yah i found lil woj and it took me back to my post reply thingy
i still dont see a comment
yah thanks
that would be great. ? what is a user note
im ok so rissy got a name
yah so here it goes so here it goes toxic night was not my first name instead it was toxic i liked the name toxic, i had tons of stuff labold toxic, but it was to simple :(, i needed to make it better so,i was up late at night playing kingdom hearts when i saw the word sinister so,i put two and two together and i got toxic sinister it worked for a while but it was missing something, it needed more flavor then one day i was creating some sort of anime (by writing out on the computer) one of the characters was named (night)??? night wow i thought that should be my username for everything suddenly a light bulb whent off....... toxic night!!!!! so it stucked
i really dont know u just cought my attention
oh so i just reply oh thanks so much :D:
....?.... i want to reply
ok i pushed new post then i clicked a topic now i want to post something on that topic
the up their ^ and the one on ur avatar
a lil how do i post what i want to say on someone els is topic
that picture cought my attention
i really dont know
thank u let me give it a try
so just go to new post and then?
so did u ever look up the autumn offering
now im eating chocolate
one of a kind
sorry got to go talk to u in a couple minutes