sorry got to go talk to u in a couple minutes thanks i have questions ill tell u them in a bit
sorry got to go talk to u in a couple minutes
yah that does suck so is it still snowing
no i dont it will be kool if u teach me
yah so wats up how r u doing this morning
thinking of chocolate now
yah same here dud if i had known that this site existed i would have been one of the first ones to have regesterd
hey wats up
im back now and ur back now good
so u errased ur message that u sent me y
yah i am a newbe
so hey wat r u all about
ok talk to later
sure talk to you later
yah me to so wats the name of ur school name
i like metal, grugded, hard rock,classic rock,and a lil rap(just one group)
oh so u r a jr or a sophmore
im gonna make some stuff up see if enything works dont mind me :A: :blink: :scrach: :B: so yeah wat kind of music do u like
oh yea my spelling sucks sorry bout that
:S: just trying somthing out