vege huh are u vegitarrian u think u could do me a favor
oh ok wow they thought ur sword was real wats a apiyon opinyun this is aor of funny...
meat lovers hahahahahahaha
i tell catch the rain almost arrested how did that go
even if ur a vegitarien im sure thell have a slice or two
oh really how did that go and thank u ur really a big help u should be a staff
thank god u do u would have been wierd if u did not
pizza u have to at least eat pizza
me to dud i made a social group of inuyasha u should join. ? i hate to be a bother but how do u insert a link
oh well wat bout pickles
oh man that was hilarious thank u for that it was pretty funny at the end were moroku said inuyasha do somthing,while kogome was putting that...
so eat eny sushi
oh how do become a reporter or a admin or mediator or eny of those staff memmbers
yah was up
wow so wats a premium anyway
what about premiums and reporters. how do u become one
eny advice who not to mess with
i dont think people hate me yet wat do u think
oh kool so more rep more green
im still gray