sweat towel and walked down to the track for tryouts. When she got there, a few girls were sittign on a bench. Koian sat down and waited for name to be called to run and see what time she gets to make the team. Finally the coach called her name and she got in her postion for her 100M run. When she heard "Go!". Her instincts toke over and she ran like the wind to the finish line. She ran though it and stoped. She stoped to breath for a second then the coach shouted out her time, "9.250!" Koian was overjoyed to know she made the team. Koian wiped the sweat off with her towel. When she got to her dorm, she changed clothing and put dioterent on. Then she headed out the door for Just's dorm. When she got there she knocked on the door and waited.
Yes. ^_^ lol EDIT: G2g x.x
3 v_v sigh..
There are Ninja's in Naruto. v_v not dressed in balck sneaky ninjas but kunai fighting clone type of ninjas. xD
OOC- im the only one in the Earth Land ._.
"Ok cool." Koian said to Just as she toke out her note pad. She wrote down a few words. Track Tryouts Today! After class. Koian put the pad and pen into her bag with the note.
Lol xD Hey and i know Itachi >;] Its this guy right? ._.
Koian woke up the next morning. She yawned and streched to wake herself up more. She got dressed and brushed her teeth, fixed her hair. When done she walke dout her dorm, locking it. Koian walked down to the cafe. Where she sat down waitign for Just.
Koian blured back a bit from the katanas harm she got into her katana stance. Her wings came up and she flew up a bit. She flew at Reji slicing her right katana at his face and the left at his feet.
Hello =D xD
OOC- sorry i havent posted. x[ IC- Laxene sat above in a high tree in a forest in teh Earth Land.
"Of course... well its kinda rude not to be friendly!" She said leaping down, gliding down by a larger shadow beast. Koian smiled and looked at the two.
It was a clone Roxas caught. It disapeared and Larxene out of nowhere gabed a lighting palm strike into his back, if hit it would make him paralized.
Angel flew up following him. When he landed she did. Angel steped into his house. "Well its pretty nice." She said standing in the middle of the living room examining everything.
Koian toke it quietly and read it. She put it away into her pocket and nodded. "I guess i should be going. Its gettign late." She said standing up and going to the door. Koian walked out and went to her dorm. After changing into better clothing she went to bed and fell asleep.
"Then what are you in a hurry for?" Koian asked sharpening her katanas. When one shadow beast dies more come out. The shadow beasts charge them.
Angel looked at Zen and smiled. "That would help me alot! Thanks!" She said ready to follow Zen.
Morning =]