well yah mushrooms rock
just asking y els would u gag
wow i didnt know
is jane a chick
oh really well i like mushrooms and that ball meat stuff on it
hmmmmm.......????? i know how much wood can a wood chuck if a wood chuck could chuck would
wat happened to u yesterday y r u disgusted
axel so do u like pizza
so how have u been
idk.... u tell me
ill check them out
pretty good so u like roxas
oh kool im toxic sinister i look for u but i really dont use it as much i just look at videos and stuff when i upload them i will show u
hey how r u
hey wats up dud how r u hey i put the purple hair up already check them out
ill get it later eny way's im making a lil anime series with the kingdom hearts using the cutsenes from the archives i made ten episodes so...
ok that clears things up
try this one
so ur emmbarresed of being a vegetarien am i close or off
try this "]